funky junk home decor hours

hello! this is the long awaited apartment tour i moved into this apartment about five months ago and i really wanted to do an apartment tour but i just really wanted to wait until i was happy with everything! and i was really like settled into the space. there's still like a few things that i wanna change or add but i'm pretty happy with it now so i thought i'd finally show you guys an official apartment tour! this is a studio apartment
and it's in the middle of los angeles so it's very small and there's just there's just one room and then a bathroom and a kitchen. that's it, i'm just gonna be showing you guys like the main area, this area today and i'm gonna be showing you guys kind of in like sections because that's how i decorated it, like section by section. so let's go to the first section! this right here is the walkway this... that's the door to the outside world... hey.
right here i've got my three favorite hats and there's little hooks right here so i can just like hang em up or put one on before i'm leaving. i always carry a hat with me because my hair is actually insane, so if it looks crazy i could just hide it under a hat. right over here i also have some sunglasses and/or glasses that i might need if it's a sunny day or i'm doing a lot of editing and my eyes are going to hurt also got my keys, a little film camera, and here are a bunch of quarters for when i do laundry.
also chapstick, because you always need it and you don't have it so why not have it right by the door? i have a little mirror over here that way i can check myself and make sure i don't look crazy before i leave the door in the event that i do look crazy i just leave anyways because i always look crazy and it doesn't really matter. also i have, like, miscellaneous memories on this wall, and you'll see that as a very common theme throughout this apartment. i'm a very, very nostalgic person so if i see something that i like i just slap it on my wall that's how i operate, kiddos. down here i have all my shoes so i can just grab some
stick em on, and get out the door and that's this handy dandy section, let's go to the next one! [swoosh!] this, right here, is 'ma desk and if imma be honest i don't really use my desk that often. for some reason every time i sit here and wanna start working on something, i just like immediately become distracted by something. it's just too quiet, and there's, like, too many things my brain is doing all the time so i always need to, like, get out of my apartment if i wanna work. one of the great things about living in la is there's like ten million
coffee shops everywhere. so i have my selection of like twelve different ones if i need to go work. this drawer right here is my electronic junk drawer. as y'all probably know, i make a lot of videos, and i'm making a lot of music so i have cords galore, you need a miscellaneous cord? come on down to conan's apartment i have so many,
i understand that this looks a little disorganized but trust me it is actually very organized everything is labelled with pieces of electrical tape and since i'm always taking them in and out it's just such a hassle to like make them pretty and now i always find what i'm looking for very quickly so if you don't like my organization systems then fight me in this drawer right here i have sticky notes and pens and weird stickers and just strange things that
i use sometimes while i'm journalling or writing in my planner for the week my desk isn't really that organized because i don't really use it that often and i don't know if it will ever be organized i'm moving out in like 7 months probably won't be organized ever, this last drawer is for all of my school stuff ucla stuff, if you don't know i go to ucla. school is a thing that i do. i'm a college student and there's a lot of just like textbooks and notebooks and papers and stuff like that in there
on top of my desk i have all the stuff i need for recording demos i'm recording an ep right now which means a lot of my time is spent recording weird and crappy things for my producer for him to like decipher whats going on inside of my brain and over here i have a bunch of pens and paintbrushes and rulers and stuff that i use when i feel like making art because i love drawing, i love painting so all that is there just in case the mood strikes
that's all for my desk now for my memory wall! i'm an extremely sentimental and nostalgic person so everywhere i live i always feel the need to like completely plaster my walls in memories, there's posters, plane tickets, movie stubs, polaroids, plants, scissors, and much, much more i draw a ton of inspiration from the past and i feel like the past and music go completely hand in hand
because music is this like incredible way of just perfectly encapsulating a feeling it's just really good inspiration and always puts me in like a weird contemplative mood the memory wall grows and grows as time passes so its probably going to be a lot larger by the time i move out and the most painful thing in the world is taking it down it just breaks my lil' heart but i love the memory wall and i would suggest everyone have a memory wall
now lets go down to my little music corner this is my little musical corner i have my guitar and my ukulele here i write all of my music on guitar and i write a lot of music so me and my guitar in love have been married for like 10 years now right here is my record player
as well as a bunch of my favorite records it's perfect for like slow mornings when i really feel like being relaxed i'll just put it on and dance it helps me slow down and it really clears my head i've also got this houseplant and also this dude right here that one's very large, he's a big boy i've only killed 1 houseplant in my life and i have a lot of houseplants, so i think that's a pretty good accomplishment
