interior design for small kitchen spaces

long and narrow? odd shaped room? don’t let lack of floorspace dampen yourculinary dreams. try these tips from us on how to build a greatkitchen, no matter the shape or size. don't eat more space than you need. look for base cabinets with different depthsto turn a tight corner into a useful coffee stop. in this corner we used metod cabinets witha depth of 37cm. if you’ve got an even shallower space, tryusing a trolley or a strong shelf or worktop
cut to fit, fixed on legs. extend your workspace. a trolley provides additional workspace whenyou need it and tucks away out of sight when you don’t. it also gives you extra storage and, beingmobile, you can use it anywhere you like - in the kitchen or elsewhere in the home. suddenly, it’s not such a small kitchen. taking storage up and away from the flooris key if you want to make way for a cosy breakfast table.
a shelving unit wall-mounted above the tablemakes best use of the space and gives you a handy place to store dining things. when you build a kitchen that makes maximumuse of a small space, you’ll be amazed at what you can fit in.
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