home decor abstract wall art

i need to buy a vowel i need an a.anyone got an a? today we're gonna be creating a piece ofabstract art it's gonna be really really simple and i love the fact that it'sabstract so it can look like anything one of the main things you're going toneed is sort of a whack load of acrylic paints and this is a great time to sortof if you have a lot of these lying around sort of use use up the oddsand ends that you have it because we'll just be squirting it all over the canvasso next i'm gonna need is one of these canvas boards let me just show you whati mean it's a big sort of wooden canvas that you can get from most art supplystores and the great thing is that it's
all everything's pre done and it's anice hard surface to work on other things you're gonna need simply aroundthe house everyone's gonna have a rolling pin okay a clear plastic dropcloth or in this case these are just clear plastic garbage bags that we'vethat we've stripped out and then a whole bunch of white spray paint now you canuse a different colors of spray paint but in this case we're using white andyou kind of see why we're using that in the end also we're gonna be using ofthese vinyl adhesive letters these you can get from most office supply storesthat you know those big box supply
stores they come in a variety of sizeswe're gonna go with the biggest size because we have a large canvas now fromhere this is where the abstract comes in this is the fun part we're just gonnaget our acrylics we're gonna create a color story maybe some blues somepurples and some reds think about the color story you want to say you don'twant to have a lot of blacks i don't think because the blacks will start tooverpower the image in the end and from here once we have our color story i'mgonna be doing purples and reds and blues we're ready to start squeezingdown the canvas again abstract here we go this is what i mean by abstractnothing there's no rhyme there's no
reason we're just kind of workingquickly right this actually is a lot of fun also you want to do this maybe notnecessarily on the dining room table somewhere where there might be a dropcloth because if acrylic paint does get somewhere you don't want to be ruiningyour furniture maybe some more purples okay for now i'm just sort of trying tocreate sort of different colors that are gonna sort of blend around i'm trying tokeep the color scheme sort of in the reds and blues okay so we have agenerous amount of paint on our canvas right now now here comes the drop clothwhat we're gonna do is we're gonna place the drop cloth over top of our canvasokay and this here you can use a plastic
drop cloth this one here is just a clearplastic garbage bag that we cut and the reason we're doing this is because we'regonna get our rolling pin okay and here's where the magic starts we'regonna start rolling it out and you can see see that's where the cool stuff isso all this stuff is sort of happening in here and the rolling pin depending onhow hard you press the rolling pin and how much pressure you put and thedirection that you're squeezing it we're gonna start to blend all these colorstogether it almost looks like you know you're a little kid and you sort of playaround with plasticine and you start to meld it around or like dough orsomething like that and it starts to
create this really cool sort of thesemelded shapes awesome also there's a lot of places here wherewe still have exposed wood no worry we can do this give it back insert somemore paint right and roll it out again see that now the thing with this projectyou want to make sure is that we want pretty well all the wood to be coveredso you can this little square that's happening right here is is really reallygood so we can kind of leave this area maybe i'm going to work on what'shappening up here because i think i want a little more coverage so let's add okay that's gone let's go ahead let's dothis right and put some blue in here
again again so you can see i'm workingkind of quickly here right so because it is a kulluk paint it will dry relativelyfast and again don't worry if you get kind of paint all over the roller likethis put it back on the canvas and you can see that's why i was saying makesure you're doing this in an area where it's not gonna matter if you get paintsomewhere because well i love a messy environment as you can see i always havepaint over my hands so for me i don't care paint drips all over the floorwhich is great but you've got expensive hardwood in your living room you want tobe careful so you've got a basement or a garage or something like that this wouldbe awesome he's added sort of a new
color in the corner here this sort ofgreen wood she was unexpected i think it's kind of cool so i think i'm gonnabring more green in here yeah i'm pro singing about abstract seeit's like there's nothing really intentional about it it's just sort ofit's just and again you don't want to really overwork it too much we want towork it so it's all covered we don't want to blend the color so much thatthey sort of become mud great you still want to sort of be able to define sortof certain colors and areas we've got some really great stuff happening up inhere or you get some solid color happening you know down into here youcan sort of see where the blues and the
reds are starting to meld together tocreate another color which is okay but again you don't want to overwork it wewant sort of these strong pieces coming through at this point when you areworking with it by all means you can always because it is clear you can kindof see what's happening we can always peel it back and have a little look ithink maybe these corner bits here can get a bit more of a go i think at thispoint i'm going to peel the plastic off and reveal what we have awesome cool itis yeah that's cool right so from there we have a piece ofabstract art you can let this dry hang it call it a day call a museum and sellit but we're gonna do we're gonna let
