best haunted house decorations

best haunted house decorations

wengie: hey wendy, whatcha doing? (silence) wendy:uhhhh.... chatting with some friends! wengie: ah, cool! wendy: uh , you have friends, right? wengie: yeah! wengie: like mr flumpy poop, erm, mrs wackcandoodle, um who else! (wendy sighs) wendy: you're hopeless!

*music playing* (wendy still texting, while wengie lays around.) wengie: wendy, i'm bored! let's read a scary story! wendy: er, i got better things to do! wengie: aww, but it's halloween, it only happens once a year, please, please, please! wendy: fine, fine, will you leave me alone afterwards? wengie: yes! (clicking) wengie: first, we gotta tell about the mac - book air giveaway! wendy & wengie: oh, yeah, all you need to do is to be subscribed to our channel here, and reacticorns!

wengie & wendy: this week's like challenge is a hundred, and thirty thousand likes! wendy & wengie: and you have three seconds to find the like button, and click it, 3,2,1; have you done it? wengie: now, it's time to set the mood! *music playing* wendy: okay, so what now? wengie: i found a cool, new app called yarn, they add a bunch of scary, and funny stories, i think, thank you for partnering with us, yarn! wendy: alright, so what are we reading? wengie: oh, yeah, we're reading ' mom i'm scared', hmm, i'll be the girl, you be the guy! wendy: alright!

wendy: 'the doctor said, the pill will help!' wendy: ' we have to hope!' wendy: boo, hoo, someone's sick! wengie: ah, it's gonna get scary! stop, ruining it! wengie: ' i hope! i'm headed upstairs to say goodnight!' wengie: ' i just heard something in jake's closet, i'm nervous!' (noise) wengie: did you hear something? wendy: what? no! stop, imagining things!

wendy: ' i'll be home soon, it's nothing!' wengie: 'i hate this house!' wendy: 'you're being weird!' wengie: ' i'm going to look in the closet!' wengie: oh my god, there's gonna be the scary side! feel it? wengie: ' oh my god!' wengie: 'it's jake, he's shaking!' wendy: wait, what is that a kid? why he's in there? this story is getting weird! wengie: ' he's saying something!'

wendy: 'what did he say?' wengie: there's someone in my bed!' wengie: oh my god, this is so scary! you know, i think there's monsters under my bed! wendy: wengie, stop being such a wuss! wendy: ' facetime me, and turn on your flash-light on your phone!' wengie: 'okay!' wengie: ahhhhhh! oh my gosh! oh my gosh! what the heck was that? wendy: wengie, what did you see? wengie: you gotta check your facetime, there is no way, i'm watching that again!

wendy: okay, ahhhhhhh!!!!! wengie: i thought, you didn't get scared! wendy: i don't, i mean, it just shocked me, that's all, you know i don't like jump-scares! wengie: imagine, if she was sitting here with us! wendy: what, uh, let's just keep reading! wengie: 'matt, what the heck?' wendy: 'don't move, turn off the light!' wendy: wait, he knows what's happening, and he's asking her not to move; i mean, i don't believe in that stuff, but if i saw that, i'd get out of there! wengie: see, you are getting scared!

wendy: i'm not scared, i'm just being logical, okay! wengie: uh-huh! wengie: 'i can hear her breathing!' wengie: 'where are you?' wendy: 'do not move, or she will get mad!' wengie: 'she??' wendy: 'sarah!' wendy: 'i haven't told you everything!' wengie: 'what?'

wendy: 'that's my daughter, bella, she's four years old!' wendy: ooo, i knew this guy was dodgy, he had a daughter, with some other woman, and didn't tell his wife; never trust men! wengie: why was his daughter in his home? was he like keeping her there, something? that's just creepy, and weird! wengie: i didn't think, i want to know! wengie: 'we have one child, and he's a boy' wendy: 'you know how i told you i was married before you?' wengie: 'yeah, your wife went crazy, and moved to europe, or something' wendy: well, that's the fakest part in the cover story i've ever heard, probably drove her crazy! wendy: 'we had a daughter.'

wengie: 'what the heck, you didn't tell me that!' wengie: 'she's breathing really heavily!' wengie: 'is she okay?' wengie: oh my gosh, there's something wrong with her, i can feel it! wendy: 'just do not turn on your flashlight again' wendy: 'you don't want to startle her' wendy: because she's kept in a basement, without light for years, maybe! wendy: 'listen!' wendy: 'my first wife was extremely close with bella!'

wendy: 'they were inseparable, best friends!' wengie: 'just say it!' wendy: 'my wife, and i got into a fight one day, in front of bella!' wendy: 'every time this happened, bella would hide in strange places like our washing machine, and weird places to make a point, and get us to stop fighting!' wendy: her parents are fighting, so i'm gonna jump in the washing machine, really! wengie: come on, she's four! wendy: 'we were going back, and forth, and i pushed my wife!' wengie: 'why didn't you tell me about this?' wendy: 'we were in the kitchen, and my wife slammed into the oven, knocking over a ton of things!'

wendy: 'i don't want to scare you!' wendy: first, he has a secret kid, and now, he pushes women around? wengie: 'say it!' wendy: 'the fall killed her, broke her neck instantly, i didn't mean to do it!' wendy: and, he's also a killer! wengie: 'i don't want you to come home!' wendy: 'i need to protect you from bella, i don't want her to hurt you! wengie: 'why would she hurt me?' wendy: 'i hid my wife's body, and when i came back, i smelled something burning!'

wendy: 'the oven turned on when i pushed my wife against it, that's when i noticed something, that i would never be able to un-see! wendy: 'i saw a small hand-print from inside the oven, and scratch marks!' wendy: uh, it just gave me the chills! wengie: oh my gosh, i'm so scared right now! wendy & wengie: ah! wengie: okay, i'm sorry, i wanted you to get into the halloween spirit, but i think, i went too far! wendy: yeah, especially with that floating ghost behind you! neat trick by the way! wengie: what ghost? i didn't do anything! (screaming)

wendy: okay guys, i hope you guys enjoyed reading this scary story with us and don't forget to download yarn, for more creepy stories like this one, we've linked it down below, and let's see what happened on reacticorns, this week! wengie: try, scare me because they're doing a halloween theme today! wengie: talking in the street, i wouldn't know what i've been looking at like imagine the darkness, you were walking down the street! max: it was like in the dark, that's creepy! wengie & max: oooooo! wengie: wait, ah, oooo! max: dog face! wengie: she coloured her lips white! max: and her nose is the upper dog mouth, all of it's so weird!

wengie & wendy: okay, that's it for this week, guys, we'll be back next week with another video, bye guys, love you!

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