ultra modern bedroom sets

ultra modern bedroom sets

[captions by y translator] >> my name is blazendary. welcome to my crib. [music plays] yo, you guys!what is going on? it's blazendary here. today in this video, i'm going tobe giving you a full room tour. everything that's inside my roomfrom the couch area, to my bedroom area,through my office area, kind of, is.

everything that's on the shelvesevery part of my room, all the cool thingsthat i have on display. and this is going to be a sick one.i know you guys have been requesting this for such a long time now,and i'm finally ready to show it off. it's been a couple monthssince i've been making it. we moved in about five monthsago, and then it took so long because i was traveling and everything. i had to build up all the ikea furniture. i'm really excited to be bringingyou guys this video because it

is my most highly requestedvideo that i have like, of all time. especially now that the room is done. let's just get into it. all right, so i'm gonna give youan overview of what my room actually looks likeit is a very nice and large space that my parents did give me. it's the third floor of my house,and i'm super grateful for it because not a lot of people havea big room like this. i'm able to utilize this space very nicelybecause of my youtuber life, i guess.

i have like, a very nice area for filming. a nice camera equipment setup,where i'd stock my merch and all that. so here's a quick overlook of my room. my room starts with like the livingroom area that i call it, and then it's the kitchen area. technically like, this isjust like hypothetical. got the closets and stuff, display, shoes. over here, i've got all mymerchandise that i have and camera gear. this is kind of like my office,my bedroom where my pet is.

and then just kind oflike the living space right here. so soon as you walk up into my room,it's a very nice little long flight of stairs. and i do plan on adding some picturesand stuff like that along the walls here. it's just i didn'treally want to do that yet. i did want to give you guys a littleprogress update, maybe a couple months to see what the room looks like thenbecause i'm sure it will look different. but for the most partof the room is finalized. when you walk up righthere, you do have my pictures. this is a supreme for chadto those of the original room tour.

this is jessica right here, i knowthis is david sims, but i call her-- it, jessica. and then this is my pop up in new york. and then over here justthe air mag pictures. this is my mirror. this is the only like, fullstanding mirror that i do have. and then my piano which ido play from time to time. i'm not a serious piano player ijust kind of mess around on it for fun. so as we move into the rightside of my room.

you have my little kitchenarea what i like to call here. i bought this mini fridge at lowe'sfor like a hundred bucks. and it's really cool for when i havelike a little kick back and everything. i have a couple people over,stock up on the food right here. i do make cereal because i do have milk. so i got all like plastic utensil stuffand everything like that. all disposable. so i never really have to gorun down wash a bowl or anything, which is super helpful. in here, is nothing special at all.

this is just a little atticspace that i do have, but this is by far my favorite one. it's the most spacious oneand i can actually use it. like i have my desk right here. like packages and stuff that imight have to ship or open, crep protects and just some hardware,and a lot of storage for my shoe boxes. i don't throw out my shoe boxesbut, it's just good to always have them in case you ever want to sell them. more stuff like bags from when i boughtstuff, shoe cleaner, just the little

accessories that i just have in here. nothing too crazy. then this is my secondary closet. it's the closet that i havethat's very essential. so for example, you havesome basic tees right here. some white tee shirts,just like little graphic stuff. nothing like supreme, bape,off-white, none of that hype stuff. this is just if i was going to schoolor something, and i also have all of my merchandise right here as well.

so i thought that'd becool to show it on display. this is my louis vuitton duffel that iuse for traveling that i got at laced up palisadeswhen i did my pop up there. this is my sock and underwear drawer. and then i also have some verybasic shoes like my superstars, gucci slides, h&m stuff. dress shoes. jordans that i don't wearanymore, sperrys, loafers, whatever. and then really cool, i like these. these are custom that a fan gaveme, so i really do dig those

and i do wear them pretty often. over here, this is also kind of mysecondary display case because all that is really over there. the hype stuff and everything like that. so i figured, i keep one room basicand one room like, "damn!" so up here, is my christmascrunch that a fan gave me. some stuff from kids treats,like the milk bottle, the cereal, the napkins, all that cool stuff. and then down here is mycoca-cola bape frisbee.

