modern bedroom grey and white
[upbeat music] - i'm monica mangin,and i believe that updating your home doesn't have to takea ton of time or money. i show people how to getpinterest-worthy spaces that are just right for them. - this doesn't evenlook like our house. - are you kidding me?- whoa! [laughter]- give me one weekend,
i'll give you five projects,and you'll have a completely transformed space by monday. ♪ ♪ this weekend, i'm in new jerseyhelping out a couple with their master bedroom,and i don't know what it is, but master bedroomsare the number one most forgotten room, andthey have lived in their home for nine yearsand have not done a thing to it. this couple describestheir style
as "minimalist wannabes." right now, they havea whole lot going on in their roomand in their life, but they'd really liketo simplify and make this just a very streamlined,tranquil place that they can get awayat the end of the day. - here we go.- so, i like what you've done with the place.- yeah. - i'm actually kindof surprised.
you guys said you've beenhere nine years and haven't touched it at all.- we've done stuff in just about every otherpart of our house, except for this bedroom. - it's literally the casewith every master bedroom. everybody puts iton the back burner. they're like,"i can just close the door." but nine years is a long timeto be closing the door. - right?- yes.
- hey, i'm bryce.- and i'm kim. - we're here ingloucester city, new jersey. this bedroom is hungryfor a makeover. - we've had a little bitof damage. the outside has beentaken care of, but sort of the cosmetic endon the inside, never been touched.this room hasn't seen a drop of paint.some of the furniture, i've had since high school.- wow.
- organizationin the closet is nil. - we just have been very busy.we have three kids. - mm-hmm.- we spend so much time in our lives giving toour family, giving to others. having a little havenjust for us feels so necessary, you know?- we both need workspaces at home.- okay. - for me, i'd really liketo have a standing desk-- is always an idea,that i've love to have
something like that.- okay. so, style-wise, you guys saidthat you'd describe yourself as "minimalist wannabes,"which i think is kind of awesome.i think everybody wishes they were a little bitmore minimalist. - yeah.- i can't turn you into minimalists.after i leave, that's all up to you.but i do wanna kind of run with that theme design-wisethroughout the weekend.
so instead of layeringa ton of stuff into the room, we're actually gonna layera ton of texture into the room, so hopefully that all the stylecomes from kind of low-profile things thataren't adding to the space, and then it's your perfectbackdrop to become minimalists. - [laughs]- all right. - great.- all right, well, you guys aren't actuallyminimalists yet, so we have a good amountof stuff
we need to take out ofthis bedroom. first thing we'll do isbox everything up, get it all out of here.we'll have an empty space and start on the first project.okay? - great.- all right, sounds good. - grab something,and here's to minimalism. [band vocalizing]- whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. whoo-hoo-hoo. - all right, i promised you,once we emptied this room,
we would get ontoour first project. there's a little bit more prepwe have to do, though, before we can get to that.we are actually gonna say good-bye to this carpet.- yes! - whoo-hoo.- [laughs] good. i didn't think--i mean, some people are not thrilledto lose the carpet, but this looks like it'shad a long, hard life. - it sure has, yeah.- it's served its purpose.
- so what's gonna happen next?what are you gon-- what are we gonna dowith the floor? - good question.- well, that depends what we find underneaththe carpet. - okay.- it does. we kind of have a plan aand a plan b. i'm really hopingthat plan a works out, but if not, there's gonnabe a plan b. we'll come up with one, right?- hoping for plan a.
