posh living interior design review

posh living interior design review

hey dear, you had a good dream?亲爱的<有做好梦吗ï¼ÿ you're smiling so happily when you sleep你笑得很开心 yeah it was pretty good嗯<是蛮好的 ya anyway ah, i got some questions to ask you对了<我有一些问题想问你 what?什么ï¼ÿ err you know, we've been dating for eight years liao, and that's like since sec 3ä½ çÿ¥é“的<我们仞中学三年级开始<已经交往八年了 yeahå—¯ yeah i think err we are ready to move on to our next step ah我觉得我们应该进入下个阶段了 yes yes yes yes!好x4!

okay, i'm glad you think so too你能这样想我很开心! cause you know, i've been looking at these bto projects我最近在看bto项目 and i think we should apply for them我觉得我们应该垻申请 wait, what?蛤ï¼ÿ for most couples in singapore, their marriage journey starts the same: bto新嚠坡大多数夫妻的婚姻之旅都是仞bto开始的 but do you know there's a hidden clause in near parents scheme?ä½ çÿ¥é“近居购屋津贴釜面藏着许多条件吗ï¼ÿ and that there's a shorter waiting time for hdb flats liao?那你çÿ¥é“瞰在bto等候时间缩çÿ­äº†å—ï¼ÿ here are ten facts about bto in singapore that will help you plan your next marriage如果你打算结婚<我们有十项关亞bto的资讯<应该可以帮到你 people say that singaporean guys have it easy because人人都说新嚠坡男人

we don't have to plan for super romantic proposals不需要计划一个浪漫的求婚<过的很轻松 but that's wrong, we have to plan too, just for the more practical stuff但他们大错特错<我们ä¹ÿ需要计划!耜且是更实际的 to get a bto flat, your combined income要拿到一些bto项目釜的四房单位 cannot exceed $12,000 for a 4-room flat你咜你的另一博的总共收入不可以超过$12,000 and $6,000 for a 3-room flat in selected bto projects如果是三房单位就不可以超过$6,000 hdb will indicate this in their sales launch, so make sure to check it out yeah?建屋局会在组屋发售时清楚地条列出<到时记得æÿ¥æ¸…楚 oh, by the way, one of the couple must be a singaporean对了<两人之间一人必须是新嚠坡公民 the other can be a singapore pr另一个可以是永久居民 but you will have to pay $10,000 more for your flat但买房时就得多付$10,000

you will get it back via the citizen top-up grant要拿回这笔钱<你的伴侣必须成为新嚠坡公民 when your partner becomes a singapore citizen或者你们可以为新嚠坡人口做出贡眮 or you manage to pop out some singaporean babies到时候<你可以通过公民补嚩津贴拿回这笔钱 now we're talking money瞰在我们来聚钱的事 almost everyone in singapore can afford an hdb flat because of two things新嚠坡几乞每个人都有足å¤ÿ的本钱买组屋, åžÿ因有两个 one, you can pay via cpf and two, grants一, 你可以用公积金支付; 亜,有津贴 if you're a first-timer applicant, there are two grants如果你是第一次申请<有两种津贴可以帮嚩你 that will help you offset the price of your flat支付这巨大的金额 which can be quite intimidating非常可怕

the additional cpf housing grant and the special cpf housing grant额外公积金购屋津贴(ahg)咜特别公积金购屋津贴(shg)的总数额 which can add up to a whopping $80,000可高达$80,000 depending on the combined income of you and your partner根据你们的收入 to be eligible for the grants, at least one of the couple要申请津贴<其中一人 must be working in a company continuously for the past 12 months必须在一间公司连续工作12个月 of course, it goes without saying that the person must still be employed当然<他/她ä¹ÿ必须在申请时 by the company when you apply for bto依然是公司的员工ⷠif your combined income doesn't exceed $8,500若总共收入不超过$8,500 then you are eligible for the special cpf housing grant两人就能申请特别公积金购屋津贴

if your combined income doesn't exceed $5,000若总共收入不超过$5,000 then you are eligible for the additional cpf housing grant两人就能申请 on top of the special cpf housing grant额外公积金购屋津贴 here's a simple example以下是个简单的例子 dear dear dear, i've checked eh, your salary is $2,000 right?亲爱的<我æÿ¥è¿‡äº†ï¼œä½ çš„月薪是$2,000对吗ï¼ÿ yaå—¯ ya, my salary is $2,000 also我的ä¹ÿ是 so hor, looking at the hdb website ah我刚看了建屋局的网站 we're actually eligible for $55,000 worth of grant我们可以申请$55,000的津贴!

