senior living interior design jobs

senior living interior design jobs

hey guys today i'm gonna give you someadvice for critiquing other people's work now since i'm a designer this is mostlygoing to be design related but i think that the skill ofcritiquing peoples work and also knowing how to take critique yourself isa really important one and it can come in handy in lots of different jobs so hopefully you find this useful in designschool there are a lot of critique sessions where you'll show your work and fellow students will give youfeedback on it and then you'll do the same for them unfortunately in the first few years of designschool in my experience anyway

people feel a bit awkward about critiquingsomething that they know the other person has worked really hard on and they sort of sit back and don't saymuch and you get feedback that's not incredibly useful like 'it looks great' so iguess my first point is that you should not feel awkward about critiquing. it's part of the process, it's part of being a designer and it's a really important part of beinga designer actually being critiqued can be really hard atfirst especially when your student and you've been spending all day and night on a project only tohave a critique session and a fellow

student points out something that's notvery good about it it can be hard not to take thatpersonally because you put your heart and soul into the project but you reallyhave to remember that they not saying you're bad or that you're a bad designer they're simply pointing out something inyour project that maybe you need to work on a little bit more or perhaps you've overlooked alsoremember that it's a really good thing to hear that in a critique when you've still got time to work on it andimprove it rather than getting that

feedback on your mark sheet when you'vealready handed in the assignment so what if you do do not take critiquespersonally we just need to get over to be honest it's just part of being adesigner it's a part of the design process and the faster you get used to it thebetter. as i said at the start giving critiques is also a really important part of the process. so make sure you get involved in critique sessions and hopefully that will encourage your fellow students to do the same and then you'll all benefit from it. at firstwhen you're still like tuning your design eye and still learning

it might be hard to think of things to sayduring a critique but there's a few questions you can ask yourselfto help out with that like does it fit the brief, does itconvey the right message, think about the hierarchy of the piece, does it seem likethings flow in the right order does anything feel a little bit awkward orslightly out of place like to does anything catch your eye in a bad way? is there anice balance of space does it gives your eye room to breathe as you're looking at thepage. if there's anything that comes to mind when you think about those thingsthat maybe you would do a bit differently if it was your piece

then that's the thing you should be sayingin a critique. when you for critiquing someone's work it's really important to try and beconstructive so if you don't like something don'tjust say don't like it try and explain why you don't like it you're not expected to give a solution tothe problem and i think that's something that stops people from speaking up a lot ofthe time but it is really important just to tryand articulate why you think something's not working quite right and that will be helpful. it's also reallygood force to yourself to try and explain

things like that because it will helpyou when you're talking about your own work. lastly i'll just say that remember a critiqueis meant to be more of a discussion so yo're not expected to just sit therequietly while everyone else talks about your work it is really important to ask themquestions about their feedback so that you can make sure you understand it and yeah just get a discussion going. you also don'thave to make every single change that is suggested, because a lot of the time it does comedown to personal preference but it's really important just to thinkabout what people have said and the reasons why they've said that

and just take that on board when you'relooking at improving your piece. really you just have to make sure you're gettinginvolved in critiques because it's an awesome way to learn from other designers with my team at work we critique eachother's designs all the time and have discussions and debates about certain bits and it's really valuable. so i reallyhope this video has given you a few tips so you can start giving valuable critiquesto other people, and encouraging them to do the same thing for you but if there's anything i didn't cover, or if there'sanything you've got questions about

then please feel free to leave them downbelow in the comments give this video a thumbs up if you found it useful or ifyou just enjoyed watching i guess and i'll seeyou next week. bye

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