houzz mid century modern bedroom

houzz mid century modern bedroom

(upbeat music) - we were looking for a fixer upper when we bought this houseand we were architects, it's kind of a, maybe a rite of passage to remodel your own house. - when we bought it,you know, it was unique and it was actually aone bedroom, one bath, so we knew, you know, wewere hoping to start a family at some point that we wanted to have,

to add least one bedroom, so there was kind of somefunctional pragmatic things that we wanted to do. for a lot of people theimmediate response would be like, oh well we have to do an addition. but after kind of looking and thinking and looking and thinking we realized, well if we just kind of pushed this here and moved that there.

- it was really chopped up and so we had to kind of reconfigure it without expanding the footprint. we're 750 square feet to begin with and now it's 850 on the main floor. we enclosed the front porch and back porch to gaina little bit of space. and then we converted partof the attic to a loft space. and then we also finishedout the basement downstairs.

so i think we're around1350 square feet right now. with three bedrooms, two baths and a loft. - so we almost reallydoubled the size of the house without adding anything on. - most of the design i think you'll see, is in the main floor of the house, where you would call a great room. we wanted to have one big open space, but we also didn't want to create

kind of a bowling alley effect. so we played around withthe ceiling finishes and textures and heights. we vaulted the ceiling over the kitchen, to get some natural lightin and in the living space, we exposed the original 1910 wood joists and cleaned them up and refinished them. to create a little bitmore intimate space. - so the challenge withcreating this great room space

is that you basically have to come up with one color pallet for your entire house. because it just wouldn'tlook right if you had one distinct look in the dining room and then one in the kitchen, but yet they're reallypart of the same space. and so what we chose to do, wasfocus on white bright walls, the warmth of the wood,the dark floors throughout and then to kind of defineit, just a few colors,

that would really representlike our overall house. and so for us it was kind of the sea blues and this aqua greenand this mustard yellow and really that just evolved from them being our favorite colors. but we used those colors in ways where, down the road if we were just like, oh god mustard yellow, we hate that now, that we could easily change it.

oh hi, how's it going? hey let's follow you. - we designed for livabilityand small space design, so every nook and cranny gets used. we don't waste any space, we try to keep hallways,stairs, circulation, down to a minimum so therest of the space is usable. one small space designwe did in this house was to eliminate swingdoors on the inside.

just because we didn't havea lot of room in the house. so we opted for the sliding barn doors, so that we could keep themopen and closed without taking up kind of valuablefloor space from door swings. - with having small children, you know i could make them breakfast and they can be eatingbreakfast in the morning and i can be taking a shower and actually be able to justlike kind of peek in on them.

and it just makes the wholespace a bit more livable. there's definitely challengesthat come with that to, with small living andeven this kind of doors. you don't maybe have asmuch acoustic separation or isolation as would be desirable. but i think that's just one of the things you just accept going in to small living and that it's okay. - another small spacedesign feature we did was

what we call our fauxdensza. it serves as a guard rail for the stair and its also bookshelf storage area, for kids toys, art stuff, crayons, books. - our daughters' room,it's a very playful space, it's very fun. for us, because it's such avisible space it our house, its really an extensionof our living space, we wanted it to feelvery, very cozy, very warm

but we didn't want it to beoverly girly necessarily. so we chose this very deep dark color, and that really contrastswith what's going on in the other rooms of the house that have these very bright white walls. we were a little bitstumped at how we were going to fit two kids in there and with the two big sliding barn doors, really we only havethree walls to work with.

so that was a little challengingfor furniture layout. but you know, we made it work. i think the other favoritespace is the kitchen. like a lot of peopleshomes it's really kind of, the gathering space of the house. it's where everyone tends to end up. you know a lot of our meals, we actually eat at our islandversus our dining room table. even though it's four feet away.

so one thing that's actuallybeen really popular on houzz, is our dog's built-in dog bowls. when we were laying out our kitchen, we realized that we don'thave actually any wall space available to keep and put two dog bowls. so the microwave is hiddenin the side cabinet, as part of our island and below that we made a custom cabinet, with cut outs we coulddrop two dog bowls into.

not only are they, you knowa little bit out of sight, out of the way but alittle bit more elevated for our large dog, which is nice. it wasn't a big expenseor anything like that but a small move that iguess had a big impact. also the big windows that we put in, that connect to the backyard. a lot of evenings, kyle will be out playingwith the kids in the backyard

and i might be preppingdinner or something and that's really given us asense of expanded living space. having that both that visualand physical connection to the outdoors just makes it feel bigger. it makes it feel likewe have more options. - we do have prettyovercast, kind of gray days and so it's important toget as much natural light as you can. so we have maybe a little bitmore glazing than most homes.

we also have our skylights inthe kitchen and dining room. the overhead light is a reallydifferent light quality. so during the daytime, we don't even have to turn onthe lights inside our home, unless we're working andmight have a task light. but other than that, it's all natural. - the loft actually was a space that, going in to the mainremodel of this house, we didn't know we were going to do.

it actually wasn't until demolition and we were standingaround with of our friends and kind of looking at the space. we started talking about like, hey what would it be like if we actually carved out some of thatattic space and used it? and so that's kind of wherethe idea of the loft was born. we get a lot of questions andfeedback about the ladder. people want to know where they can buy it

and it is a totally custom thing, that was designedspecifically for our space. i like that and it's one of those elements that's not only obviouslya very functional thing, but it's also kind of thesculptural element in our house. and its a nice focal point, and when people see it they are like, oh that's really cool. and then they look up and they're like,

oh and what's up there? and oh you have this neat space up there. its been a little bit of a challenge, keeping our kids off of it but i know that once they're old enough, they're gonna love that space. and they're gonna make it theirs. during the course of remodel, whenever we would do demolition

and occasionally under the plaster walls, we would find kind of remnantsof old wallpaper and things. and right before ourfirst daughter was born, kyle had actually commissionedone of our friends who does a lot of paper collage artwork, to create this art piece for the nursery. bits and pieces of thislike old wallpaper, throughout the house and paint chips of all thepaint colors that we used.

and its this kind of flowerblossom, abstract piece. for us, what it represents,is kind of the old life and also like the new life of the house. it's this really great piece of art and it's also this reminder of like the journey that our house has taken and what it's turned into.

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