best ganpati decoration ideas for home

best ganpati decoration ideas for home

how to make an easy homemade ganpati decoration this decoration is made using waste cardboard boxes easily available at home. before we start, please subscribe to our channel and hit the "bell" icon to receive regular updates from us. things you need... glitter paper, mount board, box, decorative stones, beads ruler, cutter, pencil, divider, scissors, decorative stone lace, craft glue, glue gun take a box and seal its open ends using cello tape. take a mount board and draw a circle with the measurements as shown. draw an outer circle as well measuring 6.5 cm radius.

now draw one more outer circle measuring 8 cm radius. cut out the outermost circle using scissors. now draw some designs on the circle as shown here. make some more markings on the circle as shown. now draw more patterns on the circle. use a cutter to cut out the design drawn on the circle. now take a glitter paper and paste this design on it. cut it. now take a green glitter sheet and paste it on the backside of the design. cut the green sheet slightly larger than the original design as shown here.

now make a circle at the center of the design. draw a similar circle on another glitter sheet. cut it and paste the circle on the design as shown. paste the decorative stones and beads on the design to make it look even more beautiful. now take the box and cut out different glitter sheets based on the dimensions of the box. paste it. repeat the same process with different color glitter sheets to cover the box as shown. decorate the box with a decorative lace. now attach the design on the box using glue as shown. wow!! your beautiful handmade ganpati decoration using recycled material is now ready.

happy crafting!!

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