modern bedroom furniture designs 2015

today, let's talk about buying a sofa! did you know that the average personsits on their sofa for four hours every day with such a big investment of timeyou should probably look into ways of buying a sofa that will be comfortableand long-lasting so you can enjoy every minute of those four hours so here arethe five most important tips to look for when you're investing in a new sofa orcouch or chesterfield whatever you call it when you're spending anywhere between15 to 30 percent of your living room furniture budget on a sofa and yesthat's a good number to use when planning your budget you'll want to testit out if you're going to be using your
sofa for watching tv then you'll want tosit and curl up on the sofa this might mean you should look for a sofa that isdeeper maybe with a low arm so you can lie down and rest your head on it ifyou're looking for a more formal couch then you'll want a sofa that supportsyour back has a shorter depth and keeps you in a more upright position sohowever you want to use your sofa test it out for a good investment you'll wantto purchase a sofa with a strong and well-built frame the upholstery andfabric may wear away but you can always reupholster the sofa if that is theframe on the sofa is worth upholstering look for a manufacturer that useskiln-dried hardwood preferably oak beech
or ash stay away from sofas that aremade with plywood particleboard plastic and/or metal look for feet that areattached to the frame with screws or dowels not just simply glued in placethese are all signs of how long-lasting your sofa will be a true test of a goodsofa is the padding and filling it's what most people comment on as soon asthey sit on a sofa it's either too soft or too hard so something in between isyour best bet you'll want support when you sit with a little give for comfortand most importantly you'll want that cushion to spring back to its originalposition as well overtime cushions that don't spring back make the sofa lookslauched
old and youa great combination is to have the seat cushions filled with a dense foam andthe back cushions in a down fill that means that you'll have good comfortablesupport one thing to remember is that downfield cushions will need to befluffed often like pretty much every time you get up from the sofa so ifyou're not a fan of fluffing look for foam filled cushions throughout asidefrom the actual look and style of the fabric on the sofa you'll want to take acloser look at the fabric and its construction as well i may need to makeanother video on just that topic alone natural fabrics fade over time and inthe sunlight so look for synthetic or
blended fabrics also a higher double rubcount means the fabric is more durable and therefore will look better forlonger leather on couches are easier to clean but the leather does stretch overtime and may get marked up if you have pets and little ones you'll also want tolook at how the fabric is applied to the sofa patterns should be evenly spacedand line up at the seams if you've got button tufting make surethe buttons are all firmly secured to the sofa and last but definitely notleast you must measure before you even go out to look for a sofa measure thespace for your sofa and definitely measure the width and height of everydoor hallway and stairwell in to your
roof take into account any light fixturesthat might hang low as well once you have all of that noted on a piece ofpaper measure the height within length of thesofa to make sure it will make it inside if things are looking a little tight seeif the feet on the sofa can be removed that might give you a couple of extrainches also if things are really tight consider a modular sofa like a sectionalinstant restoration hardware has a great link on their website with someguidelines on measuring it's super helpful i'll link it below so here'syour take away the sofa is the most used
piece of furniture in your home with theexception of your bed and a good well-built sofa will cost you between 15and 30 percent of your living room furniture budget so take time and testout the sofa making sure you find it comfortable then take a closer look atthe frame and the cushions as these make up the structure and support of yoursofa look for fabrics that are high-performing and then measure measuremeasure thanks for watching this little design tip we'll have lots more designtips just like this one coming soon so don't forget to subscribe hit thatnotification bell so you don't miss the next episode we've got new videos everyweek if you have any questions about
sofas couches or chesterfields pleaseleave a comment below have you had problems getting yourself into your roomlet me know and hit that like button while you're at it if you found thisvideo helpful see you soon you
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