modern shaker bedroom furniture

kitchen cabinets are more than just a placewhere you store spices, condiments, and kitchen utensils now. they have turned into a kitchenattraction. no wonder many homeowners are eager to update the cabinets regularly torefresh the look of their kitchen. if you want to upgrade your outdated cabinetsand transform them into modern ones, check out these 10 diy modern kitchen cabinet ideasand storage. 10. try frosted glass doors glass-door cabinets are usually found in vintagestyles. however, they can also look good in a modern kitchen if you add a twist.just like the other modern kitchens, this kitchen features a streamlined design withclear-cut edges and simple handle bars. everything
is kept down to a minimum. you only need toditch the trims and reface the cabinets with wood veneer to get this look in an affordableprice. you will also need to replace some of the doors with frosted glass convert your old cabinet doors into glass doors, you need to remove the doors and hardware.remove the panels by cutting away the lips on the back side of the doors. then, you canlay the glass into the frame and secure it using glass clips. 9. white shaker cabinets modern kitchen cabinets are not always aboutminimalist and futuristic design. even shaker cabinets can suit modern style immensely.shaker cabinet doors are commonly used in
modern farmhouse kitchens. they look up-to-dateand a little bit of classic at the same time. and that’s why many people are dying forthese doors. to make shaker cabinet doors, you need tocut stiles and rails to length and begin to cut the dados about â½â€ in each of the will make the project become much easier. then, cut the tongue which is the edge ofthe wood that is gonna fit snugly inside the dado. add the center panel, assemble the stilesand rails, and that’s all! 8. use chalkboard door for your pantry it is always good to know what is runningout in your pantry, so you won’t be lost in the supermarket. and this is a brilliantway to list your groceries, which is much
better than rooting around in your drawersto find a piece of paper and pen to jot down the list.turning your cabinet or pantry door into a place where you can jot down your grocerylist is easy. you only need to repaint it with chalkboard paint. the paint will allowyou to write down something on it using chalks. just make sure the chalk is always withinyour reach. 7. organize the drawers better the drawer is usually a perfect place to hidethe mess. you tend to toss everything in it and make it a safe haven for a clutch of miscellaneousitems. instead of letting it look messy, why don’t you try to organize it?you can make some drawer dividers using some
boards. these drawer dividers consist of severalcompartments that you can use to store and sort your kitchen utensils based on theircategory. you will not find any messy drawer anymore. all you can see is just a well-organizeddrawer. 6. use pvc pipes to get the drawer organized this is another brilliant idea to get yourdrawer organized. who would have guessed that some small pvc pipes can change your drawervery well? you only need to install some cuts of pvc pipes in your drawer, assemble thepieces using tee pvc fitting connectors, and you’re done.make sure you measure the dimensions of the jars, so they can fit snugly into each compartmentmade by the pvc pipes. the compartments will
hold the jars or plastic containers in place,so they won’t be scattered in the drawer. 5. install a magnetic plate under the cabinets when cooking, you may forget to prepare afew ingredients on the countertop. as a result, you have to make a run to your pantry to getthem. you will not do it anymore if you installmagnetic plate that holds your spices. this magnetic plate is actually pretty can attach it on the wall to hold your knives or you van just attach it under yourcabinet to hold some jars. just make sure the lid of the jars are made out of iron orsteel. 4. harness the versatility of pegboard
another versatile item that you should includein your kitchen storage is a pegboard. you may have come across a lot of ideas usinga pegboard. you can hang it on your mudroom, garage, and even kitchen.a pegboard can host various kinds of things in your kitchen – from kitchen utensilsto veggies. you just need to add some s hooks and baskets to hold them all. pretty simple,right? 3. make a pull-out spice rack the awkward space between your cabinet andfridge can be a safe haven for your spices and condiments. don’t let it leave using a little bit of creativity and elbow grease, you can make this wonderful spicerack.
to make this spice rack, you will need boards,metal casters, dowels, and a handle or knob. you can begin with making the shelf. it islike making the usual shelf, but it is narrower. don’t forget to measure the nook and crannythoroughly, so the shelf can fit snugly into it.after making the shelf, add the dowels. they will hold the spices in place when you pullthe shelf out. install the casters at the bottom that enable you to pull the shelf easily. 2. list the conversion of measuring cups when you are watching a cooking channel onyoutube, you may be perplexed with the different terms of measurements. don’t make it hinderyou from creating your masterpiece. this cabinet
door will be what you the conversion of the units of weight and make a list of it. transfer the list ontoyour cabinet door. you will also need to install some small hooks that help you hold your measuringcups so you can grab them in no time. before we get to number 1, i suggest you topress subscribe button if this channel is new to you. get new updates automaticallyevery time i upload new video and let’s find out last idea sitting on our top chart. 1. ditch the doors less is more. that’s a modern kitchen isall about. to make a modern kitchen, you need to get rid of every single sophisticated detail.keeping things simple is the key. therefore,
one of the simple things to make a modernkitchen is by ditching the door. kitchen cabinets without doors are not fact, they can be a new way to make a chic look. besides, it also allows you to get aneasier access to the cabinets. those are 10 diy modern kitchen cabinet ideasthat you can copy. they are pretty simple and – the most important thing – affordable. that’s it for now, before you leave, likethis video (if you truly enjoy it), comment it, or share it with anyone close to you inyour social media account or email list. browse and follow simphome website for more homedã©cor and makeover ideas. lastly, see you again later with more videolike this in a near future.
and, until that time….thanks for watching.
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