modern bedroom mirrors
[music playing] this 60 second secret is called mirrormagic, taking a traditional mirror and making it contemporary. here's what you need to getstarted-- a couple pieces of five-inch decorative crown molding,a couple strips of pine, of course the mirror. and as far as tools, you're going toneed a drill, a nail gun, some wood glue, a measuring tape,your safety goggles, and of course a little bit ofpaint for that fine finish.
so i'm starting with my$15 thrift store mirror. now it's not beefy enough to go aheadand just tack my crown molding into it. so i'm using my pine strips togive me a little bit more meat. because crown molding hasto be installed on an angle, you might want to recruit some friends. and i'm just going match theseup and dry fit it before we start tacking anything together. [nail gun shot] now that we've finagledthis crown molding in place,
we're going to fill all these nailholes and the loose edges on the side. everything is looking good. and we're ready for our finalstep, which is the paint. now, here's a little trick. if you're painting a mirror,you don't need to use blue tape. just pull out a razorand scrape it right off. and there you have it, 60seconds to a brand new mirror.
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