i would consider myself quite a good gardener since i live alone, i need a lot of houseplants to keep me company because i'm always sad and sadly you can't just drag your friends everywhere you go so... houseplants are my solution to having life in my apartment houseplants are a necessity for every room it just immediately livens up the space and i love them so much
they're so cute i think that the reason why my plants do so well in my room is because i play a lot of music for them and it's scientifically proven that plants like listening to music so that's why i have several in this musical corner and they really like it here next up *crawls onto bed* my bed
this bed is where i spend most of my time completely un-ironically it's not like a haha relatable oh my god it's like genuinely where i spend most of my time in my apartment i really like doing stuff on my bed and this is the first time in my life that i've had larger than a twin bed so i feel like a king i love writing music in bed and i come up with a lot of ideas while i'm in bed like right before i'm about to fall asleep so i have to like roll out and grab my phone
sleepily sing it into my audio notes (ha) also, i don't have a dining table 'cuz this apartment isn't really that large so i eat all of my meals on my bed, i watch a lot of movies and tv shows on this bed it is my happy place i have a lot of pillows because i really like pillows i wanted my bed to look like one of those french hotel room beds hence the striped blue sheets
and also i sleep in very strange positions all the time i swear i do like acrobatics when i'm sleeping anyone who's ever slept in the same bed as me is like what are you doing? 'cuz i'll be like kicking them i'm always ready to fight i always fall asleep like hugging a pillow or with a pillow on top of me, suffocating me just 'cuz i don't know, that just feels right to me
also since i'm lonely and nobody likes me i kinda just like push the pillows around me... and it kind of feels like there's a human in bed with you but, really, it's just cotton and fabric it helps though plus, i don't have time for love. you think i have time for love? no! i have other things to do like listen to music and dance around my room gee whiz! anyways, this is my bed
now to my... relaxation corner (whispering) this is my little relaxation corner it's next to my bed, and it's exactly what you think it is (normal voice) that's too much work this is my relaxation center it's right next to my bed, and it has everything i need for a good, relaxing night i've got lavender oil, nighttime balm, fairy lights, books i'm a pretty bad sleeper. i always have really bizarre, intense dreams
and i almost always wake up in the middle of the night so there are just some things i do to help me fall asleep faster also , there's a plant because... plants! i'm a little too tall i'm a just squat for this whole segment this right here is my photo wall i've been building it for about 2 years now since i just moved out from my hometown, i miss it a lot and so a lot of these photos are from that hometown and that just helps me
when i'm feeling sad and nostalgic i really like this wall, though, and i like to look back on it nostalgia is a funny thing because it makes me happy, but also very, very sad that is that. i'm tired of squatting. let's go to this corner! this is the last corner of my room it is a beautiful mixture of all of my favorite things in the world memories, houseplants books, and music
this giant mirror behind me is perfect for checking out my outfit dressing myself in the morning is a process that i really really enjoy and i like that it takes a lot of time i'll put on some music and just dance and try stuff on it's just really fun for me, and even though it takes forever, i enjoy it, so that's why it's important i've also got my typewriter right here it's one of my favorite things in my apartment
i brought it all the way from texas, even though it's really heavy it works very well for being very old and i really like to use it to type letters to my friends, or when like some random poetic line comes into my head i'll type it down real fast and it makes me feel like a writer from the roaring 20s this whole area is very creative for me i've got my favorite books here and over here i have my electric guitar, which i got pretty recently
it is a fender stratocaster squier and it's beautiful and i love it so much! i've also got my amplifier and the notebook that i use to write all of my songs in i love this corner very much; i spend a lot of time in this corner and that's it y'all! that was my whole entire apartment tour maybe one day i'll show y'all the kitchen and the bathroom but it just seems like a kind of strange, unimportant thing to show y'all if you've watched any of my other videos,
you know what my kitchen and bathroom look like i'm sorry this video took ages to finally put out but i wanted to wait 'til my apartment was like really lived in if you have any questions regarding where i got some things, feel free to ask it in the comments below i'll try my best to respond to as many as i can and thank you so much for watching this video if it wasn't for you guys watching these, i would have never been able to move to la and have this apartment and be able to pursue my dreams so it really means the whole wide world to me
this was my dream, so thank you so much i could never express how grateful i am for you guys watching these lil' videos i'll see you guys in a couple days with a brand new one god bless and good bye! (outro music- other side by conan gray)
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