orlando interior design - florida living quarters

>> today on "golf life," we bring you highlightsfrom the 2017 pga merchandise show and demo day, where golf personalities and top golfcompanies kick off the golf season. plus, we get you some advice on how to getsolid golf instruction going into this year. we'll show you a fitness tool to help youstrengthen your game and a few products to help your short game. all this and more for your golf life. this is the "golf life" preseason special. to get you started, we head out to orangecounty national golf center in orlando, florida, where the newest golf equipment was presented.
>> the 2017 pga show demo day is the largestoutdoor demo in the world. and it's the perfect start to the pga merchandiseshow. the world's largest driving range at orangecounty national plays host to hundreds of golf's top brands as they showcase their newestinnovations in golf equipment. the main staple of demo day is for peoplelike me to try out and test the newest technologies, clubs, and accessories golf has to offer. dean reinmuth. brian basil. eric sillies, "driver vs. driver" winner.
bryson dechambeau in the cobra puma tent. tomo. jim mccarthy of cure putters. i found john with golfboard. john, how are you doing? >> hi, colton. good to see you. >> good to see you. now, we got golfboards now.
people at home, this is something that i thinkevery golf course should have at their golf course. >> there are 34,000 courses in the world. hopefully three or four years from now you'llfind them everywhere. >> what do we got here? >> so, that's the m1 460. i'm gonna have you hit both the m1 and them2. >> okay. >> but i put a strong shaft in there withthe new cure cogging from mitsubishi with
the dual core, tie and nickel, x-flex. you have a ton of speed. and so we're gonna give it a start. it's a 9.5 head, set up to neutral right now. >> great. let's give it a try. there we go. oh! hammered.
>> that one was pretty -- that one felt reallygood. >> high loft, low spin, ton of speed. >> just off the driving range is the puttinggreen. big-time companies are there to show off theirnewest putters, like cure putters, who is killing it on the lpga, pga, and championstours. >> what we've done now is we've come out witha new putter for the cs. our first mallet putter, as you can see here,which has got a lot of the technology that we've had in both of our lines before, andwe just basically put it into a mallet version, and it's gotten great reviews so far.
>> you mind having a little competition withme? >> let's do it. >> see what these cure putters have to offer. let's go. so, we got one, two, three, four -- let'sjust start with four. might be a little far for me. i don't know about you. >> you go there, i'll go back here. i'm gonna come up here, just so i can confirmthat it's going into the hole.
i'll probably not even make this one. let's see. boom! first try. but it's not all about clubs and putters whenit comes to demo day. many pga professionals, like bryson dechambeau,and reality show winners, like eric sillies, come to greet the people and have a littlefun themselves. quickly just go into the one-length clubs,because i know it's very unique. >> yes, yeah.
the one-length irons are something that allowspeople to perform on a more consistent level, better than anybody else has ever seen orthe game of golf has ever seen before. so, what it allows you to do is stay in theexact same posture, make the same exact motion no matter the situation. that's a huge benefit. it's going to not only allow people to makemore consistent swings but allow them to hit it in the middle of the face more, which allowsit to go farther as well. rapid fire. what's your favorite club to hit?
>> my 7-irons. >> who's your favorite golfer? >> hogan. >> ah, nice. how many hole in ones have you hit? >> zero. >> we need to get you one. >> right? i've done everything.
it's just not gone in. >> two of the biggest things i've heard -- thebiggest one is "i'm just hitting it straighter. i'm hitting more fairways. i got a tighter cluster." i keep hearing that on repeat. in addition to that, i've actually heard alot of -- whether it's 10, 15, 20 yards. one guy told me yesterday just switching thisfrom his other driver -- 30 yards, just out of the bag. nothing changed other than that.
and that's obviously -- that's what we'regoing for. but again, it's all about how you can getset up, so if you need forgiveness, we can get that set up that way, and you can fine-tuneit for your swing and your game to get what you need out of it. >> i think we saw a lot of great products,a lot of great new innovation in technology here at demo day. for now, i'm riding off into the sunset onmy golf bike. see you! >> here's "golf life's" colton little to introducethe golf fit kit, a fitness program complete
with tools to improve your flexibility andstrength. >> we came across a great fitness program. it's called golf fit kit. golf fit kit is a training program for golfers,like yourself, to get more flexible, have better posture, and have a lifetime of golfin your future. we found the kit to be very complete. now, inside the kit is a preformed grip. now, this gives you great feels of what agood golf grip should feel like. attached to this grip will be resistant bands.
