home art studio decor

so this is where i spend 99 percent of mytime. it’s a pretty big, multi-functional space,because for the most part, this isn’t just where i sleep but where i work as well. and where i live. it took a good couple of years of saving upand over-time at my part-time job to make it a space that worked for me. so i’m really happy to finally be able toshow you around. it makes sense to start in the most importantpart of the room. because this is where i sleep, i wanted thespace to be tranquil and easy on the eye.
the walls are white and bare and directlyopposite the bed is a curtain, actually the lining of a pair of my mums curtains, heldup with copper piping, screwed to the ceiling and draped all the way to the floor to hidethe busy view of my clothes behind. i came up with this diy wardrobe system wherei bought a load of cheap bookshelves and cut them to fit the space, mounted some of theinner shelves to the wall, freeing up room within the units to screw in pipes for hangingclothes. for intimates and cozies, there are thesesets of drawers which came as a pair. to the left, on this patch of wall that’slooking a bit neglected, are a few pieces that don’t fit in my jewellery box, hungwith hooks screwed into deep ikea picture
frames, one of them containing a slightlyworn photo of my grandparents on their wedding day. and to the right is a rail of clothes withcolours that complement the room, some dressier pairs of shoes that i never have the opportunityto wear, and a couple of accessories hanging off the side to mask the fact that this rail,i found in the loft, is probably older than me, and definitely looks it. moving on to a sort of deconstructed vanityarea, these cabinet drawers, decorated with sunglasses and a plastic orchid, hold make-upand cosmetic and hair products, all organised with these diy origami boxes.
the mirror was here when we moved in, buti spray painted the frame gold to make it a bit more my own. the stool is the only remnant i have leftof my old drum kit, i upholstered it with the suedette fabric of an unused cushion cover,and attempted to spray the legs gold, but ran out, because i spray everything gold. and this, at the end of my bed, spruced upwith some marble contact paper, is the home of my jewellery, a peace lily that needs pruning,and yet more products. the bed is too comfortable for its own good,and because of that, i spend way more time in it than i should.
one thing that helps to keep me out of it,is making it every morning, carefully layering cushions and blankets and faux fur, too neatto want to disturb it. the bedside table is actually a stool butgives me enough shelf space for the books i’m reading and writing in and always wantto hand, as well as a larger notebook repurposed into a marble tabletop slab, a little poti nicked from the kitchen, marbleised with black nail varnish, holding lip balm and tweezersand other things i probably don’t but might need while i’m in bed, and a night sky motifedbox for the pens i use for evening planning and journalling and doodling, and a thermometer. my favourite thing about this part of my roomis that it can be isolated from the rest.
i got this blind system from ikea to makea room divider, giving me privacy but also a cosier, closed-in feel when i need it. now we’re in the living area. from left to right is the futon that foldsout and sleeps one, covered with a blanked i got in mexico two summers ago, this heater;a â£3.50 car boot sale find, that i use as a table, and not a heater, because the noisesand smells it lets out when it’s on make me think it might be close to spontaneouscombustion. the sofa, with a fur cushion cover i mademyself, above it, the gallery wall featuring artwork by picasso, condo, miro and myself,as well as a jigsaw puzzle we completed as
a family one christmas years ago, and a fewextras. and this coffee table, found on the streetnear my house on my way home from work, missing a shelf and legs but sturdy and in line withthe scheme of the room. on and in this table are magazines, a fewgraphic novels, a blanket and a few of my mums old records from when she was a teenager. which leads us to…. the other side of the room, to a very basicrecord player my dad got for my mum a few years ago. a clock i decorated with more marble paperand black paint.
the temperamental, off-brand tv i got whileit was on sale with an additional 20% off staff discount. all of this sits on these unfinished drawers,intended for priming, painting and or varnishing, they also came with handles, but i preferthe stripped back, basic look. if you’ve been wondering so far where ikeep all my junk, its here. and that pink fur again, this time i usedit to make a cover for a beanbag. the backdrop to it all, nothing means moreto me in this room than this painting i did of a bear blowing bubbles. his name is chesney, and if the house wasburning down and i could only take one thing,
it would somehow have to be this wall. within his line of sight is this minimal geometriclampshade. the transition from the living space to theworkspace is marked with this seemingly purposeless bulge of wall, that turned out to be the perfectsize for this mirror. leaning against it, in an effort to give anillusion of a full table without taking up the space, is a table cut in half, its reflectioncompleting it. this was another street find, but it was awhole table then. my mum cut it and kept the other half.
what you’re seeing in the reflection arethe shelves where i keep a few books and bits and bobs and some of my sewing stuff at thebottom. this is an extension of my workspace, somewhereto keep things that aren’t always needed but handy to have within reach. if you saw my old workspace tour, you mightbe noticing that things are a little different. my desk still sits on two large tresses thathold paints and my printer. my sewing machine is down there somewheretoo. the wall and shelves above are dressed witha few notebooks and sketchbooks, my gold spray-painted mannequin and this wall grid, another itempilfered from our kitchen, this was actually
a sort of spice rack, i painted it black anduse it to pin pictures of family and friends. i’ve also used black washi tape to stickup yet more pictures, some artwork of my own plus prints by manjit thapp and kim jung gi. limitless inspiration. i’ll leave links to their work below. where there used to be a shelving unit atthe side, i cut it in half and used each half to form support for an extended table top,creating this l-shape. it isn’t the neatest bit of handiwork buti what can i say, i love any excuse to get my hands on some power tools.
this is space for my art supplies, organisedinto boxes with the nearest to me holding my most used items. two cheap shoe racks stacked on top of eachother fill this space perfectly and make a great extra set of shelves for paper and stationary. and on the top is the radio my mum gave tome, a proper relic of the 90’s, maybe even earlier, some decorative pieces, and a fewbooks for reference and inspiration. if you’re interested in a more detailedlook at my workspace and how i store things, just let me know in the comments. so this is where things get a bit messy.
this is the place for things that don’thave a place anywhere else, thankfully tucked round a corner out of view from most of therest of the room. the easel was my mums, this bamboo room divider,yet another thing i found on the street, i decorated with fake ivy and don’t reallyhave a place for it. and then my workout gear, my bike being onwheels means i can roll it out in front of the tv whenever i want to use it. there’s also a yoga mat, hoola hoop, anda few larger pieces of work that i don’t have any room for. and what’s behind the mystery doors?
it’s actually just the boiler and a bigwater tank and it’s boring. which feels like not the best place to endthis video, but that’s all there is. i hope you enjoyed it, thanks so much forcoming to have a look. if you’re not subscribed, please come andjoin the fam, we’d love to have you, and i’ll see you all for my next video. bye!
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