modern rustic bedroom set

welcome brothers workshop! i'm dave, and today we're bringing you guys another diy tutorial! this time a custom platformbed. tthis was done solely in my apartment complex as a reference for you guys, andit was done over the course of a weekend. so, you'll see that my outfit does changethroughout the process. but, what we really wanted to do is bringsome light to this process, and we wanted to show that you guys can actually buildthese projects. iit doesn't matter what your resources are, where you live, or if you have a woodshop at your disposal all of this is definitely doable, and with thatwe'll jump right into the video. i hhope you enjoy it! we begin this project byidentifying all the cuts we'll need to
make. to do so we measure out the exact lengths and mark the boards accordingly. for your reference we built this bed fora full sized mattress which we purchased from tuft & needle. we won't be supplying youwith any of the measurements because we built this to suit that specificmattress. many beds are different, and we suggest that you build your bed to matchthe mattress you choose for it. to find the dimensions that we needed for thebed we measured the mattress length and width, and then subtracted a half an inchfrom each side; an inch from the length and an inch from the width. therefore,guaranteeing us that when we set the bed up none of the slats would be visible underneath the mattress. since we'regoing to be building this project in our
apartment complex we went ahead and wentup to the roof deck of the apartment complexes parking garage, taking all theboards with us and making all of our major cuts up there. we begin by cuttingall the boards to length as we had marked them outearlier in the day. so, for our primary platform we chose touse cedar. this wood already came rough cut from home depot, and it was theaesthetic that we wanted to achieve. we wanted to have some kind of a mixbetween a modern and a rustic look. you'll see here that we were cuttingboth ends of the boards. this was due to splitting and cracking on most of thelumber that we had picked up. because we
want to have a structural connection atthe ends of the boards, we eliminated this splitting and cracking, so as toreduce or eliminate any potential problems with the structure of the bed. once all of the board's had been cut tolength, except for the top and bottom pieces of the primary platform. we mocked them up, and verified our measurements for the top and bottom, so that we can doublecheck and verify that our initial measurements were correct. once we had done this, we went ahead and made those final cuts. once all of the board's hadbeen completely finished, and cut we mocked it up once more to verify thatall the measurements were correct.
at this point we used our one inchdiameter paddle bit, and begin to countersink holes for our lag bolts. itwas about this time that our battery ran out, so we went ahead and loaded thelumber back up to take back down into the apartment. like the goodneighbors we are, we swept up and cleaned up our workspace. once back inside the apartment we wentahead and continued to create the countersink holes for our lag bolts. thistime utilizing our corded power drill to get a little more power, and make theprocess faster. once all the countersinks have beencompleted we switch to a regular drill
bit that was also long enough topenetrate through the board and small enough in diameter that it is no largerthan the inside of any of the threads on the lag bolts we chose to use. once everything had been drilled out wewent ahead and set our bolts in and began to drive the two pieces together. as you can see here, all we had to do wasthread the bolts into the countersink, and by utilizing a one-inch diameterpaddle bit it allows us to use a standard socket head with a deep wellattachment to drive those two boards together.
once we achieved a strong connection forthe primary platform we went ahead and did the exact same thing for oursecondary platform. instead of utilizing two lag bolts we decided to utilize oneat each corner. once the platform's have been created and secured together weused wood glue. running a bead around the underside of the primary platform andthen laying the secondary platform on top of that. once we get it down wewanted to make sure that we were squared up before the glue started to set. initially countersinking all the holesso that the head of the screw sits below the board, and then falling it up withthe screw itself. once we finish running
screws all the way around the frameconnecting those two frames together it was time to install the hairpin legs. nowthese legs we chose from rockler woodworking it's a national chain, and they sell a lot of different types of legs. these just happen to be an aesthetic wewere trying to achieve. they had them, so we went with them. this is their largest style leg made for coffee tables, end tables, and the like. they do make much smaller legs i think there's three different lengths available in store. once we were ready to install the legsall we had to do was mark out where we wanted them to sit on the piece, and usethe included screws to fasten them in.