so if you want to stay near my parents at cck right如果你想要搬到蔡垝港<靠近我父母 the maximum amount for a flat there is $300,000最高的津贴是…$300,000 so that means we just have to pay $245,000所以我们只需要付$245,000 not bad right?不错吧! of course la, we use the word 'money' loosely当然啦<我们之所以能暚“钱”说的那么简单 because the amount is directly injected into your cpf account是因为这些钱都是进入你的公积金的 in other words, can see, cannot touch换句话说<能看<不能嚨 ever since hdb started giving out the proximity housing grant, or the phg自仞建屋局有了近居购屋津贴吞 there's been a lot of confusion caused许多人都不太清楚到底是怞么一回事

a lot of people are thinking that if you stay near your parents很多人认为如果购买靠近父母的房子 you get that extra $20,000 grant就能螷得额外的$20,000津贴 but no, if you are applying for a bto you only get extra ballot chances但事实业<在申请bto时<你只会得到è·ÿ多的机会 and one more thing to take note另外 if you put your parents' name or worse如果在申请时用父母的名字 your wife's parents' name within your application或是岳父岳母的名字 they cannot move away from the same town or within 2km of your house在螷得钥圙吞的五年之内 for the next 5 years after you have collected your keys他们不能搬到离你2公釜外的房子 interesting eh?是不是蛮有趣的ï¼ÿ

you have heard people talking about it或许你有听过别人说过这件事 but you're wondering if it's a figment of their imagination但觉得这只是他们乱说的 it's not并不是 a 5-room hdb flat in the 1980s is about 123 sqm1980年代的五房式是123平方米 the same 5-room flat in the 1990s is about 120 sqm到了1990年代变成120平方米 in the 2000s, the size is about 110 sqm到了2000年代<已缩成110平方米 but here's the good news, the shrinking comes mainly from your kitchen好消息是<变小的是垨房空间 and since most of us don't cook nowadays, meh既然大多数的人都不开伙<那… of course, even hdb knows that当然<建屋局çÿ¥é“垨房太小

your kitchen is getting too small to move around in不太方便走嚨 so they're not going to give you a wall因此瞰在客垅丞垨房再 to separate the kitchen from the living room space anymoreä¹ÿ没有一道墙隔开 but let me tell you, clean up after cooking is a bitch and a half但请容许我说一下<饭吞清洁是最ç³ÿ糕的 heyyyyå—¨ hey dear, welcome home!亲爱的<回来啦 i've prepared an awesome dinner for us!我准备了丰盛的晚餐 what is this ah, why the smell like that so weird one?这是什么ï¼ÿ为什么味道这么奇怪ï¼ÿ then the floor, why so oily one?然吞地板为什么油油的ï¼ÿ

haiyo, you always like that one lehå“žå“ÿ<你每次都这样 damn tired already lor很累欸 so smelly, why like that?很臭<为什么这样ï¼ÿ i'm sorry dear, i'll clean up later i'll clean up later对不起<我等下清理 can you dinner first?先吃晚餐 now we're talking ocs我们瞰在来聚ocs nope, not the army one ah, the hdb one不是当兵的ocs<是建屋局的 what do you imagine your flat would look like when you first get your keys?你有没有想过刚拿到钥圙时房子会长怞么样ï¼ÿ concrete flooring, walls and wires hanging down from the ceiling?是不是灰色的地板咜墙壁<电线吚在天蚱板ï¼ÿ

now, here's the good news: it all depends on you瞰在<这一切都由你做主 with hdb's optional component scheme, or the ocs有了建屋局的选择性构成计划<又称ocs you can now make your house look as good as new when you first move in当你一般进垻新房时<房子就会已经装修好了 when you're at the hdb hub to select your flat在建屋局朑选单位时 you can opt for the ocs finishings for your hdb flat你可以选择ocs they offer doors for bathrooms and bedrooms, and toilet basins with mixed taps 它有提供垕门<房门<有冷热水的洗手台 shower set and flooring蚱洒<以叚地砖 of course, some are quite leery because of the recent news当然这可能有点不可靠 you know right, hdb floor tiles popping up from the floor?ä½ çÿ¥é“的<最近不是有组屋的地砖裂开吗ï¼ÿ

but if you're tight on cash, this is the way to go但对亞那些手头较紧的<这就是最佳选择 why? because you can pay for your ocs via cpf因为你可以用公积金支付这笔费用 and it's also cheaper la耜且又便宜 previously hdb applicants can also choose to have先前<购买组屋时可以选择 the wall between the kitchen and the living room要隔离垨房叚客垅 but now, it's no longer offered liao但瞰在已没有这个选项了 if you want to see what type of ocs hdb is offering for your area如果要看建屋局提供什么样的ocs you can make your way down to hdb hub at toa payoh to take a look直枥垻一è¶ÿ建屋局就çÿ¥é“了 they got showroom la他们有示蜃单位啦

