funky home decor stores

hi! it's heather from thicketworks - andtoday i'm going to show you how you can use slush casting to create beautifulhome decor accents with a minimum of time and material! i'll demonstrate howyou can use one of these really cheap plastic molds intended for plaster ofparis to cast beautiful architectural embellishments you can add right on topof metal items that have been treated with fire patina. we'll be working with aquick cure two-part resin today so grab your protective gloves and let's getready! i'll be working with fast cast which as you can see, sets up in tenminutes! because this mold is fairly elaborate, i'm going to add a moldrelease in the form of the simplest of
materials - and that's baby oil... appliedwith a baby wipe. doesn't take much - just get some on to your cloth or your babywipe and make sure to place it into all of the nooks and crannies of the moldcavity. fast cast quick cure resin comes in a bottle marked part a and a bottlemarked part b: these are mixed together in equal amounts to create a resinmixture that sets up really quickly. i'll be adding this alumilite black dye tothe part a portion of the mixture before blending them together. now i'm notmeasuring here: i'm just giving a pretty decent squeeze of that black dye intothe part a and i'll blend that together before we combine part a and part b. theresin typically will dry to an almost
ivory color so the addition of the blackdye will create a lovely deep rich charcoal gray - and that charcoalgray is a perfect match to the background of our fire patina surfaces.once part a and part b of the resin have been added to the same container, you mixthem thoroughly and carefully for 30 seconds - making sure to scrape the sidesand the bottom of the container. next, we're going to pour the mixture into themold and it will not fill the mold. that's the idea of a slush casting - we'resaving on the amount of material that typically would be used to fill a moldthat's this large. every time we swirl the mixture around the interior of themold we're adding another fine layer of
resin. these layers build up slowly asyou go through the slush casting method. as the chemical reaction begins toaccelerate within the resin you'll find that the mixture moves more and moreslowly as you swirl it around. it will continue to thicken during this processuntil it's no longer possible for you to tilt the mold and have the resin movequickly. once the resin is no longer in a liquid form and you've covered theentire interior of the mold, it's time to set it aside for a few minutes: less than10 - until the surface is no longer sticky to the touch. at this point the resin hasreached the "soft cure" stage and with a thin implement (like the tip of a craftblade) you can pry up one edge. once you
have that first edge free, you can thenuse the strength of your hands to pull the casting out of the mold. don't worryif it tends to deform at this point: it will bounce right back to its originalshape... and as you can see, it left the mold completely clear!at this point you can use a pair of scissors to clean up the edge of yourcasting. just a few snips to make sure everything's nice and trimmed and thisis ready to adhere to its substrate. i'll be using the 3-in-1 glue by beacon:this is a very strong craft glue and it works just as well as a 6,000 or fabritack. i'm applying it only to the areas that will come in contact with thesurface of this fire patina tin - and then
pressing it into place...verifying thatit's actually centered on that lid and then allowing it to cure for just a fewminutes. this looks amazing just "as is", but i'dlike to dress it up just a bit by adding a layer of metallique "old silver" metallicwax to the high points. i love this wax as you probably already know, and it'sthe perfect way to blend the charcoal of the casting into the metallic backgroundof the fire patina tin. it just takes a few swipes and a few moments and at theend of the process you have an heirloom worthy piece just like that in less than20 minutes! slush casting is one of the fastest andeasiest ways to create stunning home
decor items. thank you so much forhanging out with me today! until next time...bye!
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