best ganesh decoration ideas

best ganesh decoration ideas

hi everyone welcome to my channel in todaysvideo i am going to share party decoration ideas with you’ll which yo can use for anyparty or as festival decorations too ;i really hope you will try them and if you like thisvideo don’t forget to click on the like button and please subscribe to my channelwith the bell icon. first lets see how to make these giant paperflowers, first cut 3 different sized petals as a stencil so that it will be easy for usto cut the tissue paper . then fold the tissues in order to create somelayers and cut it as shown, similarly cut all the 3 sizes and we are going to need approximately10 pieces of each size. you can choose any tissue paper colors.then cut 3 long strips of approx. 4 “ hight

the color should be same as of the biggestpetals, and then fold them thrice. then mark 1” line as shown and start cuttingit like fringes ., then roll the whole piece and secure it withstapler. now we are going to stick small petals so first take a petal apply glue here i amusing elmers glue but you can use any, then stick the petal as shown and arrange themin a pattern so that only half of the petal should overlap on the previous one.and thereshould be 3- 4 layers of each colored petals. then stick other 2 colored petals as showntill you are happy with the volume.then let it dry and open the petals one by one as shown.youcan make a full size back drop with this flower to highlight a wall for any festival or lets see how to make honey comb pom pom.

we are going to need 20 circles for 1 pompom so i am taking 5 sheets of tissue paper. then fold it twice so that it will make 20layers and mark a circle .i don’t have a compass thats why i am using a plate to marka circle, and then cut can make these pom pots in any size.then make 4 sets of 5 circles each. after that fold it 4 times as shown and we are making4 sets of circles so that we will get sharp lines when we fold it. similarly fold allthe 4 sections. here marked and numbered the lines with markerso that you will get exact idea of the lines. . you should see 5 lines and 6 sections.then apply glue with the help of glue sticks on 2 and 4 no line as shown on all the 20circles.

then take a piece and apply glue on 1, 3 & 5no line then align and stick another piece as shown. we are going to stick all the 20pieces similarly but to get perfect alignment i again stick 5 pieces at a time and made4 sets , then stick all the 4 sets together. then open the pom pom and separate all thecombs if ant of them got stuck. and trim i a littlest to get perfect finishto make a complete sphere apply glue on 1, 3 & 5 no lines and stick both the open sidestogether, attach a string and your honey comb pom pom is ready. you can make it in any colorwhich goes with your party theme. and the best part of these decorations is you canuse them in any party . if you guys like these decorations then click on the like buttonand don’t forget to watch my another party

decoration video.

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