modern bedroom curtain ideas

sleeping time should be the most relaxingtime for you. but who would sleep comfortably in a smalland crammed room? a small bedroom can ruin your sleep whicheventually ruins your day. unfortunately, you have no choice but dwellingin a small apartment with a small bedroom since a bigger one can cost you a fortune. well, it means you have no other choice butputting up with the small space and using some smart tips to make it feel more comfortable. and this is your lucky day as i’ve listed10 ideas for homeowners who have to sleep in a small bedroom.
as usual, this list is crafted for you 10. use curtains and shelf as room dividers one of the best ways to make your small bedroomlook and feel comfortably sized is by forgoing the wall separating the bedroom and livingroom. however, this action also entails a drawback. you will have to compromise your ultimateprivacy. you can stick to this idea by having a roomdivider. room dividers come in a wide array of designsand sizes.
instead of picking the one that will onlybetter the look of your bedroom, opt for a shelf that incorporates additional storagespace and functions as a perfect room divider as well. if it is not enough, try adding a curtainto cover the other side of your bed so you can get your privacy you need. 9. stick to white hues besides the space-saving furniture, anotherthing that plays a crucial role in a small bedroom is the colour hues.
darker colours like black might make yourbedroom look bolder, but it will make your bedroom look more crammed and confined too. instead of black, try painting your bedroomwhite. white hues can help you trick the eyes soyou will think that your bedroom is bigger than it really is. besides, white is a neutral colour. you can pair it with a few tints of any colourof your choice to make it less stark. 8. invest in a bed frame with built-in drawers
you can’t have many pieces of furniturein your small bedroom. therefore, you need to invest in a piece ofmultipurpose furniture just like a bed frame that features built-in drawers. this bed frame allows you to store your clothes,shoes, or any other thing without cramming your bedroom or make is look messy. you can get this bed frame in the home improvementstore near you or you can always make it yourself to save more bucks. 7. be creative with wall-mounted shelves
wall-mounted shelves are your safe bet asthey can help you organize things while keeping your floorspace clean, which is good for aspace-challenged bedroom. you can find many wall-mounted shelves atikea, but it is always a great idea to make the shelves yourself as you can cut down onmore expenses as well as getting the shelves that suit your style and personality well. honeycomb shelves, for instance, can be abest choice as they are easy to make and provide ample storage space for your decorative plantsor books. to make a honeycomb shelf like this, you’regoing to need 1â€x4†woods, staple gun, wood glue, sponge brush, and paint.
for a cheaper one, you can glue a bunch ofpopsicle sticks together to form a honeycomb shelf. it is much easier and cheaper too. besides the honeycomb shelves, you can maketriangle, round, or even batman shelves. they not only help you keep things tidy butalso decorate your bedroom nicely. 6. incorporate another purpose a nightstand is one of the must-have itemsin a bedroom since it holds your table lamp in place so you can get sufficient light whenreading something on your bed.
however, a nightstand can take up the floorspace. instead of a nightstand, you can replace itwith a wall-mounted shelf over your bed. what about the table lamp? don’t worry! you can swap it with two or three led lightsattached on the shelf. now you can still have enough light withouthaving a table lamp on your nightstand. 5. swap the headboard with mural art a headboard is actually a decorative itemthat accentuates your bed.
it will make your bed look more elegant andstylish. but if you have an undersized bedroom, keepingyour bulky headboard is not a good idea. try replacing your headboard with mural arts. mural art works better than a headboard. it can draw the eyes to the focal point withoutgobbling up your limited space. besides, it’s a fun activity that you cando with your family members. just explore your imagination and begin tomake a masterpiece in your bedroom. 4. a side table with storage space instead ofa nightstand
why do you have to keep a table that can onlyhold your glasses and table lamp if you can have more than that? opt for a side table that features some drawersor a cabinet to hold your table lamp. the storage space offered by the side tableenables you to stash books or even chips in case you want to grab some snack before sleeping. 3. place the bed against the window a focal point is also important even for asmall bedroom. you can’t just brush over it.
but you also need to use your wall space wiselyas every inch counts in a small bedroom. therefore, placing your bed against the windowswill help you solve this problem. the windows and curtains come as a naturalfocal point for your bedroom. and the good news is you don’t waste yourwall space. 2. suspended side table sleeping in an attic bedroom is a blessingin disguise because the low ceiling allows you to make this wonderful side table. to make this side table, you only need todrill three holes on a piece of wood.
make sure the holes have the same width asthe ropes. then insert the ropes through each hole andmake a knot on each rope. after that, screw an s hook on the ceilingand knot three ropes around the hook. done. and lastly number 1. a mirror wall idea it is common for a small bedroom to have afull-length mirror because it can reflect the light and make it look more spacious andairier. you can try covering your wall with a hugemirror to get more light.
just place it at the opposite side from thewindow so it can reflect the natural light better and your job is done. leaving you with cleaning chores every newweek or so. so, having a small bedroom is not the endof the world. in fact, you can do various fun activitiesthere and to turn it into the most comfortable place for you and anyone you want to spendyour rest of your life with. that’s it. next time we are going to learn about “10bedroom ideas for small sleeping room ownersâ€.
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