antique modern bedroom

antique modern bedroom

(upbeat instrumental music) - [stacy] the kids were allgone, we were empty nesters, we wanted a loft kind of a space. - it had previously beena mechanic's garage, it'd been a tile store, andthen it was an artist studio. - what i love most aboutthis house is the warm, open feeling that it gives you. - [will] and a very big living space that's dining, kitchen, living.

- [stacy] the first thingthat hits you is the scale, the ceiling height, the steel beams, the wood, the skylights. so you get a great feelingof space and openness. we didn't change the ceiling at all, but we changed everything else. - the windows are somuch a part of the space, because we wanted toaccentuate the industrial look that we saw in the ceiling.

we also wanted a lot of light, so we made basically the wholeback of the house is glass to let the light in, but it also reflects theindustrial look of the house. we had them custom manufactured and stacy used that samelook on our shower door. it's actually aluminum, but it looks like it's steel and glass. - [stacy] our masterbedroom was originally

just raw brick walls, raw cement floors, and we made that into alarge master bedroom, closet, and a master bath. - the traditional storage spaces that people have in their house, we don't have any of that here. it's slab on grade, it's aflat roof, that's exposed, so there's no attic or basement. so we had to create ourstorage within the space.

- we used a lot of polyform, we made a wall ofcabinetry in the bedroom. i think one of the hardestthings we had to deal with was hiding all the duct work. we dropped the ceiling inone area of the bedroom, which went through thecenter of the house, and all the ducts went through that and then came out the walls. so we had this center column,

with the heat and the kitchen on one side, and the fireplace. so we put in this storagetrolley on the one side, and a cedar closet on the other that would have normallybeen unusable space. i am one, because i don't cook a lot, love the fact that it's all open. you know, when there's a dining room, i never use that room.

you know, with the kids wealways ate in the kitchen. so i love having justall the space being used. the refrigerator is hidden,the freezer is hidden, everything is hiddenbecause i knew it was going to be exposed to the rest of the house. i didn't want it to look too "kitcheny." i went looking and found thishuge old apothecary chest. - and it's full of probablythirty some drawers, so it's perfect for storage.

- [stacy] the size of that,which was over 12 feet, gave me the size of how tobuild the kitchen side of it. - stacy had the diningtable custom manufactured out of solid steel. it weighs 3,500 pounds. so we picked it up atwhere it was manufactured, had it lifted on to our truck, and once we got it intothe space, i told stacy, "decide where it's going to go,

because it's not movingafter we place it." - i like anything well designed, it could be antique, it could be new, it could be five dollars,it could be $5000. - [will] our vanity in our guest bath is a old butcher's refrigerator with an old butcher's wood topthat they carved the meat on and then put it in underneath to cool. - i liked this piece because it picked up

some of the color of the tile, but gave an old feel and ijust loved the looks of it. - so on a previous project, stacy had created an art wall, a big wall that was all art. and originally when we came to this house, it didn't have that wall. and one of the reasonsthat we opened up the back with all of the light in the back,

and the reason that theclear story is important, is we closed windows on that wall, so we could have one wall that had nothing on it but art. - we started with a piece,this colorful piece, by justin guinta, a friend of mine, and then built out from there, so there was no plan, no rhyme or reason, it's just visually what we liked together

and also what fit spatially. i think why the art wall works is that even though i can't tell you exactlywhat pulls me to a piece somehow they all look great together, and they're all pieces that i love. i don't buy anything because its of value. i have to love it first. - one of the projects within the house

that i'm most proud of is the floor. it's a design that caneasily go wonky on you. so you have to be veryfastidious about making sure as you're moving through, that it's staying clean and straight. - the floor came from agentleman in north carolina. it's white oak, that wentthrough an antiquing process. i wanted the floor to look old, so you rough up theedges, you put lye on it,

it goes through various stages, it's also an oiled floor. there's no finish on this floor, so it just ages very well too. - my favorite part of the house is definitely the living room. you have such a beautiful view of the backyard that we've created, and you also have all thenatural light coming in.

it's just a great spaceto wake up, walk around, and have your coffee. we have a great outdoor space, so i often have my coffee outside. we wanted to keep all the rough exterior, sort of industrial-looking brick. - [stacy] i wanted a little outdoor space, but i didn't want to havea lot of maintenance. we tried to put big treesaround and big arborvitaes,

and then have this little patio space. there's no lawn mowing,there's no weeding, it's just very simple. - stacy owns a design store,i'm a general contractor, and we wanted to find a project where we could bring our skills to bear. that what we do wouldreally show in the house, and that's why we choose somethingthat needed so much work, and was such a raw space.

- i hope people take away the idea that until those personalizeditems are in the house it never feels like a home. you have to just exploreyour own point of view and incorporate it into your living space. this is it, this is wherewe're going to grow old. this is where we're going to end up. we are never moving again. (peaceful instrumental music)

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