best cake decoration ideas

- just look at her hands and my hands, that's the difference here. (drums) - i've been making cakes for 8 years. how is this a contest? - well, bree has the techniques, but does she have the creativity? i don't think so. - i am a professional cake decorator
and owner of bree's cakeshere in los angeles. - i've maybe made like 3 cakes in my life. i have been drawing my whole life. i don't feel as confident i think. at least the colors will be nice. - i feel really confident about this cause i do this everyday. - hi-five. (squeals)
let's do this.- alright. - wait, there are rules? - what kind of rules? - okay.- okay. that's necessary.- that's doable. - okay. (suspenseful music) oh.- oh. okay.- okay good.
so i decided for my sweet sixteen cake to do very vibrant colorscause if i was 16 again, i'd want bright colors likepink and purple and blue. so i'm gonna take all those colors and make a striped buttercream and then top it with a fondant bow. - so today i'm gonna bemaking a cake inspired by my favorite book, the little prince, and i'm gonna make thecake look like a meteor,
then i'm gonna make a littlerose made out of fondant. it's gonna be great. - it's not as easy as it looks, is it? - oh, no. awful. oh no. are you supposed to knead it like this? - i don't know. (laughs)
i've never used it before. - this black goes with anything. - there's gloves, yourhands are gonna get dyed. - oh, it's for art. - you're like my competition right now, i can't tell you everything. - oh. i'm not here to win,i'm here to make friends. - i am 100 percent self-taughtand i taught myself how to make cakes from watching tv shows
like cake boss and ace of cakes. i used youtube a lot, justkind of googled things, and here i am, 8 years later,and now i own a bakery. (upbeat music) - so, i'm gonna do something really crazy. - uh oh. are you gonna cut it? - yes. i've never shaved a cake like this before. and it's really hard.
- it's very risky of you to do that. - yeah, i'm a risk taker. - you're a whisk taker. - a whisk taker! - you're welcome. - the story of the little prince is this little kid that lives on a planet called asteroid b-16, and he falls in love with a rose
that grows on this planet. - i'm gonna take a deep breath for her, and say a quick little prayer. - i'm really happy with it. i'm happy that the colorsdidn't bleed together, and that the borderstayed structurally sound, and the bow is standingup without collapsing. - this is asteroid b-16, which is like, 16th birthday, so it makes sense.
it's thematic. it was an accident, but it worked out. it was a messy process, you can see that on myhands and the table. i think it came together pretty well. now i guess strangers are gonna come in and judge our cakes. - do we have to be here when they judge, or can we like leave?
- you know guys, i didn'thave a sweet sixteen, just cause i'm really bad at planning, but i would've loved foreither of these to be my cake. - this one definitelysells the sweet sixteen, something about the colorsand there's a bow on top, so it's almost like apresent and a package. this cake, i think, isslightly cooler to me, just cause it's weirder. - is this like a beautyand the beast thing?
i don't really know. - i think this onerepresents the theme better. - i am super impressed. i do not know who to choose. - this one, though, i haveto say is my favorite. it's a rainbow, it just looks like i want to put it in my mouth right now. - if it were my sweet sixteen, which i really wish it was,
i would take the weird one. - for like a 16 year old girl, i would think that thisis what she would want. this is what i would want. - i like this one. - this is the cake i'd want to cut into on camera in front of all myfriends on instagram later. (applause) - thank you, to the people.
- congratulations. - thank you. well, what do i win? yay, look at my trophy. it says, bragging rights. - the little prince was kindof an obscure reference, and i kind of made it for myself, like a selfish artist. - oh, this is going upon a shelf in my bakery.
- can we eat them now?
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