modern mansion master bedroom with tv

hi, tom here and welcome to my new circle line art school video, how to draw a modern house in 2-point perspective: please subscribe for a new video everysaturday! start by drawing a horizontal lineslightly below the middle of your paper, this is the horizon line which is theheight of the eye of the viewer, it's the same height as the eye of the personlooking at the view, next we can draw a vanishing point, a dot on the far leftand the far right of this horizontal line, in two-point perspective all of theparallel lines going left will meet at the left vanishing point and all of theparallel lines ago right will meet at
the right vanishing point, next draw avertical line a little bit left of the centre of your page, this will be thenearest corner of our building, now we can draw a diagonal line from the top ofthis vertical line to the right vanishing point and another to the leftvanishing point, next draw two more diagonal lines fromthe base of our vertical line, so now we have the left and right side of ourbuilding, we can add a vertical line to the left to show whether building stops and another vertical line to the right,all vertical lines in this drawing need to be parallel to each other andparallel to the edge of the paper...
to draw a floating flat roof we need two more diagonal lines going to the right vanishing point, and we can take these two lines to the leftvanishing point too, and now we can just mark a smallvertical line on the left, and the right of these new diagonal lines, to showwhere the edge of the roof is, next, from this point on the left we can draw a diagonal line all of the way to the right vanishing point, but we only need thefirst part of the line, just here, so, again from this point we can draw adiagonal line to the left vanishing point, but we only need to use the firstbit of the line for our drawing, so now we have drawn the back of this floatingroof at the top of our building, next we
can draw two more diagonal lines to theright and left vanishing points, now, where the left diagonal line touchesthe left horizontal line we can draw, from that point, a diagonal line to the right, on the right diagonal, line we can draw ashort vertical line here, next, from the left vanishing point wecan draw a diagonal from the top of this short vertical line, going right for abit, and now draw another vertical line going down, below the base of theoriginal building... going back to our short vertical line, we can draw a diagonal from its base going to the left vanishing point, but we only need thisline to this point here,
i will darken these lines, so that wecan see what we have drawn, we now have an overhang on the left andan extension on the right, i'll darken this vertical line too, next draw anothervertical line from the back of the house here, and now we can make a new base lineby drawing a diagonal line from the left vanishing point, again let's dark thelines,so that we can see what we have... now draw a diagonal line from the top and the bottom of this new horizontal line to the vanishingpoint on the right, for the right-hand side of the extension... next we can draw a vertical line here for the right-hand side of the building...
i think it's time to darken these lines, for this drawing i'm using a 4b pencil,so now our drawing is starting to take shape we can clearly see how the twovanishing points help us find the sides of the walls of the building, if you think about two-point perspectivedrawing and using the two points, the two vanishing points, and that's how youcreate the guidelines and along those guidelines, these diagonal lines, going to the two vanishing points, they will show us wherethe sides of any building will go to... so we could just erase some of theguidelines that we no longer need...
now on the right we can add some linesto create a border thickness to this wall... and by drawing two diagonal lines to theleft vanishing point we can find the back of the wall i will use this vertical line to workout where the back corner of this back part of the wall is,just draw a diagonal from the right vanishing point through the top of thisvertical line and a line for the base here, again going to the right vanishingpoint, time to make some of these lines darker again, so that we can see what wehave! we can repeat this interior space on theleft-hand side of the building, this time
the diagonal lines will go to the leftvanishing point rather than the right... i have used the left base vertical lineto find the back vertical line of this new space, just so the building looks theway i would like it to look, again it's a good idea to just darken the lines oncewe know they're in the right place... i will add some windows orsliding doors to the left wall here, using the left vanishing point... as i divide this shape the verticallines will get closer together as they go towards the vanishing point... we can add some more windows and doors, keep your the vertical lines parallel to
each other and to the side edge of our paper, and in this 2-point perspectivedrawing, all of the diagonal lines go either to the left or right vanishing point, next i'll add some tone to this drawing,all of the overhanging shapes will be dark, all shapes on the left of the side ofthe building will be a mid-tone and the shapes on the right-hand side of eachpart of the building will be just the white of the paper, so we'll have threetones, the white of the paper, a mid-tone and a dark tone... and so the next stage of this drawing is just to add some tone, the three tones
that we just outlined, the white of thepaper, a mid-tone and a dark tone, i think i'll also add another building on theleft hand-side, using the same principles of 2-point perspective... i post a new drawing every saturday!please subscribe to my youtube channel circle line art school, to see all of myvideos, there are now over 250 videos to see and a new one every saturday! thank you very much for watching thisvideo, i hope you found it useful for your own drawings and please leave acomment and click to subscribe to my
channel, circle line art school: thank youvery much for watching and see you next time!
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