home decor metal art

we're a metal art sculpting company thatdown in the florida keys. we make metal art out of aluminumdescribed it to a beautiful shiny finish as you can see behind me. my friend adam welsh is actually theowner of the business and then i was lucky enough to join in. right around the beginning of thecompany when we started the company we originally focused a lot on fish becauseof the area where in we still do all the all the beautiful fish of the world.actually not just the florida keys we're also getting into more home decortype of stuff something for everybody;
whereas before we were just trying tokind of catering to the fishermen of the florida keys. we have something for everybody not justthe fisherman now so you know we have a we have five dollar pieces of little funwhimsical type of art for the kids we enjoy making the art down herebecause our surroundings are so beautiful it's easy to let that thatbeauty of the surroundings. come out in our artwork we take pridethat we live in the florida keys i've been down here for almost 15 years. i as well came on vacation and neverleft once that design process is
finished and bring it here to our shopwe upload it into our computer the computer smooths out the lines finishesout the edges then once we get that going we start cutting what we used tocut as a cnc plasma torch or just cutting on throwing the up and the down on thefloor shooter doesn't control all of thecutting a lot of the times the metal because of the heat will get a lot ofwarp engine in it it'll pop little pieces will pop up as a touch so we tendto sit here with our finger on the pause
button and also their fingers on the upand down ctrl button once we get it cut we pull it off thetable we do first stage of grinding where we clean up the back with a with ahandheld grinder with a 5-inch grinding pad on it. once the back is clean then we go we putthat piece of art over and we proceeded to grind the whole front of it nice andevenly now once that's done we take that toanother part of the shop and we use a dremel tool with a diamond bit file onit. this cleans up all the inside andoutside cuts any little birds that might
have been left any rough edges kind ofsmooth out the rough edges on it really are really takes it from a rough pieceof metal to almost a finished piece of metal. once the holes are all done and cleanedup then we take it back to the table and we use a grinder with an 80 gritgrinding pad on it and we do the finish grind where i'd go really slow andmeticulous and follow the lines of the fish that's really where you get the niceshiny almost 3d type finish that we do called furnishing
that the final stage of training reallytakes so long because we really have to look at that fish we really want to betrue to that fish we don't want to just put some wavy lines on the sculpture andbe done with it really want to pull that sculpture youknow pull that grind where it follows the lines of that sculpture and thenonce that furnishes and is done we take it and we give it a little bit of formwe bend out the the fins and stuff like that so it kind of has a little actionto a little pop off the wall the trophies are kind of a wholedifferent thing in themselves we do the trophies out of a little bitthicker metal than we normally do
so there that right there it takes alittle bit longer to cut it and then we mount the trophies in the beautiful redcedar wood basis so that takes a little bit of time as well you know we do allour own chainsaw work we send the bases down we polyurethane and make them niceand shiny and beautiful it's exciting for us to see like i saidthat new design go from start to completion and then to see it hung up onon whoever's wall and and to see the smile on their face and you know just tosee the joy that that our art brings the people is really good
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