best christmas decoration ideas 2017

hi guys welcome to my new diy channel iam so excited to have a channel entirely dedicated to getting super creative andmaking a whole range of diys! if you are completely new here my name is racheland this is my diy channel, if you have come from my other youtube channel thenyou would also know that part of the reason i decided to create this channelwas because last week i diy'd my halloween costume and i'd completelyforgotten how much i love creating and diying and so i decided to create a channelwhere i can do all kinds of diys, home decor, fashion, testing stuff on pinterest,anything that you can think of or have a suggestion please leave it as a commentdown below and also let me know which
one of these 3 christmas diy decor ideasthat is your favorite because that is what we're doing in today's video. i havethree easy super fast and fun christmas diys for decorating your home or yourbedroom and it was so much fun to make and i'm so ready to get into christmasso from now until christmas i'm gonna have all kinds of festive diys so let'sgo ahead and get started so the first little diy i wanted toshare with you is this string christmas tree cone decor item. i sawheaps of these on pinterest and i really wanted to try it so i created a coneout of cardboard and then just covered it in glad wrap or plastic wrap, clingwrap, whatever you call it and then in a
bowl i mixed up some like craft glue pvaglue with a tiny amount of water like you only need a little little bit ofwater to kind of make it a bit more runny and the best way that i discoveredto do this was to soak part of the wool in the glue and water mixture andthen kind of use my fingers to wring it out and lay it on the desk and then iwrapped it around the cone. i started from the bottom and worked my way to thetop and i just kept it layering it up not being very neat you can kind of gowhichever way you want but i just kept going around and around and around and ialso found that i added a little bit of glue at the end of this one as well tokind of make sure that was really gonna
stick together. i did two cones and thesecond one didn't work it just didn't have enough glue mixture on itto keep it together so it fell apart but this one stayed together because i didmake sure that i went in with a lot of glue and that the glue and water mixturedidn't have too much water. i actually let it dry completely overnight and thenall you had to do is take out the cone and then very gently separate the clingwrap from the cone and trim off any of the excess pieces and then just using ahot glue gun and some of these cute little gold bells that i got in a packetfor about $2 from my local $2 store i just glued them randomly over the cone.i didn't do them in a
particular order i just thought it was anice little touch and that was pretty much it but super easy and i really likehow this one turned out the second diy have is so cute it'sthese glittery candy cane little pillar candles so i got a pack of three pillarcandles from spotlight so affordable i think it was only $6.99 for the threecandles which was the cheapest kind of set that i found anywhere and then allyou need is some red glitter and some masking tape, it took me a little bit totry and work out the spacing but i just winged it like i didn't measure it oranything i just wrapped three pieces of tape around each candle and kind of atan angle so that it wrapped around the
candle and then just using a paintbrushand some craft glue i went ahead and painted each section of the candle imade a little bit of a mistake though the first bit of glue that i used had some water in it from the previous diy so it went a little funny on thecandle so make sure you're using no water in the glue, it has to be likeactual glue and make sure you don't have a wet paintbrush either and then i justsprinkled the glitter all over, added some touch-ups to the areas that went alittle bit funny and then i just did the same for the other two candles and thentook off the masking tape and ended up with these really cute candy cane pillarcandles that i absolutely love i think
they're so cute as you can see they're alittle bit messy, that's just the glue in the water i mean the water in the glue but i tried and the third diy that i have for you isa mason jar diy. i love mason jar diys there's so much you can do with them andmaking them into candle holders is probably the best, due note though that iwould recommend fake candles not real ones i'm only using real ones because ididn't have fake ones and i just really wanted to put a candle in i started by printing out a christmas tree template just from google imagesyou can search it and there's a million different kinds and then i cut it outand i'm tracing the template onto some
contact paper. yes the only contact paperthat i have is actually marbled contact paper, so don't hate me for destroying good quality marbled contact paper but i went ahead and cut out two treesand then i stuck them to the side of the mason jars that don't have any of theirlike glass detailing. then just using some water-based acrylic paints i hadthe perfect green i found at my $2 store but i didn't have quite theright red so i mixed two different reds together and then just using a paintbrush i painted the whole way around the mason jar, it's easier if you take thelid off and just put your hand inside the jar to be able to hold it and i kindof liked the streaks but i made sure
that all the streaks went the same wayaround the jar and then i just did the same for the green one as well. oncethe paint is dry and you can speed up this process with a hairdryer if you like, iused some of that brown string, twine to wrap around the top of each jar. on thegreen one i threaded on a bell on either end of the twine and tied them togetheri thought that was a cute little touch and then on the red one i tied a littletassel on i got these tassels from the $2 store as well it did need someadjusting so i just had to fix that but i thought it was a nice little touch.also you have to peel off the christmas tree sticker contact paper, my cameradied while i was doing that but that
happened and now you have this littlewindow into where the candle sits and as i said i would recommend a fake candle.those are my three christmas diy decor ideas i really hope you guys haveenjoyed it leave a comment down below and let me know which one was yourfavorite i had so much fun creating these i can't wait to make some morechristmas decor i still haven't entirely decidedon a christmas theme yet and i haven't even started decorating but i'm soexcited i'm gonna share all of my christmas decor with youguys and all my christmas diys. i'm gonna have some food ones coming too and yeahplease subscribe if you are new and
welcome to my new channel and i will seeyou in my next video bye
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