indian traditional home decor items online

indian traditional home decor items online

how to make a carrot slinky and cucumber garnishhi everyone, i am davy devaux and i'm going to show you guys how to make a carrot slinkyand some cucumber garnish, and something to do with some potatoes again, too.there is two ways to do everything, there's an easy way and a hard way. now i'm goingto show you how to make a carrot slinky the easy way and the hard way, and the cucumbergarnish the easy way and the hard way. i'm going to start with the hard way first.the first thing you want to do is you just cut a block of carrot like this, nice bigone and you dehydrate it inside some salt for about a half an hour, 30 minutes. thiswill cause the carrot cells to become nice and soft and easy to cut, the only downsideis it does taste kind of salty so it's only

good for decoration on sushi plates.the key is you move the knife up and down and you don't press and it should just slicethrough it like butter, and i'm not kidding, it should feel like slicing through butter.if it doesn't then you must dehydrate your carrot longer or sharpen your knife what i'm using here is a miyabi knife, they are extremely sharp and great to that you have your carrot sheets, for no reason at all i'm going to switch to adifferent type of knife and i'm just going to make strips. what you do is you take thesestrips and you curl them around a chopstick and leave them there for about ten minutes,just to adjust to their new shape. so just twirl them around.once you have left them on the chopstick long

enough you just simply remove it and it shouldretain its shape. it's a beautiful decoration, but this way you can't actually eat it becauseof the salt. but with the easy method, which i will show you now after doing the cucumbergarnish, you can actually eat it because you don't require salt.alright so now for the cucumber garnish, you simply want a block of cucumber like so, andnow you want to core it, you just take the core out and now you have a piece of cucumberwith a hole through it. take a paring knife then you begin cutting in a circular use your thumb to feed the cucumber through, so you have a lot of control like this becauseyour thumb shouldn't go into the knife. using an extremely sharp knife like this small miyabiparing knife, and you just keep feeding it.

it's very important to keep your concentrationbecause after a while it can get a bit of mundane, this task and you can start to kindof slip up, which is kind of annoying. okay, so once you've got enough, you justcut it off and then you just pile it on plates like so and it just looks interesting. somethingcompletely different and don't really see that very often.that was the hard way to do things, now the easy way. i know this is kind of cheatingbut this device, it makes all the hard work easy to do, now this is going to become abit like an infomercial, i'm sorry about that. alright so this thing is very simply to operate.all you do is just pull out these slots and for the cucumber you just use the flat one,slide it in, move this back, pop this thing

in, pull it in with that, press here and justturn. alright, there you go, just take this outand bam! look at that, enough garnish for two, three, four plates. that's just awesomeand it does it just so much faster and so much better. i mean, it's a great you want to do something else, you want to do some carrots, you just slide out thecarrot thing like that, and then you just turn.this makes the job so much more easy, now if you're in a restaurant it's great to havethis thing, but at home you're probably just going to buy this and just leave it insidea cupboard, so probably no point to buying it. i mean it's a cool device, don't get mewrong, $26. a link just appeared on the top

left corner and that will take you to my storewhere you can get this. so this is great, i mean it's beautiful garnishand you can use it on your sushi plates -- awesome. but are you going to spend $26 to buy thismachine just to decorate your plates? probably not, so another great thing you can do withthis, you can make curly fries. so you just pop a potato through it and in no time atall, look at that. just amazing, and you just put some nice paprika powder on this, a littlebit of salt, chuck it in a deep fryer and you've got some amazing curly fries. i meanthat's just -- that's awesome on its own. i would just buy it for that. the curly friesare great because you can make this everyday to go with steak and lots of other meals.the garnish is great but you're only going

to use it once in a while, and otherwise ifyou buy it just for garnish you are going to have this thing on a shelf. so, it's greatthat you can do curly fries also, that's awesome, that makes it worth it i think.for next week's sushi roll video you have two choices, either sushi letters or chickensushi. my recommendation is sushi letters, but i'm going to leave it up to you guys soleave your vote in the comment below and i'll tally them up and then we'll see what i make.end

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