modern bedroom furniture miami fl

modern bedroom furniture miami fl

here we are in la playa, one of themost desirable neighborhoods in all of point loma now we are nearby some of thebest beaches southern california has to offer as well as great yacht clubsfishing and all of the fun water sport activities you think of when you'recalifornia dreaming. now today we're taking a look inside this multi-levelsmart home with multi-million dollar views of not only coronado island butdowntown san diego as well with its own private movie theater and over 3,000square feet of outdoor living space let's go take a look inside. good to see ya!good to see you ty! everybody this is chase maher from the chase maher group,tell us about this place we have a

contemporary 4 bedroom, 7 bath, smart homewith over 5,000 square feet of living space 3,000 square feet of outdoor spacefirst i want to show you the savant smart home system we have six securitycameras outside but you can see it from every ipod along in the house you cansee it from your phone when you're in a way. an entertainer-style kitchen we havehandles cabinets italian carrara marble backsplash, porcelain waterfall counters,and one of the really cool features of this kitchen is this one and a half andinfuse glass breakfast-table looking over the yacht club looking overcoronado bay and of course the skyline at night. these are folding glass doorsthey fold open very easily they save

space they offer incredible view andincredible air flow. wow you talk about an entertainers dreamhome this is the epitome of entertainers dream this pool table was customdesigned by the superior institute of design in france it's a beautiful pooltable beautiful space in here you can catch amovie i think it's time for me to take you up a pool. very nice and just likethat the game is over we could have faked it but no staging on this show allof its real let's go check out the movie theater. let's do it! so you can doanything you want in here you can catch a game, you can play video games,beautiful furniture, you can lay down, you

can hang out, you don't gotta go anywhere!next we're gonna show the office, bam! and as you walk in, i mean you got to stopand pause because you have that view! again it feels presidential with thesetypes of views. i got a little surprise for you, so just wait right here and giveme one second. so ty, what better way to enjoy the view,enjoy the breeze, enjoy the lighting than have your own personal gym! this is motivating! i could wake upwhether i'm in a suit or not and come out here, do my little workout got thebird zone in the background in san diego bay and downtown and coronado andeverything you need right here you have

a wet bar right here ties so you caneither workout you can make a drink it's totally your choice, but let's check outthe master retreat! we have a custom floating bed here with led under bedlighting, folding glass doors overlooking the beautiful view, ambient lighting,surround sounds and you really can't ask for anything else. the ipads that aresitting on the charging stations in each and every room really give you thebrains of the house right at your fingertips. let's just go ahead and closethe shades. very nice so everything at yourfingertips. the ensuite master bath is beautiful,soaking tub, the separate glass shower

his and her sides it's really like a resortthis is the type of property that you want to come home to and i can see right acrossthe hallway there you have a large master closet as well. everything youneed is here in the home. bam! so here we are i mean this is amazingand you almost forget when you're touring the home because you see it sooften from every room; but really you got to stop and pause because this is notnormal. this is a multi-million dollar view in one of the best areas in sandiego. i want to show you this cool little lounging nook right here and theni'll show you the pool area. very nice! retreating from the master, you have your,i call it the lounging nook, really cool

piece of furniture here for you to laydown and read take a nap. oh you're gonna take a nap right now? i gotta try thisout with the trees and everything here. i just feel so relaxed. well you're workingso hard you deserve a little nap man. oh man okay i'll catch up with you later! alright cool! so ty i know it's nice up there, but areyou ready to come down? i'll show you the rest of the house. you know, i'll make myway down. so ty i'm glad you woke up from your nap. i hope it was a great one. now that we're out here over 3,000 square-foot outdoor space. you have your pool, youhave your sp. resort style lounging for your cocktails. you have a custom, withsalt stone barbecue table, built-in gas

grill. when you're looking back at thehouse, i really want you to imagine, you have folks inside in the kitchen hangingout, making food, you got people in the pool, you got people lounging in thechairs, you got music over here on the patio, the barbecues going, the outdoorpatio over here, more lounging, more space for entertainment and shall we enjoythis couch and enjoy this view? oh so relaxing! you know that'sthe nice thing about this home, and that actually could be another theme of thehome, relaxation. i don't even know if i want to sell this place anymore. let'sjust buy it ourselves. i'm thinking we go half and half, but first chase, we got tojump in the show helicopter! they're

waiting for us; we'll take a look at thecommunity from the air; we'll fly over the yacht club's, the beach, the sailboats,you just have more fun! excellent i can't wait for the chopper. let's go do it! alright chase, here we are above the home! another great perspective of a great property. talk a little bit' about the home, now that we can see really how large it is. it's a beautiful property from the air just like it is down on the ground it'sreally nestled surrounded by trees you can really tell how unique the thebackyard is. the pool looks fabulous and you really see some really nice realestate around it, but i tell you what man,

all i look at, is this property standsalone, as one of the nicest in the area and it's really cool being up here. talk alittle bit about the community, what are the neighbors like? all around everyneighbor that i've been meeting everybody in the area so nice and kind.the thing i like about point loma is the sun rises on one side, it sets on theother, you're always getting that natural light, you're always in the sun, you'realways having fun, you just turn down the corner, you have a private beach, you havethe yacht club right there and your beautiful areas like cabrillo and sunsetcliffs, ob, you're a short drive to mission;centralized, but your private and you're

in the heart of la playa. who would wantanything more? now being up here, looking down at the home, i mean it's anentertainers dream home. we threw an incredible event there last night. itreally gave everybody the perspective and to see the potential with this homeoffers. there's 90 people in there, there was music, it was really an incredibletime. just like you said, it was made for entertaining. and as we kind of mentioned before, but through that event you kind of get the feel of both perspectives ofthe home, the entertainment style property that it is, but then now andeven when we were just down inside not too long ago, how peaceful and quiet andprivate the home is. exactly like you

said you have both ends of the spectrum andit's flawless at both ends. you had to sum this home, this community in onesentence, i'm gonna put you to the challenge, what would that be? a contemporary smart home nestled in the private and beautiful la playa with anythingyou want all around it. boom! great job chase! thanks so much! thank youty

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