you have a green one, which is lighter, anda red one, which is a little bit more firmer, a little bit more heavier. you attach these to a pole, to a golf cart,or even to a tree. as you can see, our golfer has anchored theresistant bands to a door. this gives the golfer an opportunity to starther routine, get those exercises going. you can also do upper body. you can do lower body. you can even sit on the floor and use thestrap to stretch. there's so many different exercises that youcan do with these resistant bands and the
golf fit kit, you're gonna be ready for thoserounds in no time. you're gonna have better posture, better flexibility,and you're gonna have a better round out there on the golf course. >> head over to golffitkit.com right now andreceive a special price on this great fitness package from "golf life." when "golf life" returns, we'll get you somegreat advice to help you find the right golf instruction for your game. >> the cure has just been a total oppositechange of all these other putters, and, i mean, you could tell it right away when youfirst start using it.
>> first time i hit that putter, i nailed9 out of 10 back-to-back. >> it's really refreshing when i picked upthe cure putter. it seemed like it hit the putts for me, almost. it was really nice. the roll was incredible. and the look -- it took me a while to getpast the look, you know, 'cause it was a little bit bigger. but, you know, i'd used small putters my entirelife, and once i picked one of these up, i started rolling putts in right away.
>> it came off the putter very softly. there was a lot of great feel with the putter. >> when you get this ball on track, it's goingin the hole every time. >> the first week, over seven players tookthis putter and put it in play on the champions tour. >> that putter is just crazy good. the cure is the cure. >> learn more at cureputters.com. and as a special offer for "golf life" viewers,save $25 on any putter when you enter code
"golflife25" at checkout. >> looking to get more out of your time onthe range? dial in your swing with the swing caddie 2,an accurate, affordable launch monitor that gives instant audible feedback. >> 149 yards. >> i've been searching for something similarto this. very accurate with the yardages, and, youknow, most of us golfers, when we toe it or we hit it wrong, we can feel that, right? we know it's not gonna go the distance.
well, it was right on. >> learn your distances and start hittingmore greens. get closer to the pin. simply set the swing caddie 2 behind you whenpracticing and capture game-changing data with any club. >> i really like how i can vary the type ofshot i'm playing with one club and then exactly see how far i've hit that. >> the swing caddie 2 is portable, easy touse, and makes swing analysis simple. instantly get distance, swing speed, smashfactor, and more.
>> people need to know about this. this is a game improvement piece of technologythat has never been accessible for amateurs. thank you so much. you guys nailed it. >> to get the swing caddie 2 with this specialtv offer, just visit myswingcaddie.com. that's myswingcaddie.com. >> welcome back to "golf life," your golf lifestyleshow. power package golf -- the new golf swing trainingaid to improve any swing and deliver better
ball striking, straighter shots, and addedpower. used by top pga and champions tour players. get yours risk free today at powerpackagegolf.com. and by swing coach. see why top teachers like dean reinmuth endorsethe swing coach as a great way to practice release and speed in the golf swing withouthitting balls. visit swingcoachclub.com. here's top teacher shawn cox from the beautifulgrand golf club in del mar, california, with his advice to help you get proper golf instruction.
>> hi. i'm shawn cox. and we sometimes get a question about "howshould i start with lessons?" or "what should i do?" bigger problem is, is most people don't cometo the pga professional first and ask that question. they just kind of ponder, and that's why wedon't have a lot of people taking lessons, and we have a great need for more instructionin helping this game. so i'm gonna give you some tips on how topick a golf instructor or program.
if you're the type of person that's maybea little shy, we have facilities that might have a separate area, a golf academy, or thisparticular range is a two-ended driving range, so most people showing up to play today arewarming up at that end of the range while i'm up here working with you on your game. you don't have to worry about other peoplewatching you. second type of person that might be thinkingabout taking lessons is kind of more of a social golfer. you want to look for programs that might bemore of a clinic-based. you might want to sign up with a friend andthe two of you do the lesson together.
a little bit more fun, a little bit less judgmenton each shot because maybe the instructor's watching somebody else. you feel like you're kind of going a littlebit more of a social situation. and the third type of person that might belooking for a lesson is a little bit more of that engineer type brain that's lookingfor some sort of technology, whether it be trackman or one of those 3-d systems wherethey put sensors on your body and they tell you every little pelvis and rotational angleand also maybe, you know, how's your sequencing or stuff like that, that you may have thoughtabout before but weren't sure. those type of people also may like to pickan instructor that uses more of a computer-based
system, where they put a rory mcilroy on oneside of the screen and they put you on the other, and they show you your swing in slowmotion in the hundredth of a second so that you can see the differences and you learnmore visual because you're seeing yourself on camera versus another professional. so that's kind of the three groups of people. i would still go and maybe sneak around alittle bit. what i mean by that is you go and maybe practiceat a facility, watch the style of the instructor, see the types of students that they may havecoming. are they more beginners?
