modern master bedroom ideas pictures

if you go to a big city, you will find lots of apartments along with the hurly burly of the city life. more and more people come to big cities for various reasons. as a result, the price of a house increases significantly, which makes you have no choice but putting up with an affordable apartment which is usually smaller. but, hey! cheer up! dwelling in a small apartment is not a bad idea. the positive side is it can trigger your creativity to make the most out of it. if you have this kind of problem now,
check out these 10-bedroom ideas that suit any small area by 10. a bed under the ceiling the biggest challenge that you need to tackle is to optimize the valuable space. therefore, you need to embrace every nook and cranny. this 108-square-feet room doesn’t allow you to have a bed on the floor. even if you laid a mattress on it, you wouldn’t be able to move through. the best way to overcome this problem is by installing a bunk bed on a closet, just like this one. you still deserve a comfy bed, though.
this room is literally like a corridor. and the bunk bed lies perfectly above the entrance. as a bonus, you can curl up in bed right under the beautiful duck-blue ceiling snugly. 9. sharing room ideas in a space-challenged house, you may need to merge two rooms into one so you can save more space. and thus, you’re going to have your kids share a bedroom. when it comes to limited space, investing in a bunk bed can be your greatest bet. however, instead of stacking one bed over another, you can try stacking the bed on a closet.
this bohemian bedroom features two twin beds. unlike the usual bunk bed, the second bed is placed on the closet so the other bed won’t feel confined. besides, the bed under the ceiling can also be a perfect nook for your kids. since this bedroom is tiny, paint it white to make it look a bit larger. adding a few textural elements as a part of bohemian style won’t be hurtful. but it would be better if you put a railing next to the bunk bed to ensure your kid’s safety. 8. cool bunk bed ideas for boys your son is gonna love this idea. this is the bed that every boy dream of.
it packs lots of fun despite the tiny size. and your son will forget that he sleeps in such an undersized bedroom because all he has here is just a perfect playground. instead of stairs, make a wall-climbing slide for the access to the bed. under the bed is a game room where he can play game boards or anything. curtains are hung to cover the game room and hide the clutter out of sight. 7. elevated bed making an elevated bed can overcome your problem. this bed, for example, lies on the cupboards that you can use to store your clothes and shoes.
a stair with four steps is used to reach the bed. to maximize the space, you can turn the steps into some hidden drawers. and the best thing of this elevated bed is you can get a perfect view as it is located right next to the window. the white pendant lamp is the icing on the cake. 6. a bed over a working area if you need a peaceful space to study or do your job, but your undersized apartment doesn’t allow you to have one, you can always try this idea. a white bed with white ladder has turned this nook into a comfy place to take a nap or even have a nice sleep during the night.
over the bed is a wall-mounted shelf with a table lamp that provides sufficient light for a bedroom reading corner. under the bed is a working area. the white desk features a wide top that allows you to work comfortably. the triangular legs come in handy since they can be used as open shelves where you store your books. 5. a bed above the living room if your apartment is tiny, but the ceiling is quite high, congratulations! you are lucky because you can install another ceiling at a couple of feet from the existing ceiling to make a cozy bedroom.
this living room looks nice with the minimalist interior. a few recessed lights are in the ceiling illuminating the room perfectly. on the other side of the ceiling is a comfortable bedroom with queen-sized bed and a small table. decorative candles are put on each step, escorting you to the bedroom upstairs. tip: it would be nice if you can hang a curtain along the bedroom so you can enjoy your privacy. 4. a bed in a game room it is necessary for a boy to have his own private game room to blow off steam. but if the apartment has limited space, it will be hard to make this dream come true.
well, it couldn’t be further from the truth. you can still have both a comfortable bedroom and game room if you merge them. again, the best way to achieve it is by using bunk bed. this bunk bed floats nicely over the game room. a few open shelves are available in the game room to help you store your cds, comic books, and books. a huge led screen tv will make your game feels authentic. since the bed is near the ceiling, wooden railings are installed to ensure your safety. well, you don’t want to be injured when sleeping, do you? 3. sunshine yellow
it is said that white can help you expand your bedroom visually. but, hey! it’s your bedroom. you decide what you want. anything that can make you feel comfortable will do, even if you have to paint your bedroom yellow. yellow is the colour of joy. so, painting your bedroom yellow would be a great idea to provide the good vibes. but it would be better if you painted it pale yellow instead of the vivid one as it can help you get a better sleep. 2. diy roll-out bed
you can also make this roll-out bed to optimize the space in your apartment. it features piano hinges that allow you to roll the bed out and put the mattress you store in the headboard on the bed. and when you’re done, you can just roll the bed in so you can have more space to move through. before we get to number 1, i suggest to press subscribe button if this channel is new to you and bell icon beside it. that way, you'll recieve notification directly in your mail box. everytime i publish new video. 1. let the natural light invade the room
one of the most common ways to make your bedroom appear to be larger, which always works like a charm, is letting as much natural light as possible to come into the bedroom. pull back the curtains and install floor-to-ceiling glass windows so your bedroom can be exposed to the light. adding pops of colours would be a terrific idea, but make sure you don’t go overboard. now you know what you have to do with your tiny apartment. so, chin up and roll up your sleeves! you’ve got lots of things to do to turn your confined bedroom into a spectacular one. that's it.
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