industrial modern bedroom design

industrial modern bedroom design

how's it going guys i'm mark the designerfrom manchester design studio. i recently started my very own studio apartmentdesign project and as part of that we built this room divider that you can seebehind us here the best thing about this, is all we did we usedikea pack sliding wardrobe doors something you can do something that'svery accessible very affordable this is just a small part of a big project formy studio apartment so if apartment design is something you likeor just interior design inspiration in general please make sure yousubscribe to my channel because i've got a lot of great videos coming that i knowyou'll love

to build this room divider, we first had to construct a frame for the doors to slide on this frame would essentially mimic how the doors wouldtypically slide on the front of a wardrobe the frame is 2 meters 36 inheight by 2 metres wide which is floor to ceiling height in my studio apartmentthe doors are actually shorter than the frame we built, at 2 metres in height butthey have the same width of 2 metres combined. this meant that we had to builda base at the bottom of the frame in order to support the weight of thesliding doors we covered this base by cladding it withsome excess ivar cabinet doors that we had left over from a previous ikeahack. we cut these doors down to fit and

we attached magnetic catches to the backof them and fitted magnetic catches also to the inside of the frame. thisgave us the ability to easily take on and off the doors the reason that we didthis is the space at the bottom of the frame will be used for wiring. because wehad to make the frame slightly deep at 20 centimeters in order to support theweight, this actually created quite a gap between the side of my bed and the frame.this gave us the opportunity to build this ledge, which is simply a piece ofmelamine board and a long three by two inches piece of wood. we fixed this tothe frame and the bed by using simple velcro tabs. this actually acts as areally nice step to get into my sleeping area

[for] the actual mechanism, everything weused was from ikea so it's got all the fixings that came with the sliding doorsthe original rails the original nuts and bolts the only thing we've done is madethe frame we still need to paint or finish theframe in some way we're not sure what we want to do to it yet i'm still decidingthat the options are either paint it or stain it with a wood finish let me knowin the comments below what you think would look good or what you'd like to see so for the room divider we used auli or auli i'm not sure how it'spronounced the auli frame from ikea

which is black and the 'sekken' frostedglass which you can see here one thing you need to take into account is thedoors. they get very heavy the glass is extremely heavy. each... i think each doorweighs about 25 to 30 kilograms and it weighs a lot so we needed to make surethe frame is strong enough to support the doors as you can see they bouncethe light around the room very nicely i have one window in the studio apartmentwhich is directly next to the sliding doors and the way it reflects the windowit just creates a whole new dimension within the space so in total thisproject probably cost me about two hundred and fifty pound that's just overthree hundred dollars and that includes

the price of the sliding doors and theikea glass inserts that go with inside them and it includes the cost of thewood frame. because we did all the work ourselves labor hasn't been included inthose costs so you need to make sure if you wanted to do this project and youdidn't want to do the work yourself that you take that into account to be able to create a sensation of privacy in a small space like a studio apartment like thisbut still allow light to bounce around and pass through it's a really rarething so the way these doors help us achieve that withinthe space, is pretty amazing and it was just by chance that we decided to dothis and you know what i'm so happy that we did because i think they work

this was just a small part of a big studio apartment project that we've got goingon at the moment in manchester design studio make sure you subscribe to mychannel to see all the videos that come as part of that project. we've got a lot ofcool ikea hax as well as this one so make sure you subscribe and let me knowin the comments below what you thought of the video if there's anything anyquestions that i didn't answer please let me know and i'll try and answer themas soon as possible cheers

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