are they more advanced players? that can tell a lot about an instructor andthe type of players that he's comfortable or she's comfortable with working with. so just use those little clues, and you cantry the internet. sometimes the best instructors may not havea web page or be there, but they are popular, and you maybe have to ask a friend who theyknow about or where they can find one of the best in town. so, use my advice. we can all get better at this game.
even the guys on tour take lessons. we can all find somebody that fits our style,and we can all get better. >> "golf life's" mike billingsley joins usto show you a great tool that helps you learn to make more breaking putts. >> hey, here's a product review. we're coming to you from the beautiful fairwaysat the stable right here in superior, colorado. and this product is called levelhead. it's from a company called iron-lad golf. it has a level or a bubble on it, a bubblelevel, and what that will do is allow you
to learn how to make more breaking putts. how does it work? it's pretty easy. you take it, you set it on the green, andwhen you set it behind your ball, you're gonna notice that if the bubble goes to the rightor left, you obviously have a breaking putt. you're on a side slope. now, what you do is you take the notches andyou line that up with the hole. the bubble will then be showing you the amountof break that you have. if you line the ball with the line on it upwith the bubble, that's gonna help you to
learn what that break is. you're gonna work on your breaking putts. also, you're gonna see if the bubble goesforward, you're gonna work on downhill putts. if it's backward, you're gonna work on uphillputts. it's a great little product to put in yourbag. you can get the levelhead over at iron-ladgolf.com. head over there today and get a levelheadfor your bag. it's gonna change your putting. >> we take a look at new equipment for the2017 season from the pga merchandise show
when we return. stay tuned. i'm dean reinmuth. the swing coach club is the most unique innovativeproduct i've seen in over 30 years, and i get a lot of them. it holds the ball, and when you swing withthe proper arc and the proper acceleration, the ball's extracted from the cradle towardyour target. >> it was able to help me slow down, workmy hands through the swing, fall in with the swing path, and really keep it on target.
>> what i really liked about swing coach -- itmade you think of whether you're swinging like a 9-iron or swinging like a lower clublike a 3-iron, or if a wood, where you want the speed of the club hitting the ball. >> i would tell my friends give it a try. start swinging with it. and once you get the ball to go and learnhow to get it to go, you'll see the release points and see the speed in your swing. >> it's like having a coach in your bag. swing coach club -- you're gonna like it.
>> try swing coach club risk free for 30 days. available now at swingcoachclub.com. get $20 off when you use the promo code "golflife." visit swingcoachclub.com now. >> sit tight. you're on the back nine with "golf life" ina moment. >> "golf life" is sponsored in part by cureputters. get your hands on the putter that resiststwisting like no other and creates a smooth and consistent roll every time.
learn more at cureputters.com. and by h-wedge, the hybrid wedge that willimprove your short game immediately. want to get better now? save 35% by preordering the new 2017 h-wedgeat hwedge.com. each year, the golf industry embarks to orlando,florida, for the pga merchandise show. let's take a look at some of the personalitiesand products "golf life" caught up with at this recent event. ♪♪♪♪ >> following the demo day isgolf's fifth major. for three days, golf's pga professionals andindustry professionals gather to discover
the latest trends in golf equipment, technology,apparel, and accessories. >> every time i come to the pga show -- thiswill be my fourth time -- it still has an overwhelming factor. i still remember that first time i got here,and i was walking over the -- kind of doing the overlook. but i think it is a big way for them to outreachand to kind of get the attention of a lot of, you know, other corporate or golf prosat different golf courses. >> i think it's great because it kind of reaffirmsthe fact that hey, you have a great product and you're in the right place to showcaseit, and you can also get a vibe for what the
competition's like, and conventions are greatbecause you have one basic goal, which is, say, this week is golf-related, and then everyonecan come in and check out the literal thousands and thousands of companies that are beingrepresented here. >> some of the biggest names in golf showup to support their favorite companies. >> we are so fortunate to have a legend inour game of instruction, mr. dave pelz. thank you for joining us. >> i have ran into a very special person,very special guest. curt menefee, fox sports sunday. how we doing?
>> all right, man. how are you? >> doing great. great to see you. >> hank haney, how are you, sir? >> nice to see you. >> so good to see you. >> top teachers like dave pelz and hank haney,plus tv personality curt menefee weigh in on what the pga show is all about.
