best college graduation cap decoration ideas

best college graduation cap decoration ideas

♪ [music] ♪ happy graduation day. a dayto embark on the next stage of your life and be proud of your accomplishments.if you're excited about getting your diploma, i'm sure your creativewheels are spinning about how to decorate your graduation cap. i'll be showing youfive diy graduation cap ideas ideal for any graduate.these caps can be made with a quick trip to your local craft store and byprinting photos with shutterfly. today, we'll be using crafting jewels,felt, and glitter. so stick around and get

your glue guns ready to craft. our first diy is a tribute to the personwho has influenced you the most, whether that be yourmom, dad, or a mentor. keep this a secretuntil graduation day, so that this will be an even morememorable moment in their lives. take your photo and place it on top of thecap. make sure you measure the size of the button in the center of the cap and cut itout from the photo so that you can hang your tassel. glue your photo to the cap.take your felt and cut our four circles in varying sizes. cut a slit in the middleof each circle and fold over so the

circles create a cupped shape.use a glue gun to hold it together. glue each cupped petal on top of eachother. take your glitter sheet and cut out four leaves. glue your completedflowers to the bottom of the cap and add your leaves. you can include a phraselike, "thanks, mom and dad," to make their day extra sweet. don'tforget to download the shutterfly app for quick and easy photouploads and large format printing. if you need the perfect accessory to yourgraduation gown, dazzling your graduation cap is the answer. crafting pearls andbows are the stars of this show. start by placing the larger pearls allaround your cap. continue with the smaller

ones for variety. attach your bow on thebottom of your cap with a glue gun. if you aren't that into pearls, you canalso use gold or silver studs and replace the bow with a cool flower. if there is one true family member whostuck with you through thick and thin, it's your furry best friend. so show them some love by addingthem to your graduation cap. cut out the picture of your pet and glueit to your cap. make sure you account for the middle button. add glueto your cap in desired area and sprinkle black glitter. placethe letters on your cap to form

your phrase. you can even add multiple petphotos on your cap. be clever with your phrase and make people smile.if you want to make it more colorful, you can always includecolored glitter or sequins. we can all remember great times withfriends and pizza. this graduation cap design is the perfect way to honor yourfavorite food and show off your fun personality. place your brown felt paper on top of theyellow. draw a triangular shape and cut. you can make it as thick or as thin asyou'd like. cut the top off the yellow triangle. take your redfelt and cut it into circles.

attach your brown card stock to the top ofyour cap. glue all the pizza pieces to the card stock. add a fun phrase next toyour pizza. finish off with the perfect final details. you could also include anyother food such as donuts, french fries, or even a cake. there areno rules, just yummy fun. if you want to add memories to yourgraduation cap, take fun snaps. this diy photo cap is super easy to makeand you only need six items. with your ruler, measure approximatelytwo inches in height for each photo. cut out your photo and use that asa guide for the remaining photos. decide where you want to place yourimages. glue the photos to your cap.

add your favorite hashtag across thetop of your cap. it's okay if some parts of your images are covered. besure to vary the width of each photo to give it more of a collage can order your prints via and have themready in as little as an hour. as you can see, decorating your graduationcap should be fun and creative. if you're planning a party, check outour diy graduation party ideas video. also, head over to foryour graduation announcements and invitations. don't forget tofollow us on instagram. and comment below with yourfavorite graduation cap decor ideas.

i'd love to hear all about them.

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