home decorating ideas children's bedrooms

home decorating ideas children's bedrooms

hey, i'm ann myrick, and today we're goingto talk about how to accessorize a child, child's room. biggest thing to think aboutfirst is how old is the child. the way you accessorize a child's room that is a teenager,or eleven, twelve, in that age, versus a four, five, six year old, is going to be very, verydifferent. nice sheets, comfortable sheets, pillows. you want to, depending on the ageof the child, you might want to put the bed next to the wall so, a lot of the times, childrenlove to cuddle next to the, to the wall, and have that security. so, you might think aboutthat. what, do they have big closets? do they have smaller closets? how much drawer spaceis needed? do you have play space in that room? for a younger child that's going tocome in their room and get things out of their

closet and sit down and play, you want tobe sure that they have, that your placement of furniture is placed in a way where theycan sit down and bring out their things to play with and have play space. containersare great to put all the toys, or all the paper work, what ever it may be. one thingthat you want to think about is these are great little fun baskets to use. if it's fora smaller child, you want to be sure that it is at a lower level so they can just pullit off the shelf and get it. so i would put these, instead of putting them high for ateenager, i would put them up high, and then the desk would be available for using. butfor a younger child, put them low. you could either put a picture on the basket, or youcould put a label, that way they would know

what is in there. a picture of a doll, a pictureof balls. what ever it may be. big thing is ask the child what they like and what theywant. it's real important for the child to have the type of room they want, and havethe things in there that they like. so, be sure that if they don't want something tofancy, that, i think sometimes as parents, it's easy to push a certain style on a child.but let the child have fun. garage sales are great sources for great pieces that you need.i use the garage sales a lot because we change our style up a lot, so i'm not spending alot of money at a garage sale, so if i want to change the room up i can. this is ann myrick,and that's how to accessorize and work with your child's room.

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