modern rustic bedroom decorating ideas

hi, i’m jo alcorn and we are here at my client’s newoffice — a family hangout room at the same time. the whole thing that they wanted was this was kindof a catch-all room, and they need a place for him to be able to work and also for the kids to kind of lounge, hang out, make it be kind of a space where they could read or also play games. so this ishow this whole space came together. it needed to be multi-functional. the other thing is i wanted it tobe a nice tie-in, and consistent with the rest of the house, so i tried to play up with the whitesand the blues, but i really, really wanted to add some really cool detail to the wall. and this iswhere we went to metrie to get that nice little shiplap look, and we did it more in a vertical look.the other thing we did is we then painted a darker wall behind the tv, just to make that tv unit standout and kind of make the tv disappear. we used a
white and a blue from benjamin moore. from there,i went to harkel office to take a peek at their west elm workspace, and i fell in love with theirindustrial desk and bookshelf, and i went with more of a wood veneer look, bringing in kind of thatmasculine look and a little bit of that rustic feel. i was also able to customize the sofa in a niceblue fabric so that it tied in with the wall, and bringing in the different elements that had thetouch of black just brought the whole space together. we also found the chandelier at harkel, and there’sthis masculine look to it, but it also just adds artwork to your ceiling. the other thing that ihad fun with was posterjack, and this was bringing in touches of personal photos where i was able toupload it to the website, pick out my frame, figure out what i wanted the mood to look like. ihit send, and off they went to the printers and
everything got delivered and then we were able tohang everything up. one thing you always want to think about in an office is the chair that you’regoing to be sitting in. this is definitely a place where you want to splurge because if you are sittingin it for hours you want to make sure that it is comfortable, and we did find a great high-back onefrom harkel office. from there, all i needed to do was the final touches, and a good shop at homesensebrought that all together. by layering the different elements of the pillows, bringing in some greenery,making sure they’re faux so they can stay alive, and then just bringing in little touches to reallyfill in those shelving units. the one main thing that i really had to think about was the electronicswithin this space. because it is an office we wanted to make sure that we had really good wifi, and wewent with the linksys system. it’s a beautiful
little kit that just kind of sits within your decorand you never see it, but it helps circulate the wifi better than anything else. the other point ofwhy we needed to use the linksys is because of the roku tv, which is wireless — you can watch netflix,you can jump right onto youtube, and all of your apps are on there, so now it is a nice, family-friendly atmosphere with great wifi, great tv, comfortable seating and a beautiful atmosphere,all brought in with the wall detailing and the beautiful wood within the accent pieces. it’salways rewarding when your client falls in love with the space that you do, but it’s even morerewarding when the kids say they absolutely love hanging out with their dad, reading on the sofathat i put all together for them.
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