home decor living room photos

home decor living room photos

hi i'm ann myrick and today i'm going to showyou how to create wall art. and what is wall art people might ask. wall art is anythingthat you want to put on a wall that might take the place of a piece of art work or apicture. and these days you can just really get out of the box and really have fun withit. i will show you different examples of things that i have done instead of just thenormal straight picture. things i've done to try create and make some interesting artpieces on the wall. i'm a decorator and i love using what people have and i love usingframes and so this is an example of an old antique frame that i had and i have a smalllittle miniature pear that was painted by my son. and so all i did is put tape on thepicture, put it on the wall. used it as a

mat. used the wall that is showing as a matand then put a frame up. and you have a great piece of artwork. i love using mirrors, mirrorswill open up a small space. i love using three or four mirrors, a group of mirrors, theylook great together. this is another frame and then i just put a little wood planterwith putting some texture of an artichoke in. so that is another great look. other thingsto think about is creating texture. this is great basket, it's an old antique french breadbasket. and you could put this on the wall, it looks great taking everything else down.hang it on the wall. and what you could do is fill it with like yarrow or a flower andyou can have a neat dried flower here, but this would be great art piece. think out ofthe box, go around your house, attic, basement

look and see what you already have. old ironpieces, old interesting wood pieces. just look at them and kind of, what i do is wheni get something in my hand i just turn it around and work with it and think, ooh i canhang something on this or it would look great as a headboard. i just start playing withthe piece and trying to come with as many ideas i can. this is ann myrick, have funand this is how to create wall art.

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