modern parisian themed bedroom

modern parisian themed bedroom

hello welcome to my cousin's apartmentin tehran iran so i just saw this for the first time today a couple of hoursago and i am totally totally obsessed this is what you see when you walk in soit's so colorful it's so bright and happy and cozy and modern like all atthe same time so i just like fell in love with it immediately and as i'mwalking around i'm like oh my god you're so amazing you're the most talented decoratori asked if i could do a tour and she said that would be fineso i'm so excited to share with you so this is basicallylike a very modern sort of design like a lot of the lamps and furniture andthings that they bought have a very

modern but in terms of color like moderndesign elements but colorful so i thought this lamp was so cool and it'slike this place is so bright that's the other thing that i love about thisapartment and all of the apartments that i've experienced in tehran so faris that like i know in my own apartment and a lot of others back in kansas cityit's like there's no overhead lighting and you pretty much just have to light up lampsand at nights it's dark but they have so much overhead lighting so you can seefirst of all this chandelier is like so persian it's so beautiful like persians are all about their chandeliers so that's gorgeous and there's all this light all around lots of overhead

lighting so it's actually midnighti think that we're filming this but it's still so bright in here they have this astheir table as their coffee table it's just this one vase on it and i justthink it's so colorful and modern like it's like simple but really unique ireally like it then i love love love the couches i love this they're each adifferent color so this one's like a navy that was a light blue and overhere we have a pink so i just think that it likeit just makes the place like kind of have a little bit of an eclectic feelbut it's also really cohesive so i think that's really awesome another thingabout these couches is that not only are

they so like cool looking but they'reactually really really comfortable we're actually going to be watching amovie tonight and having tea after i finish filming this tour so the floorwhich is another thing that's like so amazing about persian homes it's alltile so i feel like in america most people don't have tile floorsunless it's like in your bathroom or in your kitchen but in iran the apartmentshave tile floors most of them i say really do and i feel like in america wedo a lot of wood flooring or carpet ugh i hate carpethere it's all about the tile and they'll usually throw down some persianrugs or whatever so here again you get

this a beautiful white clean tile andthen a rug over it the other thing that's really awesome about thisapartment is that my cousin-in-law basically loves to light candles sothere's all these like adorable candles everywhere and she lights them at nightand it just makes this place so so cozy and then we were talking about this sothis is actual bamboo and i'm in love with this like grandfather style clocklet's talk about this bookshelf over here so i'm like a sucker for really like gorgeousbookshelf displays and i feel like this is perfectioni love the bookshelf i love how modern it is and then i just love the thingsthat she put on the bookshelf and

there's a lot of like really persianelements too so pomegrates are the persian national fruit and so she hasthis pomegranate set right here um this is actually in farsi letters it says"hich" which means like "none" or "nothing" and i actually asked her i was like what'sthe significance of that and she said that a famous poem by rumi basically it saysthe word "hich" a lot in it and it alludes to the fact that like this worldis really nothing you know it's all about the eternal life and spirit and stuff sothat's kind of what this is a reference to down here they've got basically somei think copies of willow tree angles these aren't originals but they look alot like them there's other really nice

designs some crystal like gemstones andstuff like that and then over here more candlesi wish you guys could smell it because it smells fantastic in here with allthese candles lit and we've got more pomegranates this is one thing that ithink is so cool about this department it's not just that they've decorated itreally beautifully it's that like the actual design elements of the apartmentare amazing so it has this like built-in crystal display case andthen over here so that's actually another thing i love about the kitchenand see more beautiful design everywhere candles and very modern style chairsright here at this table you know when

they want to have lunch and it's justthe two of them this is like so cute and perfect for whenever they want to eattogether the other thing that i love is the kitchenso this kitchen is so open so like you could be here cooking like if you haveto cook all night you still feel like you can hang out with people like you'rehere you can still watch tv you can still talk to your husband or whateverso it's very nice very cozy kitchen and we actually are boiling some waterbecause we're going to have tea later as i said i think is also super cool isover here they have all their pots and pans in this holder thing and isaid wow i used to live in a really small apartment

which by the way i have an apartmenttour video up on my channel of my apartment that i used to live in and ijust moved out of a year ago and i've also a studio but this is soawesome for apartments that don't have a lot of storage or cabinet space but shewas like yeah these are really popular in iran if we head on over this way thisis actually the bathroom and shower area but so it's very interesting in iranianhomes they have like an american-style toilet so you can get let's turn thelight on the light's broken but anyway so there'san american toilet in here and also the shower but then iranian homes alsohave an iranian toilet which is a

standard sort of asian squat toilet i'llhave to do a whole video on how to use an asian squat toilet if you've neverused one i love the bathroom also so how adorable is this around like around mirror i love all these little things are so cute and this isthe most adorable little medicine cabinet and then again the tile in hereis really nice and unique and then it is a one-bedroom apartment so over heretada so they have their bed obviously takingup most of the space but again lots of really adorable design elements in hereand little personal touches again lots and lots of candles really cool littlelight here i also have noticed that a

lot of iranian people i feel likeespecially in my generation take their wedding photos and kind of do a bigcanvas with their wedding photo and put it up you know either in the bedroom orsomewhere in the living room so they have that as well and they got marriedlike one year ago so it'll be their one-year anniversary coming up soon italso has a great view out the window i'm going to show you guys the view of the"borj e milad" or the milad tower which is like a famous basicallymonument here and so they have a nice view of it out their window i'm going toactually also leap over the bed this way they have a nice full-length mirrorthis is where my cousin does her

makeup and gets ready and stuff likethat so very cute i'm going to try to see if we can show you a view of thetower like i was talking about i'm going to open this windowhere and so right across the street is actually another apartment building umoh my god this is amazing so it's that the "borj e milad" tehrantower and the weather is perfect really nice breeze happening outside right nowand that's it

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