over here, is my little bape uh, bapeplay mini figurine with a palace hat. some more palace accessories,i actually don't really mess with palace. like, maybe a lot of people think i would. i mainly do like, supreme and bape. and then over here, these are all myreally cool pokã©mon cards, that i actually have had like, when it--you know, when i was little. so these are my favorite cards right here. all my exs, my specialxs and stuff like that. and then like some firsteditions, some japanese old stuff.

a friend actually gave me that yu-gi-oh. uh, game boy color like, this iskind of like the retro shelf with like the minecraft bear brick. if you go down a bit, this ismy money cap, my play-doh. i used to be super into this bookcalled bakuman, and i have all the editions. as you guys may know too,i'm a huge naruto fan. and, that's my firstpokemon card right there. if you go down a little bit you gota signed picture of brad hall,

which everybody askme like, what is that? and then, just some in and out stuffwhen i went. some more sneaker books. and down there is myholy grail of crep stuff. so, shoutout to crepprotect i really do mess with it. it's actually super dope. and then, over here. you just have my mcm backpackjust chilling right there. my out a time licenseplayback feature custom thing.

and then if you look on that closetright there i just have a, i-- you know, it's a nice picture right here. it's a nice picture from a magazine. and then i'm also giving awaythese air jordan one royals. so all you have to do is clickthe link down below in the description to enter to win these. this is just a promo pairthat the store sneaker one gave me and you can win any size you want. you literally just have tosubscribe to my channel.

so click down below,in the link in the description. and that's it. so moving along over here. i actually have a wholesupreme collection video coming. so i'm not really gonna interview,or i'm not really going to showcase much of this stuff right here. you can just kind of get a quickglimpse of all the stuff that i do have that is supreme. i do have quite a lot of accessoriesand a lot of nifty stuff

that i definitely would showyou guys in another video. so supreme collection video iscoming soon along with like bape designer collection,all that cool stuff. that's a separate video. this is what i like to call myhype closet because it's got stuff like kanye merch, it's got stuff from kith, and bape, supreme over here. and you got my bape shorts, off-white. and then this is my jeans drawer. so i'm an ocd freak and i havethem organized by light to dark.

so you got the lighter jeansand the darker ones coming over here and then it ends with some blackjeans, some shorts, like bathing suits, just like sweat shorts. and then down here just some more,uh, like different colored shorts. i really don't wear shorts asmuch as i'd like to, i'm more of a jeans kind of person. still deciding on what should go in there,i'll eventually get some more clothes. this is a mirror that i spraypainted because it used to be brown. i've had it since i was like, like, five.

shout-out to this sebastian,noah, and justice. thank you guys for helpingme film this video. i do appreciate it. so this is school fan art that i'vegotten, and these are actually so cool that i actually had toput them away from the fan art. i still appreciate every pieceof fan art you guys do send me. but this kind of matches the vibeof this area, so like the nike mags, nike mags, and then the bape right there. so shout-out to you guys.

i do appreciate that stuff. coming along over here. this is where i keep mostof my hype sneakers, and if you guys can noticeit is all adidas. so i've got my custom yeezys, my special.my adidas ultra boost, some 750's yeezys, yeezys, ultra boost,rare ultra boost, custom ultra boosts that i'm still working on, inikis, nmds. that's really it for the sneaker shelf. this just my laundry bin.

so this is in front of my couch. this is where i have you know my xboxgames, my old n64 and nes games and then you got ps2, atari 2600. you've got nes, snes, and genesis, my wii. which i actually do play the mostout of all these systems because i really f**k with that mario kartand super smash bros brawl when friends are over. and then we got some n64,this is just a very basic flat screen tv it's probably like 300 bucks,nothing crazy.

