home decor art paintings

hi, it's kim here from apostrophe s and todayi'm going to be showing you our painted patchwork coaster sets. here's what they look like all finished up.get them out. it's a set of four coasters and you can see we've got square for one optionor the round ones. we also have different color stories. so if you want to pick somethingmore seasonal and holiday oriented, you can, or you can match your personal style, yourdecor even. you've just got a lot of options for these and i love how they are geometricand interesting and fun, but they also remind me of the quilt blocks my grandma used tomake. she's a fantastic quilter and whenever i see things geometric designs like this itreminds me of her.
anyway, in your kit it looks something likethis. we've got all of your wood pieces shrink wrapped so they're going to stay nice andtidy for you, your felt pieces for the back, sand paper, paint brushes, glue, and of courseyour paint and your top coat. i just about lost that. from home you'll want a paper plate to useas a paint palette. you'll just dump out each of those little paint pots on here and it'smuch easier to get in with a brush, rather than trying to dig into those little pots.and also some scratch paper to protect your work surface. if you really want to, you couldalso get a pair of gloves to keep your hands clean. you'll be painting little pieces soyou'll definitely get paint on your fingers.
i still have remnants of it from yesterday.so that's all that you're going to need from home and let's get started and make some coasters. when you pull them out of the shrink wrap,you'll want to be very careful so that pieces don't go flying. all of these triangles aregoing to look really, really similar, so you want them to stay with the correct coaster. then you can just go ahead and take theseapart, paint them and put them back together. if you're kind of a crafty perfectionist,like me, you're going to want the grain to go in the same direction. it add an extrastep and an extra thing to be aware of, but i kind of like when the grain is all together.
so i would take off my frame, or my outline,whatever you want to call this. then as i paint, i'll pick up, like let's say this ismy white piece, i'll go ahead and paint that with the grain and then when i put it downto dry i'll just rebuild the pattern down here. so the pattern's staying the same andthe placement of each of those pieces is staying the same, so the grain is all the same. thatdoes add a little extra thing for you to be aware of. so if you'd like to do it and it'sworth it to you, fine. and if it's going to drive you crazy that's alright too. so go ahead and get started painting these.get all four of your coasters out and then paint by color. so start with your light colorfirst and get all of the pieces painted in
that light color. then rinse out your brushand let those pieces dry and go on to the next darkest color and on and on until youget to the darkest, last. that way you're not rinsing out your brushes a million times. now pretend this is painted. once you've hadeverything painted and it dries, you're going to glue your outlines to the base. so, where'smy glue? here you'll just make sure you get it into all of these cute little angles here,all the way around and then line it up, squish it down and make sure that you're not overhanging either side, that it's flush perfectly all the way around. just like that. now thislooks an awful lot like board puzzles that you might have done in preschool. so it'sgoing to be a nice cute perfect little outline
for your pieces to go in. now i've got one right here. this is mine,that i've done so far. so i glued my outline and now i've got my pieces ready to stickin there. i've already glued these ones down and you can see i already kind of left theseones in about the same placement so my wood grains going the same way. again, you don'thave to do that. i just kind of want to. alright. so here we go. we just put some gluein the base of that and i'm going to squish my pieces in, just like this. i love thesedesigns that we have for you. i think it's kind of a neat blend when you've got somemodern color schemes with kind of a traditional geometric, something that you would have seenon your grandma's quilt top. right? it's kind
of neat to have those blended together andto see that pattern in a different medium. i like it. so you can see i've still got some wiggleroom with my glue and that way i can make sure that i don't have any extreme gaps. ican kind of space them out just a little bit...like this. now once those are in and glued, you're goingto apply paint just on the outline here. if you want that edge to have paint on it. ilike it with paint. so go ahead and do this. go about an inch at a time so you don't spilltoo much on to the top, like that, all the way around. that's what i've got here. wewent all the way around with this one. now it's time for the top coat. so grab yoursand paper, a brush, and your top coat, and
you'll want to stir this up so that it's niceand thoroughly mixed. now when we sand, we're not going to go crazy with this, unless youwant a super distressed look. all the sanding you need to do is just light, like this. whatwe're doing is evening out the paint so some layers might, some pieces might have morepaint than others and we're just evening that out. then dip in your brush and we're goingto smash this right in to all those little cracks. so kind of dab it. it looks milkywhen it goes on and that's a good thing. you can see where we've already covered and itwill dry clear. so just do what i'm doing here. pay special attention to those gapsand squeeze some of that top coat right in... like this. okay.
then you'll smooth that out. alright. thenyou let this dry and we're going to repeat the same process one more time. so once it'sdry sand it lightly, like before and apply the top coat paying special attention to thosegaps and squishing it in there. and the last step, carefully scoot this away. our last step is to stick on our felt squares.so you're going to use the glue and the felt squares that you have in the kit or circlesand make sure you get it on to all of the angles and the edges and the corners, becauseyou don't want those to be flipping up. then it's pretty self explanatory. you just stickit on to the back and then you have your super cute and darling and interesting and uniquecoasters. so you can entertain. you can display
them. i feel like they're artwork, just todisplay. you can gift these too. i think anybody would love to receive these. who knew thatmaking them could be so much fun? it's painted patchwork from apostrophe s. make it yours.
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