home decorating ideas videos

star wars home dã©cor for loyal fans pride all people must know about star wars sincethis movie franchise is very famous for all age especially after the new franchise seriescomes out. the loyal fans do not only watch the moviemultiple times, but they also use star wars home dã©cor to accessorize their house. this show pride as star wars fans as wellas their love for the series. and since star wars is very unique the decorationinspired from the movie also very unique. you can surely be proud in your own star warssanctuary and feel that ‘the force’ is with you always.
star wars home dã©cor items to create spaceroom 5.galaxy ceiling.as the star wars occurs in outer space, then the first thing that you need to have is thegalaxy ceiling. this star wars home dã©cor painting will beable to create outer space feeling even when you still inside the room. paint the background with dark blue colorthen add several white stars spread everywhere. if you can, try to draw several star warsspaceships to make it even more authentic. you can also extend the painting not onlyon the ceiling but also on the wall according to the design used.
4.spaceship miniaturestar wars home dã©cor signature that you should use is the spaceship since they become themain thing used in the wars. of course you cannot really have the spaceshipso you can try to get the miniature instead. create the miniature of spaceship that youlike then hung them in the middle of your room. and with the galaxy ceiling that you haveused before you will feel that the spaceship really flying on the space. some of you might like to use small size spaceshiphowever some might love to use bigger size since it can also work as accent of the room.
3.lightsaber room light.the most popular weapon in star wars might be the lightsaber that used by the jedi. you should know that there is star wars homedã©cor lightsaber room light that design with the weapon appearance. the lightsaber room light also comes in differentcolor like the real lightsaber you see in the movie. you can choose which light that suit yourroom theme. to truly enjoy this light, you might needto dim or even turn off the other light inside your room then use the lightsaber room lightas your night lamp.
2.figure collection.a lot of star wars fans has collect figure from the movie since a long time ago. this is why loyal fans have huge number ofcollection that stored inside their house. if you one of those loyal fans then do notjust put all of your collection in storage, instead put them on a nice glass shelf todisplay. it will be able to work as star wars homedã©cor items which very valuable because of their rarity. you can also become happier when spendingtime in your room which filled with the collection; surely more personal star wars room is whatyou looking for.
1.star wars poster.do not forget to show that your room theme is indeed star wars theme by putting severalstar wars posters on the wall. you can use the poster in every room fromyour theater room, living room and even bedroom. the star wars home dã©cor poster could befrom the movie poster or other creative poster that you can even design yourself to matchwith the preference of your room. put them inside a frame then hung them besideyour favorite figurine on the wall. tips in using star wars theme for your roomwhen you want to use star wars theme, then you must decide which part of the franchiseyou want to brings up. you can try to use the space theme, spaceshipinterior, planet panorama, and many others.
since star wars has many interesting things,you can try to explore your ideas and choose which one that suits your preference. try to also use futuristic furniture to enhancethe appearance of your design. even though the furniture does not have anythingto do with the star wars items but having futuristic item will surely support the themerather than using ordinary furniture. lighting also pays a huge difference in thestar wars home dã©cor display that you create. this is why you need to create nice ambiencewhich suit the star wars theme to complete your design. put on blue lights behind the furniture orglass display to increase the space and mysterious
feeling. of course, you can change the lights coloras the color you used in your room color scheme. be as creative as possible, if you have theability you might even want to make several star wars diy items yourself to make yourdesign perfect. that’s it for today episode,before you go, leave your comment, like, or lovely share using some buttons under thisvideo. see you again later maybe in the future andpress subscribe button to keep our videos in your youtube home page. thanks for watching.
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