home decorating ideas living room curtains

home decorating ideas living room curtains

so we are back in long beach today. at mrs.alloua home and we were here last week to show her some curtain fabrics and we alsoshowed her some window treatment ideas and color options. yes, last time we spoke to mrs. alloua shesaid she was going to paint the downstairs warmer colors to match our drapery fabricsand today it looks like she painted her door so i’m excited to go inside and see whatshe’s done inside the house. i notice that you went ahead and painted thewalls as we discussed. you painted them a warm, warm off-white. and you went ahead andadded the wrought iron to the staircase. last time it was just wood.

well i can’t wait to see how things aregoing to turn out. it looks really nice and relaxed. it givesthe room a little bit more of a comfortable feeling. so mrs. alloua also asked us to go ahead andcreate custom window treatments for her family room. we had some extra hardware and someextra drapes so hector is behind me putting up the hardware right now and we will go aheadand scarf it a little bit later on. we are also going to look at her staircaseand add some antique silver paint to match her wrought iron drapery hardware. so this is mrs. alloua’s staircase and asyou can see it’s a dull brown. we had a

crew come in earlier today and give it justa little bit of a silver finish to liven it up so it will match the drapery hardware andwindow coverings. she also had her table delivered and it’sa gold table which really doesn’t go with the silver dã©cor of the room or the livingroom so we are going to go ahead and have our crew paint it and touch it up a littlebit with silver and glamorize it a little bit. so what do you think? the house is beautiful,i love what we’ve done. yes, i love the colors as well. let’s see what yessy hasto say about it. so first off yessy i want to thank you forallowing us to come into your home and dress

up the style of your home and really fulfilour mission which is to enhance the quality of life. thank you, i’m just so amazed by what youguys did today. i can’t even believe it myself thank you so much. overall once you’ve seen the work we’vedone in the living room, the bedroom and the family room, how would you rate your overalllevel of satisfaction? 125%! the top percent! now that we’ve put everything together asfar as colors go, what made you decide to have us go ahead and do the rest of the housefor you? based on the initial work that you did for me, i decided to go ahead and redomy house. and i just love the fact that everything

came out so nicely. what would you say overall the best part ofthe job was? i love my bedroom, oh my god, it’s like a dream to me! thank you. and would you recommend us to your friendsand family? definitely, you are going to have a lot of people who are going to call youfor that! what do you have to say about mallie workingwith us as a consultant? oh my gosh she is amazing! i know that you put your ideas togetherand your work as a customer service person was amazing. this has been another remarkable job completedby the galaxy-design team.

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