- [laughs]- yeah, absolutely. - fair enough.- we'll make up a plan b on the fly if need be,but i think plan a is gonna work great. so i know that there's gonnabe hardwood under this carpet because of where we're located and the age of this home,but i don't know what condition it's gonna be in, and thatcould be a total game changer. all right, this is the moment of truth.
this is gonna determinewhether we're going with plan a or whether we make up a plan b.[laughs] - all right.- all right, let's see what we got. - ooh-whee!- hey! - ooh.they are a mess, though. - no, they're awesome.- no? okay. - that is plan a, right there.- awesome. - that has "plan a"written all over it.
so these are some crazy-beatold floors. - they sure are.- but they're wood, and i can totallywork with this. - okay.- it's definitely gonna work. i talked about texture.- yeah. - we got all the textureright here. [laughs] - okay.- [laughs] okay? - yeah.- so now, we just gotta get all this padding up.i'll grab a trash bag.
we'll get it out.and we need to also work on the tack stripalong the edges. [mellow rock music] - i really can't imagine whatshe might do with the floor, because it's not inthe greatest shape. - yeah.- she tells me that it's somethingthat she can work with, and i trust her,but at this point, i'm not so sure.
- all right,you all cleaned up? - all cleaned up.- well, we're about to make a big ole mess again. [laughs]- all right. i like it.- so now, you can kind of see what we're dealing with're you feeling about this? - i'm--i don't feel convincedthat we can get all of this off the floor.- so the plan with this is that i wanna get allthe orange paint up, all the spackle we aren't getting it to,
like, the originalrestored wood. we don't have timefor that in a weekend, okay? so what we wanna do now is, we have a prettyheavy-duty grit on our sandpaper,and we are just gonna get all the chunky stuff offof here. - all right.- if we need a coarser grit, like a--like a-- we have,what, a 120 on right now? - we have 120,and we have some 80s...
both: and then 60s. - so the lower numberis a heavier grit. it'll rip it up harder,but we're gonna start high and work our way down, so...we don't wanna go too aggressive to start with. all right, that took me abouttwo seconds to realize that we needed a lower grit,so we're going with the's really gonna get the paint off.
[sander whirring loudly] hey, guys! cut it, cut's hard to hear, huh? so just thought we'd havea little team powwow, here. how is it going for you guys?is everything coming up? what's your situation?- i can get the spackled stuff, but the orange paintis really difficult. - yeah, it's not's not budging. - mm-mm.- so i'm gonna give you
a couple options here, okay? my plan was to sand it all and then do a whitewashon your floor, which basicallyis watered-down paint. but i actually think,with the whole situation we have going on here,we should try and get all the spackle up,and then without watering down the paint, paint the floors. the other option wouldbe to get, like, a big,
like, drum sanderand all this and that, but even then, we don't reallyhave enough time for that with everything elsei have planned for this room. so how do you feel aboutwhite painted floors, and then we can come backand distress spots, if you even want to. - i'm down with that.- sure. mm-hmm.- are we down with that? - yeah, totally.- okay.
- so right now, we would justget the spackle up? - so we're gonna focus moreon the white spots. - okay.- basically, what we wanna do now is, it doesn't matterhow it looks. it's gonna matter how it feels.we wanna get it pretty smooth. - gotcha.- okay? so any of the chunksand stuff like that. - okay.- so this is called "designing on the fly."[laughs]
and going, "oh, crap.plan a isn't gonna work." so this is like plan a.5.- and a half? - yeah, a 1/2.- [laughs] - all right? the bummer is,this paint is not coming up, and that means i'm not gonna be able to dothe whitewash treatment that i had in mind,but it's kind of just what you have to do when youdeal with these old homes--
just design on the's kind of my specialty. [electronic music] all right, so you and i aregonna work on a project in here, and we're gonnafocus just on this one wall right now, okay? we need to do it beforewe paint the floors 'cause it's gonna takea little while to dry. - got it.- all right? so i have a wholebunch of stuff here.
i have trowels,i have joint compound, i have tinters.and what we're actually going to do is try and getthe look of faux-cement. - mm.- so i wanna get the look of that withoutactually bringing cement in, so i thought joint compoundtinted gray would look a heck of a lot like cement.- yo, all right. - okay?- all right. - now, i've never done this,
and i don't know if anyone'sever done this, but i'm pretty confident thatwe can figure out a method that's gonna look awesome. what do you thinkkim's gonna think? - yo, i think this is beyondwhat she even thought of, so i'm excited.- you mean she didn't think "faux-concrete wall"? [laughs]- i don't think she was heading that way, buti think she'll be impressed. - joint compound alwaysmakes me crave
a peanut butterand fluff sandwich. every single time.- yum! yes! - i'm like, "oh, we really needa fluff sandwich." - yes. - so this isliquid cement color. it's basicallya tinter for cement. we are gonna usethe same product, but to tint our joint's very concentrated. a little will go a long way.
