american traditional home decor

american traditional home decor

michael mariotti:hi, everybody. welcome to my room at the newjersey designer showhouse. i'm michael mariotti. this is the conservatory. let me tell you a little bitabout the space and what i had the challenges to work with,and what we did to make it this glam organic spacethat it is today. if you look at the ceiling, wehad a really steep ceiling here that felt very 1980s.

i used a wood bark panel thatcame in 4' x 8' sheets. and i had them custom framedand then suspended in the ceiling with fishingline to give a look of a floating ceiling. very organic. then we have different elementsin the room here that are very glamorous. like this sofa here, the mirrorbehind us, very, very cutting edge.

just very refined. so little touches of what youcan do in your own home to make it look really smashing. if you go and you buy a sofa andit just comes solid with your fabrics here 'cause youhaven't custom ordered it, here we did fabrics that colorcued to the rest of our space, that picked up on our draperiesand our rug. and by changing just threepillows, totally customized the space by givingthat pop of color.

and it reinforced the restof the look of the room. inspiration for my roomhas to most definitely be the drapery panels. it's a taupe sheer withan embroidery to it. and it's got little fuschiagingko berries on it, and i used that as my inspiration. and then i found my rug and allthe different elements. and if you look at the room asa whole, the room itself is very neutral.

but by bringing the rug, theaccent pillows here, and the draperies, we got the punch ofcolor that gives a little bit of the glam style to it. but it's not so over the top. it's a very livable, it's avery comfortable space. and the desk. the desk is sick. it's carved wood. it's leather topped.

it's a pricy piece of furniturehere, but i gotta tell you, it's the accentpiece that just really makes a statement. if i had to put a price tag onthis room, it would definitely be over $100,000, because of thedifferent elements that i used in here. thanks for comingto see my room. erika wasser: how are youliking our new jersey showhouse play list?

it's been amazing to be here. and it's pretty coolto be able to share it with you guys. i am sitting at a deskthat i've been told i can't afford to touch. so stay tuned for more. and if you like it, subscribe.

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