>> just look around. >> right. >> you get so many different big brands, smallbrands, new people like us, people that have been established in this business, but allunder one roof, and so you get people that are retailers, that are distributors, thatare the general public that get a chance to come out and sample what you have to offer,to see what you have, to feel, to touch. >> skytrak. >> yep. >> you're gonna tell us about it.
>> it's a fantastic launch monitor. it's incredible. there's a lot of talk about launch monitorstoday. a lot of them are really, really expensive. >> yeah. >> kind of out of touch for most people. skytrak is a relatively affordable... >> ...launch monitor, and it's incrediblyaccurate. all you need is a mat to hit off of and somethingto hit into, and i practice with it out in
my backyard in phoenix, arizona. i set it up because i can see exactly wherethe ball is going. i look right on my ipad and monitor my practicesession. it tells me the launch angle, the spin rate,the backspin, the ball speed, the clubhead speed. it's great for learning how to hit the ballthe right distance. >> i don't know if you can see it on thiscamera, but the sole is what they call the v-grind. >> this is the rtx-3?
>> this is the rtx-3. >> they've gone to the tour, and they've gotthe bounce -- cleveland offers more bounces -- options than any company in golf. they offer three -- a small, medium, and largebounce on every model, and they offer so many lofts. you can get any loft you want. >> tour pros brad faxon and tom pernice jr.show us their newest golf adventures outside of the golf course. >> it really taught me after 40-some yearsof playing golf how to set the club correctly.
i usually turn my body too early, had a littlebit of roll in the forearms, so i never really set the club. and what power package does is it initiallychanged me and the sequence of my swing to set the club first with my arms and handsand get my arms locked into these cups, then use my big muscles to take the club to thetop and then let it come back down in front, with the cups in it, then the club dumps outonto the ball and the release happens, and then as you turn through, the cups come backinto your arms. >> i think the thing that attracted me tomsop was if you watch tournament golf, every single tournament ends with somebody on the18th hole, you know, holding their arms up
and they're making a putt, tapping in a putt,so it's a culmination of everything, and it's also a part of the game that everybody cando, whether you're a young, beginner golfer or somebody that's played forever. man or woman, young or old, it's the partof the game that everybody can take up. it doesn't require a lot of skill or a lotof time. >> we'll have more from the pga show comingup later. >> here's "golf life's" mike billingsley toshow you a hybrid solution to improve your short game right away. >> folks, here's three shots with one clubthat will make you better.
this is a tight lie. i have to use a 60. i've chosen an h-wedge, which is a hybridwedge. it gets the ball higher with spin. i need to get it up to the second tier. tight lie. put it back in my stance and just get throughthe ball, throw it up there. nice, easy shot. right up by the pin.
i can make that putt. okay, next shot, heavy rough. same club, hybrid wedge. heavy body, big sole, get some bounce, getthrough the club, get through the rough, okay? and throw it up there. again, i got to get it high. i got to get it up on that tier to stay throughthe club. pop it out. i think i can make that putt.
next one, in the trap. we're gonna walk down here and show you thisone now. final shot, sand bunker. i've got a 60-degree hybrid wedge 'cause igot to carry it out high. i can put it back in my stance. simple shot. the nice thing about the h-wedge, becauseit creates its own bounce, i can align straight to the target. i don't have to open my stance.
just get down underneath the golf ball andpop it out. easy out, right by the pin. folks, an h-wedge. hwedge.com is where you get it. they have a "love it or return it" policy. three shots, one club. you'll get better. >> get a special price on hybrid wedges toimprove your short game today. visit hwedge.com to try a set of hybrid wedgesrisk free.
don't go away. when we return, we head back out to the pgashow for more golf personalities and new products for your game. i'm tom pernice, jr. i want to tell you a little bit of somethingabout the power package. you can attach it to your own club, and itreally helps you learn and understand how to set the golf club to start your golf swingand how to maintain that power package back down in front of you. for the first time in, you know, my 50 yearsof playing, i really learned where and how
the club was to be set properly in the initialpart of the backswing. >> there's very little that you can do tomess up while using the power package. it's very simple, and it gives you instantfeedback, which is the best thing. >> and i could utilize this tool for myself. i didn't need somebody to tell me what washappening or what was not happening. >> big difference in just -- i get to go onthe golf course and hit golf shots that i've never been able to hit before, and that'spowerful. >> you can get your own power package todayby visiting powerpackagegolf.com. call 888-428-1400.
get the hottest swing trainer to hit the tourin years risk free by visiting powerpackagegolf.com. >> known as the pope of slope, dean knuthdedicated his life to improving golf working at the usga. today, dean has focused on game improvementfor your game as the creator of the award-winning high heat golf clubs. >> my vision was to be able to design golfclubs that were easier to hit, that were easier to launch, and more forgiving, longer, andstraighter. the high heat 3-wood features a titanium face,the hottest available, allowing amateurs to hit higher, straighter shots.
