funky unique home decor
hey guys! i had so much fun last month doing a themedfavorites video, that i'm going to do it again this month, and this month's theme is pokã©mon! [cheers] this was my very first pokã©mon game. it is pokã©mon blue for gameboy. and i played this game like my life dependedon it. i love pokã©mon, and if you also love pokã©mon,
this video is for you! april favorites! let's go! pika pikachu! i'm going to do things a little differentlythis month. instead of just talking about one shop percategory, i'm going to show you all of the cool pokã©monstuff that i have, and then i'm going to tell you where i gotit. so that way we can cover way more pokã©monstuff. i have talked about some of these shops before,
um, in like earlier favorites videos, but i just cannot make a pokã©mon favoritesvideo without talking about them again. so we might have some repeats. sorry 'bout it. i'm going to start off by showing you allof my pokã©mon clothes. this shirt, for example, is from living dead clothing. it's a pokã©mon badges crop top.
i have been wearing it like constantly sincei got it. i wore it in my new york vlog. i love the way it fits. it's awesome. i loveit. and living dead also has these pokã©time- which is pokã©mon/adventure time- leggings. i love these. i think they're adorable. this shirt is a teefury shirt, which if you don't know what that site is, they basically put out a new shirt designlike
i think it's every day and they're only available for like 24 hours. and then after that, it's gone. that was the case with this shirt which is... a bummer. because it's so cute. and it's basically a pokã©ball shape made out of the silhouettes of a bunch ofdifferent pokã©mon. genius.
i am sure you can find these online stillthough, like you could see if you could find it. i don'tknow. it exists. i have it. it's awesome. i loveit. okay, so, i just went to go check and seehow long the teefury shirts last for. it is 24 hours but while i was there, i sawtheir shirt for today and it's so cute. um... so i just bought another shirt. this is my charmander crop top that i worein my charmander makeup tutorial. and it is from an etsy shop called kel'z boutique.
it's just a black crop top with charmanderon it. what's not to like? this shirt is a kanto official gym leadert-shirt. super cute. it's like in the style of likea gym shirt. a gym as in like a school gym, not like apokã©mon gym. although, also a pokã©mon gym i guess. i don't know if this kigu falls into the categoryof clothes, but i do know that it is one of my favoritethings to wear on my body. this is another thing you can see in my charmandermakeup tutorial.
this is from it's seriously the most comfortable thing,uhhh... probably on this planet. i think so. definitely.yeah. on the planet. and it's charmander! these are my pokã©mon shoes. these are more for fashion and these are morefor cosplay. these shoes are probably my favorite pairof shoes that i own and that is saying something because i ama huge shoe junkie
and i have like way too many pairs of shoes. i love these shoes. they are charmander evolution shoes and you can see on this side, there's charmander. and then on the inside of both of them ischarmeleon. and then on the outside of this one is charizard. and just how cool are these? they are so cool. they were hand painted by catherine lapointe. she has an etsy shop. she does custom handpainted shoes,
so if you have a different pokã©mon that youlike better, or if you want something that's not even relatedto pokã©mon at all, she can paint anything that you want and makeit look freaking amazing. i wear them all the time and they've heldup really, really well. uh, i mean, they're kinda dirty just fromwearing them, but the paint has stayed on there throughoutall of my shenanigans so far. so definitely check out her shop and get yourselfsome custom shoes. these are so cool and so worth it. these shoes are for my misty cosplay.
and the quality of them is kind of like- you wouldn't want to wear these like out inlife all the time. like, they're not like an every day pair ofshoes. but the reason i got them is because theyare perfect misty cosplay shoes. they are exactly like what hers look like. so if you're looking for a way to stand outfrom the bazillions of other misty cosplayers, theseare perfect. these are my favorite pokã©mon wigs. and i guess i should say that these aren'tlike technically pokã©mon wigs,
but they are my favorite wigs for pokã©moncosplay and pokã©mon themed outfits. so, this is the triflect collection from rockstarwigs. this is screaming crimson and this is purplepossession. and screaming crimson is perfect for any firetype because it has, um, these layers of like red,orange, and yellow, and it looks just like a fire. so if you wanted to do a themed outfit orcosplay of... any fire type. like charmander, ponyta, flareon, um...
tepig, darmanitan! this is the wig you want. this purple one would be good for like espeon,or any um, purple pokã©mon-- oooh, what if you did gastly. that'd be cool.hmm... or like ditto? i would love to do an outfit around like oneof the ones that people don't do as often. that'd be fun. maybe i will. maybe. and my friend pixie has the pink one of theseand she did a sylveon cosplay in that one.
and they also have like a green and blue onewhich would be good for any water type. so i just love the triflect collection forpokã©mon stuff because the colors are bright and awesome and it justtranslates really well into the pokã©mon world. so these are all of my pokã©mon accessories. i know i have featured kawaii blaby like multipletimes, but when it comes to pokã©mon hair bows, she is the best. so you can see i have a pikachu one here,
uhh.. charmander. a magikarp one with a little crown on it, and sylveon. oh! and a pokã©ball. and i will link the video where i go intomore detail about kawaii blaby because seriously, check out that shop ifyou haven't. it's fantastic. so i also have these little buttons or pins,whatever you want to call them. i call them buttons.
and they're so cute. they're like the littlefaces of the starter pokã©mon uh, from whatever generation you want. they come in packs so you can kinda pick whicheverone. so i have the first generation ones. charmander, of course. uh, squirtle and bulbasaur. and also, um, there's a pikachu included inthat one too. and then i also have gen 5, which i know fromplaying pokã©mon black,
which is snivy, oshawott, and tepig. fun fact: i play with oshawott in pokã©monblack because he is so cute! osha! they're super cheap and they're a great wayto take something plain and make it something pokã©mon. so as far as necklaces go, i have these two pokã©ball necklaces and i'm actually not sure where i got eitherone of them from, but pokã©ball-anything is super easy to findon the internet.
um, if you just type it in to ebay or amazonor etsy or storenvy, or any like, shopping site, there will be tons of necklaces that you canfind and you can pick out which one you like best. same with the pokã©ball hair bows. it's just a really design, so a lot of peoplemake 'em. and i have also featured this shop beforetoo because it's so adorable and just great quality. this gym badge headband is from little kumicrafts. this shop is so cute and creative! i loveit!
so i will link the video that i talk aboutthis shop in as well. little kumi crafts. this is adorable. i loveit! and while we're here, this isn't really uh,an accessory. let's call it... ....favorite.... home decor... yeah. home decor. this is my pikachu piggy bank. i got thisat target. it was like $10 or something
and it's a pretty decent size pikachu. i got mine at the store but i'm pretty sureyou can order them online. i'll put a link in the description if so. and yeah! that's it! so that's it for my april favorites/pokã©monfavorites! i hope you guys saw something that you liked and if you did, give this video a thumbs up. subscribe to my channel. follow me on social media.
until next time, i'll see you guys later.i love you very, very much! bye! [kiss]
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