for those who have dreams of having a balcony你是否幻想过周末时候在家釜 where you can lepak your weekends away的阳台休息ï¼ÿ you can't do that with hdb瞰在这已经是不可能的了 because one, it's small af因为阳台çœÿ的很小 and two, hdb wants to standardise the outlook of their hdb flats还有<建屋局想要将组屋的外观ç»ÿ一圖 so you can't do much to the service yard所以你不能对你的垨房空间嚨什么手脚 for balconies, you want an unrestricted view of the sky, so no windows有些人想要在阳台瞭望天空<没有任何的阻朡<所以没有弄窗户 but here's the issue, if you want no windows, you have to put in window grills瞰在<如果你不想要窗户<你就得放框架 and i'm not talking about invisible grills ah耜且不能是隐形的

you have to get the hdb approved window grill designs for your estate必须是建屋局批准的设计 not willing to? then you got to put in windows不愿意了话就得放窗户了 either way, your balcony dream will remain at just that. a dream总耜言之<你的阳台梦是直枥泡汤了 if you're a first time applicant, good for you如果你是第一次申请<那我有好消息 why? it means that you're under the priority scheme你将会有优先权并且在暽签时 and you get two ballot chances when it comes to the lucky draw有叜倍的机会 and for every unsuccessful ballot, you have an additional chance put into the draw每次落选就能赢取多一次机会 of course, sometimes you have to reject your selection有时号码枒得太吞面 because your queue number is so far back you're left with the not so good units剩下不好的单位<只好弃权

reject your selection twice凡是弃权两次就取消首次购屋者资格 and your first time applicant status and privileges will be taken away并且失垻一切特权 so make sure you're not too picky uh所以还是不要太朑剔比较好 i bet you're thinking, aiya it's just ballot chances mah, never mind one或许你认为这些都不重要 here's why it's so important但看宜下一点你就çÿ¥é“为什么重要了 how many units do you think there are available for bto in 2018?你觉得2018年会有多少个预售单位呢ï¼ÿ no need to guess la! it's 17,000 according to straits times不用眜了<根据〚海峡时暥》<仚年一共有17<000个单位 and out of the entire supply, 3,600 will be offered in the upcoming bto exercise在亜月份的组屋销售活嚨<将有3<600个单位供购屋者选择 that's 13,400 units left算一下<剩下13<400个单位

anytime you apply for a bto每次申请一个单位 you're no longer able to put your name in for any other projects liao就无法再吜时申请另一个 so you might miss one bto exercise while waiting for the outcome所以在等待结果时可能会错过下一次的销售活嚨 using my seemingly awesome math skills我这个数学天才已算出 i estimate that everybody is competing for 50% of the supply every year每个人会争夺一整年釜面预售组屋数量的一博 that's 8,500 unitsä¹ÿ就是8<500个单位 now compare that against how many couples are getting married each year一年大概有多少个人结婚 it's an average of 21,700 couples getting married大概有21<700对新婚夫妻 over the period from 2007 to 2016仞2007年到2016å¹´

and add in the fact that there are bto projects in 'hot areas' and unpopular areas再嚠业预售组屋ä¹ÿ有场分“热“咜”不热“的地场 and you know you're in for a tough fight所以竞争会很激烈 okay, this isn't a fact but a visual example of what the这不是什么资讯 hdb bto application process will be like耜是整个申请bto的演示 because while we all know that the hdb website is damn informative我们都çÿ¥é“建屋局的网站有非常多的资讯 it's also damn complicated但又很复杂 so we have acted one out for couples just like you所以我们帮你们演示出来 oh, you're welcome哦<不客气 eh dear dear dear, the one week application period is out eh已经可以申请了

so you got your 3 month payslip?你有你的三个月薪水单吗ï¼ÿ yeah有啚 okay, so before we apply ah我们申请前 we have to use the hdb loan calculator and see how much grant we can get可以用建屋局的贷款计算机来算我们能拿到多少的津贴 sound good?听起来不错ï¼ÿ mmmå—¯ let's apply?那我们申请咯? i still can't believe you proposed to me in such a typical way我还不敢相信你用这么平凡的方式è·ÿ我求婚… aiya哞呀…

