cheap decorating ideas for indian wedding

- we've actually madetitty tassels before. - (laughs) pretty cool (upbeat music)(hinges creak) - i'm getting married in a couple weeks, and i'm super excited. for many reasons, not leastof which is to be done with wedding planning. wedding planning is notfor the faint of heart. there are so many details,
your emotions are all wrapped up in it, and everything is so goddamned expensive. i started to think maybe ishould just diy it a lot more, and so i searched on pinterest for the easiest weddingdecorations you could make. i found a bunch, and then i realized i do not have the emotionalbandwidth at this time to even begin to start a diy project. so, i'm making my coworkersand friends try it.
i got a married couple,i got an engaged couple. let's see what they can do. - we are planning a wedding,and it is horrifying. - we got married last year. we had our one-yearanniversary this summer. - yeah, we did. - it's a lot. - yeah, there is so much to do. there are so many tiny details.
- we have both southasian and african family. it was three days, as well. - i have a ton of diy stuff pinned. - yeah. - but, i also know myself, and i know i'm not thatgood at making things. - but there were thesejust huge 3-d flowers that i wanted to make.(man laughs) i even did a practiceround of making them,
but it totally was a disaster. - i think i'll be better than sarah. - he's probably right. (laughs) (rock music) - it looks like it's tassels that hang like this from a string. - two at once, or one first and then figure it out.- ooh, yeah yeah yeah, let's do some layers!
- no, i didn't mean two, imean two at once, like you -- - nah, nah, let's do layers! - fold a piece of tissue paper in half, and then half the other way. cut strips toward thefold to create fringe, leaving about one inchuncut at the fold line. - you know.- we're already going off the script.- yeah, yeah. - partway through my firstpiece of tissue paper,
and i'm already over it. - like, these are for a wedding, can you please take this seriously? - mine are way thicker than yours. like, mine are thick. - that's good cuts? - they're better than mine. - what's does fringe mean? idon't know what that means. - funny like,
blunt-rolling technique,(laughs) like with tassels at the end of it. - no, but, what's the next step? - i don't know, i feellike you just tie it. - they make a loop? - that'll have to do i think.(snickers) - ooh!- tassels! - i think it would takeat least 8 hours to make a wedding's worth- there's no way.
- of these tassels. - but it doesn't look very good. - they don't look good at all. - we're not gonna make tassels. (scoffs) (old timey music) - we're about to do likediy flower centerpieces out of paper. and i'm actually interested in this.
- i knew flowers would be expensive, but i didn't realize how expensive! - yeap. yeah. - i've heard of peoplemaking fabric flowers. i'm considering it. - i think we wanna make the petal. a bunch of petals andthen we tie them together. alright, so let's just make some petals. - it's starting to look like a flower.
- yeah, brag about it. - how do you change directions? - just like... you know, just like, flow! - just to show you what sarah just did. she used the instructionsportion of the tape-- - i'm so stressed out, like... (sighs) - they were like this, and then the next picture'slike a beautiful flower.
i don't know how...(laughs) i don't know how it got there. - go for it, go for it. - i'm, like, gonna goon pinterest and unpin everything i ever pinned. - wow!- i think these look beautiful (laughs) - hope you're getting sarah muttering under her breathwhile she makes flowers.
- we are not done! - i refuse to make another one. - no! (laughs)- i'll help you, though. - whoa. (laughs)- yours is so bad! - that's way too much work! real flowers, it's a plant based material. (tropical music) - we are now going tomake marbled votives. - this is the votive.
- you put a candle in it. - you just like, drop, drop, drop. roll, roll, roll. done! - put a few drops ofnail polish in the water. (yelps) - all coming off on the toothpick! - you're probably going too fast. (laughs)- oh... i ruined it.
- please gently dip below the surface. - ooh... roll. - ooh!- okay, roll... ay! boom!- really sick, actually! (laughs mockingly) - oh, boy... - oh, man, you spent somuch more time on it. and yours looks equally as shitty. (claps)- looks like rainbow throw-up.
- i'd say the lessonlearned on this one is don't do it. (classical music) - some of this diy stuff is like... i get that you need to havedecorations at your wedding, but like, you know... youcan chill out a little bit. - it's like communal joyand also communal suffering through diy projects.(laughs) - even when it's not diy.
- do you have any faith in me to diy anything at our wedding? - uh, maybe like an outfit for our dog. - but if you're into it, definitely do it, because it'll make your wedding really unique and personalized. - none of this matters, because... it's just a wedding. - what?!?(laughs)
i'm just kidding. like, what is a baby but, like, the world's most important diy project? - that's a stretch. (hinges creak)
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