best house decorations for christmas

(the day of the guerillafan meeting) (still not brave enoughto come out of the covers.) (went back to sleep) (lisa and rosã©is nowhere to be seen.) i'm so hungry. lisa, i'm hungry. i'm hungry. -are there any tangerines?-we have tangerines. -tangerines...-cheese, cheese, cheese!
hey, i love lemon juice!how did they know? i really like lemon. do you want to make fried eggs?do they have that here? no. we even have jam!we should buy bread. -i'm so hungry.-come here. kuku... kuku come. (they're going to starve todeath before they meet blinks.)
wait, come here.there is cereal! come are going to like this. -me?-hurry up. (bread +1) -put the bread here.-you are so cute. kuma, ku! kuma, ku!kuma, kuma, kuma, ku! it's done. (looks like she knowshow to enjoy the bread!) (it's so good,i'm about to fly.)
(one bite, please) (she's ready for some.) (here's the burnt toast!) it's burnt. (that crushes me inside.) this is so burnt. (i must save this toast.) this is so hot. (holding a scalpelwith her bare hands)
(please breathe, patient toast.) it's completely burnt. don't. kuma. you can't eat it. -looks so good.-kuma. baby kuku, it smells so good. (how is the taste of thetoast brought back to life?) (yum, yum!) did you have to make that sound? it's so tasty.
don't cry. don't ask for more. it's good, right? (it's not that...) my goodness, it's so tasty. (no matter what anyone says,this is rosã©'s best toast.) let's go now. let me eat one more. (shaking head) (rosã©'s "one more"ended up being)
(white bread) (burnt bread) (fresh bread) (and more) (delicious) i want to hurry up andgive some to the other members. (now that they are full, theythink about the other members.) (burning off caloriesby hiking up the stairs) jennie, jennie.
(rosã© delivery service deliversstraight to your mouth.) -what is this?-hurry, take a bite! (yum) (rosã©'s toast reviewgreat texture) -this is so good!-you can have this, too. no wonder.i smelled something good. wow, so you guyswere making this? (meanwhile,we have forgotten...) (someone who is stilldeep asleep)
(someone is headingfor jisoo's room.) (the mission to wake othermembers continue.) jisoo... (i'm going to sleep more!) -i'm sleepy. i need to sleep.-please don't. please... (screaming) are you going to get up or not? come here.
(everyone is finally up.) you are so heavy. jeez. (eight hours beforethe guerilla fan meeting) it's awesome! what? it's awesome! wow! (what did they see?) -look.-wow! it's already pretty.
(the pink tree completelychanges the atmosphere.) wow. i want to bring my camera. if we didn't buy those christmasgifts, it would have felt empty. seriously. it's a good thingwe got them, huh? (#bling bling #boxed decorations#cost effective #perfect mood) (#empty without #season's ititem #decoration bulbs #pretty) (blackpink shoppedfor decorations.) we need to buy it to decoratethe wall. this too!
we need all of this becausewe will be decorating the house. -this one too.-what will be better? -the sparkly one...-sparkly... (while the othersare shopping...) i get tired easily.i'm out of shape. (they have got every itemthey needed to buy.) -we need another basket.-i found the lighting guys! i want to buy lighting! (now time to decorate...maybe not!)
(what?) hello. i'm jisoo. after some helium,i became like this. this is so fun. let's buy onefor the house. -this is great.-oh, no. chae young, turn on a song. okay. -here we go...-this is so cute. (blackpink house has beenupgraded with some carols.)
this is perfect for a selfie. (she's feeling it.) i ate all of the oneswith colors. -there is just one thing i need-and i... good bye. (innocent) (it won't hurt you.) (santa kuma doesn't givepresents to crying dogs.) (will you pull the sled mom?)
(guerilla fan meeting) (doorbell) who is that?someone's ringing the bell. someone's here. did you guys order something? (who is it?) hello. oh... chef... yes.
