best dorm decorating ideas

best dorm decorating ideas

lg sponsored us to do a couple videos linus' empty warehouse gaming skit with their short-throw projector was pretty cool, except he left thousands of dollars worth of equipment behind when he left. but his second idea to go with their battery powered short throw projector and have a look at five handy tech items for college dorm life had an even bigger problem.... (record scratch)

linus has never lived in a dorm!!! so here i go. ♪ (ltt theme music) ♪ lets start with item number one, the bose qc35 wireless headphones. one of the first things you will notice about dorm life is the incredibly thin walls and your neighbors, in every direction are probably enjoying their first taste of life out from their mom and dad's roof.

eavesdropping on conversations may be fun the first few days, and the rabbits next door could be interesting for a bit too. i am not judging. but after a couple weeks you are probably just gonna want some quiet time to yourself. the noise cancellation on the qc35 is nothing short of amazing! they are very comfortable, and with ample padding for long studying sessions. and it lasts the whole time too with bose bose-ting 20 hours of active listening on a single charge. sorry for that pun... this isn't the first in the qc lineup, bose has been doing this whole quiet comfort thing for awhile now, and it isn't likely to come to a surprise to owners of the qc15 or the qc25, but the bottom line is qc35s are expensive, but undeniable awesome. moving on to number 2! the google chromecast, now i am probably preaching to the choir here, but if you had to leave the family one at home, now might be a great time to pickup either the updated gen 2 model or even the brand new 4k model! us millennials love to show each other internet memes, and random videos. this is just the fact of life, and there is no easier way to do this wirelessly then with a chromecast.

its light enough to hang out of your hdmi port on your display, without harming it, and with just a micro usb plug required for power, its both easy to setup, and easy to use. it works with android 4.1 or higher, ios 8.0 or higher, mac os 10.9 or higher and windows 7 or higher! so, regardless of your tech budget, you're probably covered. now you just need something to plug it into right? which brings us to item number 3 - the lg ph 450 ug, an ultra short-throw led projector with an embedded battery

but luke!? why would you want a portable projector, you're in a dorm room! just, plug it in! ok i hear you but there's this concept, it's called leaving your dorm room now i hadn't heard of it till recently, in my college years i only left my dorm room for sustenance, education or my laundry but i do undertsand that certain homo sapiens will venture outwards to gather and consume [libations] participate in other various social activities. in such scenarios one may gain higher social rank within the herd by showing up with a portable projector it's even possible that such a scenario may lead to romance or what i call, popularity plus with the desirable mate

all right all jokes aside having aprojector in your dorm would be badass and the portability afforded to you bythe built-in battery could be wildly useful bring it along to a study grouproom that doesn't have a power plug is a much more elegant solution to sharingnotes and collaboration its size makes moving it around easier than you'dexpect and like it's bigger brother from our last video its ultra short throw soyou can get 40 inches of screen size just 2.9 inches away from the wall andon the subject of studying your dorm life and just being in post-secondaryeducation in general will very possibly launch the biggest boom of incomingcommunication that you have ever

experienced managing this will bedistracting feeling your phone buzz pulling it out unlocking and opening theright app typing out some super hot fire memes to impress that person you likeending up on facebook for an hour when you were just going to look at that onedamn thing which brings us to item number four the logitech k7 80 multi-device keyboard can simplify this process it's a bluetooth keyboard withlow profile keys so the typing experience is somewhat similar to alaptop but that kind of thing is everywhere its main feature is itsability to hot-swap its connectivity between three devices like a computer aphone and a tablet it even has a handy

rail near the top to store your phonemeaning you could be sitting at your computer working with your phone proppedup and plugged in with the screen always on hot-swap when you get a messagetype out your reply and move on with your work less downtime. now no one doestop force five is the magic number and i was struggling to come up with anotherone thankfully as i was throwing thistogether the night before the due date i had a hankering that inspired menongshim spicy kimchi flavored bowl noodle now you might argue this isn't apiece of tech! fair, but it's awesome nonetheless even one of the top helpfulreviews on amazon titled it great for

hungry college students if you are whatyou eat i think at one point in my life i was probably 25% techie dude and 75%nongshim noodles i highly recommend them as long as you don't mind that theycertainly almost contain no nutrients whatsoever and probably about two timesthe recommended daily intake of salt depending on how many of them you eatper day for me it might have been near eight times right now i'm not worriedabout that however because i'm about 95% done hosting this video so all that'sleft to say here is that hopefully these suggestions will help you enjoy yourdorm experience or just life in general if you're past that whole dorm phase letme know what you guys think in the

comments down below or at linus tech ontwitter thanks for watching i'll see you next time if you're interested in any ofthese things check out amazon in the link of thedescription down below or even one of these shirts but i don't think we havepolos for sale so oh well see ya

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