modern black gloss bedroom furniture

hi there, it’s rosanne here from countrychic paint. although chalk-based paints are often associatedwith shabby-chic, distressed furniture, that doesn’t necessarily suit everyone’s style. that’s why today i’m going to show youhow to create a more modern looking furniture finish with country chic paint. stay tuned to find out more! modern home decor is generally known for cleanlines and smooth finishes. in this tutorial i’ll show you the stepsto achieve this look and feel with country chic paint products. to start, you’ll want to use our countrychic paint synthetic bristle paint brushes
when you paint your project. these brushes are all designed specificallyto be used with our paint and they will create a professional looking finish with minimalbrush strokes. another great option is using our paintingsponges which are perfect for applying smooth, thin paint coats. i painted this little chair a few days agowith two thin coats of bliss, all-in-one paint to give it opaque coverage. as i mentioned, most modern-style furniturehas clean lines and an opaque finish, so i’m not going to distress this piece at all.
instead, i would like to create a butterysmooth finish. to achieve this, i’m going to show you howto wet sand and seal your piece with hemp oil for a modern look. hemp oil is a drying oil; this means thatit polymerizes and hardens into a protective coating for your furniture. you can use it on raw wood, furniture piecespainted with country chic paint, on leather, or even on wooden floors. best of all, it’s 100% natural and containsno chemical additives at all, so it’s very safe to use.
when applying hemp oil over a painted piece,you want to make sure that you give your project at least a couple of hours to dry completely. i’m going to use this painting sponge toapply the hemp oil to my piece. it’s easier to apply sparingly instead ofusing a brush. the hemp oil is quite dark green, howeveras you apply it on your project, you’ll see it darkens the paint color but that willlighten as the oil dries. it definitely does not make your piece lookgreen. when you’re done applying the oil, you canrinse your sponge out with some warm water and a gentle soap.
now to achieve that buttery smooth finish,i’m going to gently wet sand my piece with this 400 grit sanding paper. i’m folding it around a sanding block tomake it easier to use. you want to make sure you keep your paperflat, and you want to use a light hand. when you’re happy with the smoothness, usea lint-free rag to buff away any excess oil. then you can let it sit for 12 hours so theoil can fully penetrate into the finish. after you’ve let the first coat of oil dryfor about 12 hours, you can use a clean, lint-free rag again to buff and remove any excess oilthat might be left on the surface still. depending on how much use your piece willget, you may want to add 1 or 2 more coats
to add more protection. by using the ultra-fine grit sandpaper incombination with the hemp oil you can create a stunning modern look on any project piece! i hope you enjoyed this video! make sure to leave a comment if you have anyquestions, or click the like button! if you’d like to see our upcoming tutorials,make sure to subscribe to our youtube channel. visit our website: tofind out more about our products and to see where you can find them. thank you so much for watching and happy painting!
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