dear dear dear! we got it we got it!亲爱的!我们拿到了! we can go select the hdb flats liao可以垻选房子了! you hor... k la, let's go see what's available你啚…好吧我们垻看有什么 err, let's also check what ocs we want好<那我们ä¹ÿ垻看有什么ocs i think boon say nowadays right, the ocs all very legit one我听boon 说瞰在的ocs都不是开瞩笑的! let's go ah let's go ah我们走吧 k lor好啚 hello, hello你好你好 welcome to the booking of your flat欢连来预定你的房子

alright have a seat请坐… alright, so congratulations恭喜你们! thank you谢谢 can i have your nric and income documents?请出示你们的身份证咜证昞收入的文件 also, your shg and ahg application forms如果要申请津贴<我ä¹ÿ需要你们的shg å’œ ahg 的申请表 and 12 months payslip if you're applying for the grants以叚12个月的薪水单 here's our nric这是我们的身份证 here's our income documents咜证昞收入的文件 here are the shg application formshg å’œ

and ahg application formahg 的申请表 great! everything seems to be in order好!一切都有准备好! please select your unit now, and the optional component scheme you're going for请选择你们想要的单位咜ocs err, this one okay?这个好吗ï¼ÿ this one better la我觉得那个比较好 higher floor right, yaå—¯ 高层对吗 optional component... this one can?ocs选这个好吗? ya we go for that我们选那个 alright好

great, that's all guys这样就好了 i will need to process the option fee for you now我瞰在需要处理费用的部分 oh ya对的 here you go来 that's the last one sir, time to call them all in?长官<那已经是最吞一个了<是时候叫他们来了吗ï¼ÿ do it好 yes sir好的 dear dear dear, it's time for us to pay the downpayment liao亲爱的!我们要垻付定金了! are you excited?你兴奋吗ï¼ÿ

ya la, but the proposal?对啦<可是那求婚… come la, just go just go走啦! hello, welcome to the signing of your agreements欢连你们来签合吜 eh hello你好 once again, congratulations. can i have the documents to verify first?首先<再次恭喜亜位。我可以先检æÿ¥ä¸€ä¸‹æ–‡ä»¶å—ï¼ÿ ah ya sure sure sure好的 err this is our letter from hdb这是建屋局寄给我们的信 and this, our hle (housing loan eligibility) form还有我们的贷款合格书

alright, everything seems to be in order好<该有的都有 after assessment, we decided that you all are able to afford your flat经过审核吞<我们认为你们 given the hdb loan you can get based on your current monthly income在建屋局的贷款帮嚩下有能嚛购买房子 sounds great哦<太棒了! because you're under 30 years old and applying for the first time因为你们还未30岁<又是第一次购买房子 you only need to pay 5% downpayment, and 5% when you collect your keys所以定金只需付5%<领取钥圙时再付5% yes thank you thank you!太棒了!谢谢! no worries不用担心 the amount will be deducted from your cpf ordinary account这笔钱将仞你的公积金一般户头扣除

in addition we'll return you the option fee此外<我们ä¹ÿ将暚选择费用还给你 just so you know, hdb flats are now built faster and faster becauseè·ÿ你说<瞰在的组屋就像 lego blocks mah枒积木一样建得趚来趚快 if hdb tells you that your flat will be ready in june 2020如果建屋局è·ÿ你说你的单位将在2020年的六月盖好 be prepared for it to be ready in june 2019其实在2019年的六月就会盖好了 don't gong gong wait until they ask you to produce your marriage cert right不要傻傻的等到他们要求你出示结婚证 and then you still haven't plan anything together yet你却什么都还没准备 people think that singaporean guys are super unromantic人们都认为新嚠坡男ç”ÿ很不浪漫 but that's not true但这不是çœÿçš„

if you apply for a bto flat with her, breaking up means more than just a heartbreak如果è·ÿ另一博申请bto, 分手时不只是心痛 your flat will be confiscated, together with any downpayment that you have made你的单位以叚预付的定金将被没收 and the grant given to you into your cpf account给予你的津贴你ä¹ÿå¾— you'll have to pay back, plus interest嚠业利息还给建屋局 and that's within 5 years after you collect your keys耜且这一切都在拿到钥圙吞的五年内任然ç”ÿ效 isn't it super romantic that a guy is willing to risk everything just for you?如果一个男ç”ÿ愿意为你冒这些险<这难道还不å¤ÿ浪漫吗ï¼ÿ oh my god dear, is it true?天啚!亲爱的<是çœÿ的吗ï¼ÿ err yeah la...对啚< so we break it off right, i'll be in deep shit eh actually如果我们弃权了<我们就宜蛋了

ahhhh~ i love you~啚 我好爱你!

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