best from waste decoration ideas

best from waste decoration ideas

hello friends..welcome to rare arts. this super saturday presents you a super interesting video on how to make a beautiful cd coaster stand we need glue, ruler, permanent marker, cds, cardboard, an old magazine and compass trace a circle using the cd. use compass and pencil and make another circle smaller than the first one by 0.5 cm cut the inner circle.

make 2 such circles stick these smaller circles on the cds with glue color the edges of the cd with red marker. write the quotes as shown in the video or the ones which you love the most. i have made 6 such coasters with my favourite quotations stick paper onto the cd and color the remaining part with red marker make 2 such cds take a cardboard strip of 3x22 cms and start sticking the cds onto the either sidesof the cardboard.

use glue gun to stick the cd to the cardboard stick the 2 cds such that the colored sides are facing each other take a cardboard of 18x6 cms and fold it as shown in the video cut off the extra portion such that these two sides are equal. place the cardboard at the center of these cds and mark the edges with the marker apply glue at the center of the cardboard and stick the cds over that.

stick the remaining cardboard as shown in the video we'll cover all this cardboard with the green sheet make similar measurements as cardboard on this paper too. let us start sticking them to the stand. you can use either a glue gun or fevicol in order to stick this green sheet. take out two cutouts from a magazine and

trace a circle with the help of cd and cut them out... stick these two cutouts on either side of cd coaster stand by using glue. place all the six coasters inside the stand and now our cdcoaster stand is ready simple, right! what did you feel? say it in the comment section.

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