best christmas decorations on house

hello! my name is melissa schenk and on behalfof expert village, today we are going to be talking how to decorate for christmas. inthis clip, let' talk about decorating your outside from your inside. by that i mean thatdecorating the outside of your house from the inside of your house. it can be done.what you need to think about is where you are positioning things and the kind of lightsand the kind of window space that you have. so for instance, if you are having your christmastree you could sometimes put your christmas tree at the front of your house if you'vegot a great big window or a smaller window as well. but you can have christmas lightson it and decorate from the inside of your christmas having your christmas tree lit sopeople can see it from the other side. so
you are saving yourself (a) a little bit oftime and money if you don't want to put christmas lights outside of your house but again, youare saving yourself some money too. it just depends on how you want to decorate. somepeople like to put candles in windows except you know that you need to be very carefulabout that in case you are lighting the candles. you can get certain candles in stores thatare electric and just plug them in. but think about again, lighting is important and windowspace is important and placement is important. so where you are putting things, christmastree is a big one but also having leaves inside that are lit that can be seen from the otherside. so sometimes what you need to do is take a look outside your house even usingfireplaces and such as well. but if you take
a look outside of your home to see what canbe seen especially at night, it will give you an idea of where to place things insideof your home because you will know what people can see from the outside.
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