i do have speakers right here, and here. and along with this really coolrgb, uh, like light fixture so i can change the colors to whatever i want. normally i keep it on blue,or like purple somethin' like that. i like purple the best. it is my favorite color. and if we step over here, you've got my nike mag box. and then you just got this, like,really cool stroke thing

once again with the blue purple theme. i can change this to whatever i want. but i do like this modethe best and the slowest. over here, are my nike mags,my most prized possession along with my 100k silver button. so shout-out to you guys, that wouldhave never been possible. if you guys never; you know subscribe,watch my videos, all that cool stuff. down here, you've just gotsome more mag memorabilia. so this is from girl gallery,then you have my hover board,

some 1985 deadstock shoes. they're nothing really special. it's just they're from 1985. so i figured i'd put them in there. a fan actually gave me this,this, and this but i did buy this. so this is the newspaper thepepsi perfect that did come back when the movie was being done. and then back to the futurecollector car and then my nike supreme air force ones,

which don't really getas much love as they used to because now i'm still kind of pro adidas. so that's the glass case and that is by farmy most prized possession probably in the whole room besides like,other stuff like supreme and everything. so coming along to this side of the room. this is kind of my camera equipment. so you've got stuff from like mygopro bag, my camera bag, my dji-- my dji drone, my controller for it,some tripods, lenses for my camera. and then down here is what i like tocall a charging station, i guess.

because you charge my kit thingright here, camera batteries, gopro batteries, my snapchat spectacles,which are super dope and they were like somebodyactually got me these while they were in la but i did buy them. this is where i have my merch so it isorganized in a small medium/large and xl. so that's where i primarilydo all my merch stuff. i do handle it kind of right in this area. i pack and ship all the orders myselfat the office space that i like to call it. the-- like my little office whatever.

so what i have here is a samsung 4kmonitor with an msi gaming laptop. this was like 15,00 bucks on black friday. and this was like a 150bucks on black friday. i think this is like 2,000,and this is like, 700 i think. it's a really nice monitor and youknow, black friday deals gotta cop. so this is what i edit all my videos on. then right here, i'llgive you a little test. this is where i print my labels. justice, here's a lint roller.

and then over here, is the stuffthat i used to ship the hoodies in, so just a very organized space. this is my desktop that idon't really use anymore. now that i have the laptopand if you look in these drawers, it's like office supplies. we have some more shipping stuff,and then just some old-- like cables and stuff that i actually use from time to time. over here is the fan art wall, so i'm do. i am asking you guys to send some fan art.

i want to complete this entire wallwith all your pictures and everything. so my po box is on the screen right now. you can check that out. here, is where i have like my littleguy named yeezus, which is actually a girl i just found out. this is my lizard yeezus,and uh, she's pretty cool. it's a water dragon. you're guys see her on the snap a lot. shout-out to yeezus.

so this is my dresser. i honestly don't really have many,many things in here. just like some like like clotheslike pajama pants, stuff like that. there's nothing really going on in there. this is my bed right here. i've got my two nightstands oneright there, and then one right there. this is kind of wherei charge my phone at night. this where i charge my applewatch that i never really wear. stuff that i like putting my pocketson the day-to-day, that's kind of that.

this is going to eventually go in my car. alright, so lastly over here. this is where i kind of keep myday-to-day shoes that i wear. so i always wear my white ultra boost. i've actually trashed these twopairs, and i have another pair that i'm still keeping on ice. and then these are just like friend'sshoes if they come over. so like, this is sebastian's, justice, noah. and i just got a plant,some pictures right here.

and then finish off the room. we're gonna start back at square one. so that's all i have for this video. thank you guys so much for watching. if you could, please makesure you smash that like button. let's get this video to 4,000likes and leave a comment down below on what you thought of my room. i really hope you guysdid enjoy this tour. i know it took a really long time to setup, but i'm really glad it's all done.

my name is blazendary. thank you for watching blazendary cribs. have a great night or day,whenever you're watching. blazendary, i'm out. peace.

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