that looks awesome.- that's pretty great. - so, yeah, we have, like,a nice light gray color. so we're gonna tintthis one differently, because to get the lookof concrete, we wanna have a major variancein the color. we're gonna put just barelyany tinter in this one. it's getting a bit ofa gray tint. - yeah, a little bit. - the idea here is to usedifferent shades of gray
that we can blend togetheron the wall to get the look of concrete. so let's start getting someup on the wall, see which colorwe like on the wall, 'cause right now, we're justseeing it in the bucket, and the blue coloris kind of impacting it. and then we'll go from there. usually when you're workingwith joint compound, you don't want air bubbles,you don't want lines.
we do.we want texture. so what do you think?- i'm feeling it. i'm seeing where this is going.- are you seeing it? - do you want moreor less wall, or... - i mean, that's reallyup to you. maybe we do some of these big,kind of overarching strokes that you're doing,but then in some areas, just leave it plain, and seewhen we mix in together? that's gonna look great.
we're finding that startingwith long, vertical strokes of the darker shade, thencoming over the top of them with shorter strokesof the lighter shades is giving us the mostconcrete-like look. remember, this is justour method. yours could be totallydifferent. this project is the epitomeof perfectly imperfect. just don't overthink it. what do you think?- wow.'s a great texture. i love the color.that, you know, the blended, not blended.- i feel like it just took a little while, and thenwe got into the groove, right? - uh-huh, uh-huh.- i really like it. this is gonna takea while to dry, so kim and i are gonnastart working on the floor, so we'll clear allthis stuff out of here. - beautiful.
- the room looks already reallydifferent, doesn't it? - yeah, doesn't even look like the same now, this is gonna really be a game changer.this is gonna clean and crisp up this space, and the number one thingto remember when painting a floor-- and i learned thisfrom experience-- is don't paint yourselfin a corner.
- literally.- so we'll start up there and then work our waybackwards and out, okay? - okay.- one thing i didn't mention is that we're usingporch paint. so this is intendedfor high traffic. - right, yeah.- it's really gonna hold up, kind of like that orange paint.- good idea. [laughter] - so there's a whole teamof people that are like,
"you cannot painthardwood floors!" and i know that some of youout there right now are freaking out that i'mgoing to paint these floors, but honestly, they're notthe best hardwood floors, and it would takean entire weekend-plus to strip them down, sand them,refinish them, and guys, this is"the weekender." i need to finish five projects,not just one, in a weekend, and i promise,even if you're thinking
that i'm crazy for painting it,it's gonna turn out awesome in the end.just you wait and see. we're rolling into sunday witha fresh coat of white paint that will bethe perfect backdrop for my minimalist design. [band vocalizing] and bryce is out backcutting and staining some long pieces of lumberfor a top-secret project. he's got no idea whati plan to do with it,
and that's just the wayi like it. okay, we are gonna kick offthis morning with some home organization.both: all right. - so i needed this to kind ofbe a quick and easy project, 'cause we have a lot ofother big ones going on i need to wrap up.i picked up a closet kit, and it's considereda no-cut kit, so we don't have to dealwith, like, metal snips and resizing things.
it's completely adjustablein the closet. basically, it's likea track system. everything is gonna run off ofthese little guys, here, okay? - mm-hmm.- i think it should be quick and easy and really,really organized. and i knew we didn't needanything too fancy, 'cause you're wannabeminimalists, so, simple. - exactly. - all right, now what we'lldo--again, since this is
a no-cut kit--is just overlap this. okay, so these arethe verticals now that literally justclip right on. the next piece arethese little brackets. these are our shelf brackets.these literally go like this. the beauty about this isit's completely customizable, so as we go, i mean,we're gonna make this work for you guys.- mm-hmm. - okay, so i feel like wefigured out the organization.