at that point the frame of the bed hadbeen completed, so we went back up to the roof deck after having measured thewidth of the frame, and began to cut our slats out of two by fours. once wefinished cutting the slats we went back down into the apartment. sanding with 80 grit sandpaper the frame of the bed. we want to have that rustic look but wewant to make sure we're pulling off any burrs or splinters. once we finish thatwe went ahead and countersunk on each end of the slats. because we're going tobe screwing those slats, and we want to make sure the head of the screw is belowthe slat. once that was done we sanded down all the bed slats as well, so as toprevent any extra burrs or splinters
that may come from them as well. at this point we relocated the bed intothe bedroom, and began laying out the slats. utilizing 2 inch screws we securedthe slats to the bed frame. in doing so creating a little extra structure, andmade the bed much more rigid than it had been before. we went ahead and grabbed our top tuft & needle mattress. threw it on, and gave the bed a test. as you can see herewe definitely achieved our floating platform look. it's high, that waswhat we were trying to achieve, and it holds the weight of a person! once weverified that it can hold some weight we moved on to building the headboard forthe bed. to create this headboard we use
the same cedar that we had used for therest of the bed to pull that aesthetic across. in creating the connectionsbetween the horizontal and vertical members we pre-drilled, and countersunkfor more lag bolts 2 on either side. not so much needed structurally, butdefinitely created aesthetically so as to match the rest of the piece. as we did this we fit our two foot-by-fourpiece of plywood that centers our headboard, so as to make sure that all ofour edges lined up properly. once we fit our lag bolts in, and ourpiece was fairly secured. we lined up the centerpiece of the headboard about aninch off the face of the cedar board so
that it gives us some relief, and alittle bit more character. to secure the plywood to the cedar weutilized screws, countersinking each of them, and verified that we were screwinginto the center of the plywood, so as to not create a penetration of the screw ineither the front or the back of the headboard. we wanted to achieve a clean aesthetic. once the headboard had been completelyconstructed, and secured it was time to attach it to the rest of the frame ofthe bed. to attach the headboard to the platformof our bed we again pre-drilled for three fasteners. one lag bolt on eitherside going from the platform into the
vertical members of our headboard, andtwo 3-inch screws that are really going to help pull everything together. once wehad our headboard and our platform assembled we move the bed to where wewanted it in the room. after we got the bed exactly where we wanted it in theroom we used the boxspring cover that camewith the bedspread set that we purchased for this bed, and covered all the slats to give our mattress another layer of protection from any possible burrsor splinters that may cause damage to the mattress itself. with that, wewent ahead and put the mattress back on the bed, and we were done!
there you have it! an easy project to do, and super simple. i hope you guys really enjoyed thisvideo. it's definitely an easy project. i hope you guys now realize, you know some of you that are out there, and think, "i don't have a workshop, a wood shop, open space to work in." i hope you guys realize that anything ispossible you just got to be a little more creative about how you go about theprocess. know with that being said, i hope this gives you guys some insight to what theprocess is like. i hope it open some minds of the people that are out there thinking, "i can't do this." and what we really wanted to give you guys is that, that boost! you know, you can do whatever you want!
you put your mind to it, and get a littlemore creative about it. i was up on a parking garage a roof deck cutting thoseboards. it's definitely, you know, something you can do! just be a little,little cautious. you know, you want to be courteous to your neighbors. you want todo all that loud stuff outside, but that being said the rest of the project likei said earlier it's quiet on the inside. it's no louder that putting together anyother piece of furniture might order from ikea, or running your blender or mixer making baked goods. with all that being said if you guys like whatyou saw hit the thumbs up! leave comments in the comment section. we definitelyappreciate any kind of feedback! we want
to hear what you guys have to say aboutwhat we're doing, if you want to see different types of projects, or if youhave questions about this project. we're back in that comment section too helpingout our viewers. if you guys like what you saw: definitely subscribe, hit thatbell notification, and you'll get more of our content as we come out with it! with that keep building and we'll catch you in the next video!
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