>> i'd say everyone needs a high heat in theirgolf bag if they want to get low scores and improving in their game of golf. >> with a 30-day money-back guarantee, golfersof all levels love the deeper center of gravity, allowing more distance and consistency. >> the high heat fairway woods really aidand help a woman to hit the ball farther. >> head to highheatgolf.com now, select "golflife" at checkout to save 20%. this no-risk offer will have you hitting morefairways and greens. order at highheatgolf.com. that's highheatgolf.com.
>> welcome back to "golf life," america'sgolf show for your golf lifestyle. "golf life" is sponsored in part by swingcaddie 2, the portable launch monitor that tells you the distance of your shots. improved distance control with swing caddieavailable now at myswingcaddie.com. and by golf fit kit. the stronger your muscles, the more poweryou'll deliver with every swing. the result is improved distance and less injury. visit golffitkit.com for a special discounttoday. let's head back to orlando, florida, to meetup with more personalities in the game we
love at the pga merchandise show. >> while some of the bigger brands can eatup a lot of the spotlight at the pga show, the smaller brands are there to make a namefor themselves as well, from sunglasses to apparel companies to 3-d sensor systems topersonalities and much more. we were there to learn more and have somefun with each and every one of them. are you ready for this, a little rapid fire? >> i think i'm ready. >> [ laughs ] >> yeah, see? i'm a child right now.
i got to tell you, this has got my eye. >> you can take that. >> no, no. >> this is for you, yeah. >> god bless america. hoo-rah! >> did you go out to demo day? >> i did not go out to demo day. i had a tee time.
>> oh, okay. that's way more important. >> hit the car. look at this. >> okay, i got some work to do. >> you should've went first. >> when opportunities come to you, you needto take them. >> so, as i said, designed by nicklaus design. it's 18 holes of putting.
competitors are gonna go around in four-,five-, six-round events, and they're gonna have prize purses of up to $250,000 per event. >> wow. >> so, can you imagine what it would feellike to have a putt worth a quarter million? >> we're a 3-d motion capture company, right? so, we got started in the movie industry,the video game development industry, and now we are into golf, baseball, medical, the physicalfitness world. anything that requires measuring motion, wedo it. >> the first thing i want to talk about -- iknow this is gonna hit deep in your heart
-- but the university of alabama. >> 31. 22. >> this is broken. this is broken. >> prc stands for... >> oh, you're gonna ask me. now i have to remember this. >> popticals is the world's first popout sunglasses.
is that correct? >> that's correct. the problem is, it's like you want to takeyour sunglasses somewhere. you don't want to carry the shoebox, so we'vecome up with a way to stick wraparound italian sunglasses into a tiny little case that popout from a small size. we've got the patented rail system, the fl2rail system, which allows them to spoon, but when you come out, you've got full wraparoundsunglasses. >> if muhammad ali was a golfer, "when i playedgolf, it's no fun because every hole is a hole in one.
some like it sweet, some like it bitter, buti'm the longest hitter. some people think i'm crazy. others think i'm hoping. i'll show you one and all. i'll win the u.s. open. go get mike billingsley. if i lose to billingsley, i'll crawl acrossthe green. ...tell him he's the greatest. take him to abc.
and caddie for howard cosell, which isn'teasy 'cause he died like 10 years ago. go get mike billingsley." >> i've technically only had hole in oneson my second ball, so i got to say zero, so you really stabbed the heart. >> no, no, no, no, no. everybody gets a breakfast ball. >> and this one's really -- only some peoplewould go with that. it's so big! >> been hearing it for five years.
>> sit down in there for a minute and seehow big -- this is the largest seat in the industry, contoured. >> whoo! >> and i know you're a wizard with the flatstick,so we don't want you. you might win it, actually. i don't want you to be in it 'cause you'llbeat everybody. >> scratch that. cut it. >> next question.
>> thanks for watching "golf life." if you want to watch the full-length featureswe highlighted during our live pga show coverage, visit us at golflife.com or facebook.com/golflife,where videos from the interviews are available in full length. some great videos available at golflife.comright now. i'm kate collins. look for "golf life" next week on this channel.
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