- love it.- but let's see now, like, if this is actually gonnabe practical. let's throw on some hangers,some bins. so here's my thought: your clothes, her clothes,and then over here, we have an areafor longer things. dresses, coats,things like that. i think it's gonna bea lot more functional. - voilã .there we go.
- not too shabby, right?- love it. - all right, kicking offthe day with another project. you ready?- yes. - okay, we're usinga project panel. this is, like,my go-to at lowe's when i need to doan easy build. - okay.- and because of how hard we worked yesterday, weneeded an easy one, okay? - all right.- so this project, you and i
are working on it together'cause it's actually kind of specifically for bryce.- yeah. - this is going to becomehis new standing desk, okay? - awesome.yeah, he will be pumped about that, yeah.- he mentioned that he really wanted one.this is gonna be the world's easieststanding desk. - okay.- this is basically the desk. - i like easy.- so we have this
project panel.they come, like, pre-wrapped. sometimes, i have to, like,cut them down to size. this is actually exactlythe size i want for his desk. - that works out well.- so you know where your bookshelf was?- yes. - the antique bookshelf?- yes, yes, uh-huh. - that is gonna becomehis new work nook, right there. the only thing that we'regonna potentially do a little bit differently hereis do a combination
of two different staincolors, okay? - oh, okay, cool.never done that before. - a lot of--it's suchan easy thing to do, and there's a certain colori want to go with some other thingsthat are in the room. - okay.- so i just like to mix and match. all right, so let'sbring this in, and we're gonna beworking back here.
- okay.- so this is the new home office in this area.- awesome. - all right?so come on in, and you can kind of see...- okay. - here, hold one end,and i'll hold the other. - yeah, mm-hmm.- one of the biggest things with the standing deskis the ergonomics. you want it to bejust the right height. - right.- which is gonna be a little
tricky, now that i don'twant bryce to see it. - yeah.- how tall are you? - i'm about 5'2", andbryce is about six feet tall. - 6' feet.jason, how tall are you? - why?- [laughs] just tell tall are you? - are you sure?- can you just come in here for a second? i think that just was a littleharder than i need it to be.
hello!- hello, hi. - you look like a nicesix feet tall. - i'm exactly six feet tall.- great. so is bryce.- with my lifts. - [laughing] with your lifts.- [laughs] - so bryce is six feet talltoo, and i need this desk to be perfectly ergonomic,so here's the way you figure out the height.what you wanna do is, when you are working, you wannahold your hands by your side,
and then you're gonnabring your hands at a 90-degree angle.- 90 degrees. - okay.they feel comfortable? - yeah.- okay, that should be right where the heightof your keyboard is. - my laptop wouldbe right here. - so this is a funny,exact science. - yeah.- not quite exact, but 43 inches is wherewe're gonna put it.
- sounds good. - to support the desktop,we'll start by adding a ledger board on the wall,making sure that we hit studs with our nails. next, we're drilling two holes on opposite cornersof the desktop. we're securing eye hooksinto the holes. then we're taking chinthat we've cut to size and securing thatonto each eye hook.
after nailing the desk top tothe ledgerboard, we're loopingthe chain onto hooks that we've attachedto the wall. and there we have it: a fancylittle standing desk. all right, so i said i wasgonna add texture to this room, and we have added a lot.we've addressed the walls and the floor,but i'm not done there. we are going up to the ceiling.i am going to add some kind of minimalist,thin planks that are really
just gonna bringthis entire room together. i did have brycestain this wood, but i wouldn't tell himwhat it was for. so what i have hereare 16-foot lengths of 1x6 pine, and i'm goingto run these planks coming out of the cementaccent wall. all right, so the woodis ready to go. jason, how are we gonnaput these up? - we are going to adda little bit of..