this dry for at least 24 hours we wantto be really really dry then really go to stage two putting on the printed wordand our spray paint so at this point go leave it to be back in a bit okay so this piece now is completely dryand you really want it to be fully dry and do all the areas now i think i'mgonna work on the floor here there's more surface area but first i need adrop cloth and then we'll get to our inspirational quotes so we need to prepour area first okay so beaver canvas board gonna layer down so we've got alltheir supplies now what we have to do is the letters that we're gonna use our sixinch letters so i think we're gonna do
is my stains gonna be abstract is anidea which i think is kind of fun because it's an abstract piece so whati'm gonna do is i'm gonna tape down exactly where i want the bottom of theletter to be when you tape it down it's easy to follow there so we got everything taped out nowwe'd have to adhere our letters so i'm going to start with my first word herewhich is abstract so we just take our a peel it off and place it down there now you can sort of be becausethat they are piece of letters you can have a few goes at it and you don't wantto really want to push it down too hard
because we will be peeling it off in theend so just sort of gently lay it down make sure it's lightly adhered and we'regood to go make sure that your spelling is rightthe first time okay so the last letter is in place nowand you want to make sure you can sort of see little areas up in here where thec has a bit of an air pocket you'll want to smooth that out and the a is kind ofpopping up a bit just with your finger that's basically where the acrylicunderneath was a little thicker a little heavier right so again we don't want tolike really force them down but we also don't want them popping off becausewe're gonna be spray-painting this we
don't want the spray-paint to bleedunderneath i mean if it does a little bit that's okay and from here we canremove the tape and once the tape is removed we canclean up her area and then let's prep for the spray paint okay so at thispoint we're ready to go so what we're gonna do is you're gonna flip this overso you can see it a little bit better there we goagain make sure all the letters are down so with the spray paint what i'm gonnado is i'm gonna do some soft even strokes going back and forth i basicallywant to fade so i want this top part to be almost white and then i want toslowly fade down to the bottom and so
all those sort of colors are gonna comethrough we're gonna do at the very end is then peel back the letters which willreveal all the color underneath so again you want to do this really wellventilated area outside preferably in a garage door open that kind of thing i'min my industrial space so there's a lot of ventilation here so we're all goodthat's it there you go so when you're painting you want to makesure that you're not constantly holding the trigger down you want to just sortof like slowly go back and forth and we don't want to have pools of paint wejust want to have a really soft mist of paint so that's why we're just sort oflightly going we can always add more but
it's hard to take away so basically when you're doing this ithink maybe whatever your last letter is i kind of think you want the let the thei guess the the word to be somewhat recognizable but at the same time it'skind of nice that it'll fade away a bit so as you can see here the word idea ijust want to be just light have a very light light light coat of white okay sofrom here what we can do i just want to see how the bottom is reacting so i'mjust gonna come up here and peel back a bit of the letter yeah see thedifference i won't continue with the bottom anymore and i'm definitely happywith the top so now we can reveal all
the letters peel the back for this youwant to have a very fine blade i want to do it while the paint is still wet idon't want the spray paint that completely dry that way the letters mayadhere to it so as you can see here very gingerly peel it back and reveal theletter i think this is an awesome-lookingproject so for this project you can use these vinyl letters that we have here ortheirs you can get adhesive vinyl you get that at most art supply stores andeven a lot of office supply stores and you can sort of cut shapes out starsmoons hearts whatever you want and do the same sort of thing with the withimages as well but in this case i think
the printed word is really cool and theprinted word is really trendy right now so it's coming along really well okaywow here's the last letter awesome do you think i think it looks fantastic soyou can see like you know you can do any sort of printed word i like the factthat you're getting this really sort of faded sort of quality in here you cansee how the acrylic is sort of moved around and you're getting these reallycool subtle colors but the letters are it really really pop and that's what ilove is that you're getting all this sort of activity behind but you don'treally know what it is that a painting of something you have no idea becauseit's been covered over and then here
you're just getting a really soft sortof like sort of subtle bleed and from there we can hang it up leave againstthe wall it's pretty well dried this the spray paint dries almost right away andagain you can do this any color the abstract stuff behind is really reallycool i think it's awesome just the way it is you could even if you wanted toyou could varnish it if you really want to sort of have that high sheen on itbut i just love it the way it is i hope you guys enjoyed the abstract art asmuch as i did save me some photos ofabstract pieces i'd love to see them comment on them and we'll see you realsoon
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