living room design for minimalist

living room design for minimalist

what’s up guys? welcome to my room tour. i’ve been holding off filming the room tour because i wanted to finish decorating beforei could show it to the world. but i’ve lived here for a year now, officially,and my room is not fully decorated still, and you know what? i thought to myself, “i’m probably goingto be lazy and this is probably going to be what it lookslike for a while.” so this is the general gist of it.

the theme is white, pastel, very airy, andfresh. i like to keep my room very simple and minimalbecause it’s where i sleep and relax. i want to be mostly technology-free zone, so rarely do i have my laptop in here anddo work in here. before i go into the tour, i just want tolet you know that i put all product description links in the box below so if you’re interestedin anything and where i got it, you can find it there. most things you can find online but some things aren’t available anymoreso i put links to similar items.

starting on the left we have this old whitelamp that is probably over fifteen years old. it wasn’t mine, i think i took it from myuncle’s old house, something like that. when we moved here, i put it here becauseit was white. next item is the giant ikea mirror, and i love big mirrors. it’s just wide enough and tall enough tosee everything. the centerpiece is obviously my bed. it’s just a simple white bed that i got a few years ago online.

when i was planning the color scheme for mybed a few years ago, i wanted to feel like i wassleeping on clouds. i purposely got a white bed frame. i have white bedsheets on my mattress thatare flannel so it’s fluffy. without my blankets and pillows, it reallylooks like a giant white marshmallow. but with the blankets, i got this sky bluecolor so it’s like i’m covered by the sky, i’m sleeping on a cloud.

my pillows are just random colors, not onpurpose, but i like the way that it looks mismatchedbecause it really is mismatched. the pink and the greys really complement thesky blue. it’s a really pastel, white theme. moving on the right side, i have a nightstandfrom west elm, and i love this thing. it’s really expensive so i only got oneinstead of getting two nightstands. i was like, “am i really going to use two? i think i only need one.”

i was trying to be very minimal here. so i got one nightstand and on top is my lavendairelamp, the lavender lamp from urban outfitters. i just saw that online, i thought it reallyfit with my pastel theme. i had to have something lavender-colored inmy room so i got that. and i have this rose quartz that i got fromtarget, and i like the dreamy theme going on here. some essentials that i keep in my nightstandare: my journal, my pen, and lavender essential oil, as well as hairties and stuff.

those are some things that i like to do before i sleep. i like to journal before i sleep sometimes. i like to put on lavender essential oil becausethe smell really relaxes you. and i’ll tie my hair up when i read andstuff. moving onto this corner of the room: this is probably the corner that i haven’tshown in videos. i have this big painting here. i painted it myself, and originally i boughtthis giant canvas to put on top of my bed

because length-wise it fits on top of my bed. so i painted it and, although i could putit there, i haven’t because i really like the colorsand the textures of this painting. i was taking photos of it to use in my videos,and i was like, “i could really use as a background fora flat lay.” i think the reason it’s taking me so long to put things up on the walls is because i’mscared to commit. once you put something up, there’s a hole in the wall.

i’m just not ready yet. anyway that’s why i put this painting here. it makes me happy because the door is there. when i walk in, i see the painting and the colors are basically an expressionof me: pastel, everything white, dreamy, airy, fresh, you guys get the point. this thing that i’m sitting on is calleda chaise lounge. i just thought it was so cute. i saw a photo on pinterest where it was achaise from ikea

and there was a laptop with the throw blanketand i thought it looked really cute. i thought, “i’d love to get one for myroom and be able to read in the corner.” well, i ordered this online. it’s a little smaller than i imagined itwas online, and for some reason i haven’t done muchreading here. i prefer to read on my bed. but it’s nice and it gives me a lot of realestate to put clothes on, so when my room’s not clean, generally this thing is filled with my outfitsthat i don’t want to put away yet.

also, this thing that’s hanging off of thechaise is actually called a macrame. i have no idea how to pronounce this thing. basically it was handmade by my friend anh. she has a blog where she’s selling these. i’ll link that below: “girl and the word”. i saw her post about her handmade items andi thought it was really cute so ideally this was one item i was going toput on my wall right here. you know, this wall to the left of me wasthe wall i was planning to decorate and put things up,

things that inspire me. i have some ideas of what i want to put up but i want to gather everything before i commit. i’m just that kind of person. i don’t know if i could ever be able tocommit to something on the walls. next up is my vanity area, and this is wherei spend a lot of my time if i’m in my room. i love the chair. it’s the ghost chair, it’s a replica soit’s not the real thing because it’s expensive. but it’s the ghost chair with an ikea furrug on the seat so you’re not sitting

on something hard and cold. i got that inspiration from pinterest as well. i thought it would be nice to have a vanitywhere i could journal and do my makeup. turns out: i don’t really use that tablefor journaling. the ghost chair is too high, it’s like an awkward position. so i just use it to do makeup. i have my makeup acrylic cases that i really like.

i don’t know if we need to talk about mymakeup right now. over on the right i have a himalayan saltlamp that my mom gave me. himalayan salt lamps, if you don’t know,have health benefits. it’s kind of like a-i’m not sure if it’sspiritual. i think it has actual benefits, like physical, for your health. for example, it releases negative ions thatclean the room. it’s kind of like a natural purifier, andit works when the lamp is turned on. when the salt is heated, that’s when thenegative ions happen.

you guys can totally research this, maybe i’ll post a link below on himalayansalt lamps and their benefits. i really love this thing. i keep it on at all times, through the dayand through the night. i think it really actually helps brings acalm vibe into my room, i’m not even kidding. to the right of my vanity i put this readinglamp. originally that lamp was right here for me to read, but i figured i didn’t reallyread as much here, so i put it there so it’s like my face lamp when i do my makeupat night, which is not ideal but it works.

under my vanity, i keep a tissue box, nailpolish, makeup that i don’t use on the daily. lastly, up top i have this white lamp thati got to complement the white, dreamy, calm theme of this room. that’s it for my room tour. i hope that wasn’t too boring. i feel like it’s very simple but it makesme feel good and relaxed when i come in here. i love the pastel colors, i love the dreamyairy-ness of this place, and it’s just amazing. alright, thank you guys so much for watching. let me know in the comments

if you have suggestions for other videos youwant to see me do. give this video a thumbs-up if you liked itand subscribe if you haven’t already. i’ll see you guys next time. bye!

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