- liquid nails!- liquid nails to the backs of them.- yup. - and we have our finish gun.- yup. - we're gonna tack theminto the joists. - yup.all right, it's super important if you're ever putting anythingup on the ceiling to make sure that itis super secure, so that's why we're doubling upwith the liquid nails and nails that are definitelygonna be right into a joist.
so it's kind ofa low-profile beam. it's not like a big,thick chunky beam, and that really fitswith the minimalist style that we're going for here.all right, cool. so we have our first beam up, and i've pre-measuredthe ceiling, and i know that i want themabout 7 1/2 inches apart. so you know meand my cheater blocks. i cut a 7 1/2 inchcheater block
so that we can just hold it upand put the next board up, and we'll have equal spacingall the way around. cool.all right, so you can see now that you get a little bit ofceiling, a little bit of wood, and i really like the spacing.i didn't want them too close together,or it'd be overwhelming. this is gonna bethe perfect accent. i think it's gonna be awesome. all right, one, two, three.
- [laughing] what?- [laughing] holy crap.- oh, my gosh. look at that ceiling!you're kidding me with the ceiling.- [laughs] - [exhales] i'm so shaky.- it looks like the room is bigger.- look at the wall! i can't even...- what do you think of that wall, honey?- like, i don't even have any words.- i feel like i'm in
another country. the texture of it...- uh-huh. - like--like some of itin some areas, some of it not in other, the fact that it wasn't straight lines was...- and i didn't do anything to the wallafter we finished. - really? yeah?- so it just took time to dry. so you kind of hadto trust the process, trust it to do whati was hoping it was gonna do.
turned out awesome, right?- totally worked out. oh, my gosh.- i feel like i can't even take it.there's too much to take in. [laughter]- but there's so little. - but it's so little too![gasps] look at your desk! - yay!- oh, babe, look at that. - oh, my gosh.- let's see. - yeah, we need to test it.- we did an ergonomic test. is it correct for you?- should i try it out?
just walk up to it.yes! - basically perfect.- perfect 90. - basically perfect.- we talked about pulling everything outof the room and layering in texture, and you can kind of hopefullysee where we did that. - uh-huh.- we did the wall, the ceiling, the floors.- the floors! that's what i'm, like,stuck on right now.
- oh, oh my gosh.- look at our floors. - oh, my gosh, were right about the floors.- that's amazing. - i was skeptical.i'll be honest. - yeah, he even told me.- i was like, "i don't know how thisis gonna work out." - [laughing] not sureabout the floors! - "i really don't know."but... - so you guys werechatting behind me back?
- yeah, but justabout the floor. - yeah.- i was like, "let's just trust her." [laughs]- yeah. - [gasps] wait, didthe closet get done? - [gasps] "wait!"- [laughs] - actually, yes.i gave you some organization and style and loadsof functionality. - oh, my gosh! holy crap.- yeah.
- so really organized,tons of bins for your small-scale accessories.- uh-huh, uh-huh. - his and her.your shoes... - oh, my gosh.- your laundry basket fits. - it's, like, exactlywhat we could have... - everything fits.- wanted. oh, my gosh.thank you, monica. - you're welcome.- oh, my gosh! i love it.i can't even believe
this is our house.- i wanted to find an easy, high-impact way to add some sophisticationto this space and really make it feel--you wanted to, like, get away from the busy life.and in here, i feel like it feels likeyou're, like, on this amazing trip, or you'reat a hotel. so kind of just getaway.- that's exactly-- that's what we needin our lives, so...
[laughter]we need to get away every single night. [laughter]- well, now you can. - yup.- guys, this might be my favorite "weekender"transformation to date, but i wanna knowwhat you think, so leave my a comment below,and let me know what you think of this entiremaster bedroom transformation. and as always, make sureyou're subscribed
to the lowe's youtube don't wanna miss a single episodeof the "weekender." this weekend, i am workingon a master bathroom, which, a bathroom ina weekend is no joke. it's a lot to do,but the good news is, this bathroom is alreadyheaded in the right direction. the homeowners know wherethey want it to end up, they just need my helpgetting it there. [hammer smashing] can open up your eyes and check out your newmaster bathroom. - oh, my gosh!- wow!
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