(chef?) hello. one moment please. (first male to visitthe blackpink house) guys! the chef is here! we wanted to learn it rightfrom the chef. -hello!-hello. welcome. -hello.-welcome. i heard that you are havinga fan meeting.
-that's right.-we will be making sandwiches. what kind of sandwichwill we make? it's called bao bun. they eat them a lotin south-east asia. (south-east asia?what kind of dough?) we will make a doughlike hoppang. -hoppang?-hoppang? you can think of itlike a hoppang. hoppang? hoppang sandwich?
-i've never heard of it before.-we will be using chicken pattiesfor the sandwiches. (it's seems unfamiliarand difficult.) (bao bun? sandwich? what?fact? 100? hoppang?) at first, he made it soundvery difficult. a hoppang sandwich which ispopular in south-east asia? will this be... (blackpink's menu, bao sandwich) (main ingredients)
okay. then we will makethe sandwiches together. let's wash our handsbefore we begin. (the first step to cookingin cleanliness.) -what do we do?-over here... -let's just continue with this.-you can do it! -so we need to bend this?-trust me. okay. it's done. (jennie and jisoo's team willmake 100 sandwiches.) (rosã© and lisa's teamwill continue decorating.)
it smells like steamed bread. -it smells like steamed bread.-wow! is it already made like that? (they stop decorating andlook across the living room.) -wow! it's cool!-come here. (there is is no time.) let's slice carrots and radish with a slicing knife. (preparing the carrots radishfor the sandwiches.)
have you ever used the slicingknife before? i have. then jisoo, you should use itto dice the vegetables. but i'm not really confident. since jisoo knows how to usethe slicing knife... (slicing) (slice the carrots and radishinto an appropriate size.) (regular segment in blackpinktv, jisoo talking gibberish) (iron arms iron legsman made of iron)
(a commemoration song for theradish who had given its all.) (shall i tastehow well i sliced it?) (yuck!) is this how radish tastes like? you are just slicing it all. you are really good at that. i found something i'm good at. i am an expert! how long have you been an expertof slicing?
it's since i have been filmingblackpink tv. i was making sandwiches... next, we will be makingpickle syrup. -a cup of water...-a cup of water? and some sugar. here you go. this is new.this goes into making pickles? (it only needs to be boiledto make pickle syrup.) (cooking is going smoothly.)
(where did rosã© and lisa go?) (the two areconcentrating on something.) look at you! oh, baby... (what are they doing now?) baby, come here. oh, the black one is gone. the kitties must be cold. (kitty baby) they must be so cold.
we're cold too. (the cute babies came to playat blackpink house.) there they are! i found them! (are you falling for me?) baby, baby! come here, baby! hey baby. run. run here. the baby is coming. don't over-do it. don't do that. don't do that.just stay quietly.
the baby is so cute. that's baby. i gave it a name. baby... -he's gray.-gray? how about him? -spots.-spots? okay. if we leave food here, i thinkthey will come and eat it. if we just leave food here,they will come every day.
-right?-they will come every day. let's do it! let's do it now!hurry! hurry! (you scared me!) -it's too cold.-hey! come here! -bye bye!-i'll give you food! (we will eat it next time.) they're so cute. look at them. -they're so cute!-cute! chae young,let's go back in now.
-they're so cute.-let's finish up! where is he gone?where did he go? close the doors. (the pink tree decorationsare almost done.) (jennie and jisoo are focusingon making sandwiches.) (pickle the radish and carrotsin the pickle syrup.) (marinate chicken) you come here.don't you dare go away. (marinating)
let's go. we're going in. -it's hot. hot, hot, hot.-it's not hot. -it's hot, hot, hot.-give it to me. next, take the bread and slice it in half. -put in the baked chicken first.-okay. -this?-yes. (spread the sauce as desired.) (add the pickledcarrots and radish.)
(red, orange, yellow, greenthe visual is a go.) (pressed downfor an easier bite.)
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