home decor wall art india

hello everyone welcome back i'm disha andi'm here to help you transform your house into a homei am back after really a long time and i won't disappoint you because i am backwith a home tour but i am so sorry this home tour is not a video tour it's apicture tour but it is too beautiful to miss. so i really hope you will love itthis home is designed by architect vipin bakiwala and assisted byarchitect abhay gupta. vipin has his own design firm called vbds and more aboutit can be found in description box below and now let's begin the home tour suraj the residence in jaipur with9,000 square feet area was
conceptualized with the amalgamation oftraditional and modern elements by vipin bakiwala the architect who'sdeeply connected with the roots of indian heritage. the entrance lobby isenhanced by a beautiful tree wall mural in bright golden color.the mural surrounds itself with a small water body and garden area loaded withnumbers of planters and traditional stone jaali. the traditional symphony isaccentuated right from the outset of the house. the main door in wood exhibitsintricate hand carving with little brass flowers. the same carving is replicatedon the ceiling of the duplex area in living room to praise the traditionalessence. three story bungalow has a
small lift lobby at the entrance with anadjoining staircase. the lift has golden colored door and is designed in woodinlay. on the ground floor we see a formal drawing area, lobby and guestbedroom. the first floor where the owner spends maximum time has a living areacome lounge, a dining of kitchen and two bedrooms the living area has a finebalance of elements interiors are test fully done wherein the choice of thedecor is kept in earthen shades with glint of brighter shades of purple tomake it more welcoming the elegant. decor is complemented by pleasing furniture, upholstery, floor coverings, curtains, carpets and other accessories. the dininghas customized table with an onyx marble
top while the chairs are upholstered inthe tones just like the living room sofas. white glass windows give good viewof planters placed in the broad bbalcony make a perfect setting to laze andsoak in the nature. the grandparents' bedroom is designed with glimpses ofcontemporary feel with wooden paneling done on one of the walls. the masterbedroom is a styled simple with wooden flooringraw finish furniture and walk-in closet. it has a spaciousattached bathroom with beautiful landscaping that doubles up as a walk-indressing area. the children's room, on the other hand, is done up in orangecontrasting with the shades of grey. one
of its walls has prominent geometricalcutouts with ambient lighting that add a dramatic effect to the space. outside themaster and kids' bedroom is a small sofa sitting to sit and talk or watch tv i am working on lots of videos so stay tuned until then watcheither this video or this
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