best green paint color for bedroom

best green paint color for bedroom

[ music playing ] why would you ever consider painting the wallsin one of your homes green. let's go through some of these reasons today in this quickpodcast. welcome to burning questions where we answer all of your remodeling and paintingquestions that you need an expert’s advice on. hello! it's brenda lotz; co-founder with my husband mark from almost 3 decades where we reinvigorate yourhome and by doing so transform your life. the burning question for today is: why wouldever consider painting the walls in my home green? this is the audio version for the blogpost found at have you been in your home and walked into one of therooms that you absolutely hated the color?

of course you have, you've either gotten boredwith the color because you haven’t painted it for years or you went with the wrong colorthe last time and decided just to live with it not to have to pay the expense or the hassleto go through it again. sometimes it can be better to go with the safe room color suchas the traditional white, off-white or cream color, but sometimes picking the color thatyou wouldn't think would be your first choice is a good thing. all colors bring about emotions,so today let’s talk about green as one of the paint options and the emotions it canbring in the rooms of your home. i'll be bringing to you weekly a new seriescalled inspired by food delicious delights and food will inspire the color for that inspires all of us, we run the food either

for comfort, when we're sad or down, whenwe're happy we go to food and even when we're nervous or to celebrate a milestone in ourfamily, so why not have food inspire the walls of your home as well.this grouping of paint colors focuses on the green hues. green is a great paintcolor choice, because it has so many feelings that it can evoke. it is the color of mothernature. we know mother nature has many moods, these green paint colors can bring about manymoods as well to you and your family. some green colors are natural calming, while othersare super vibrant. if you do go with the bright green color then when you walk into your roomyou'll naturally get a vibrant uplifting feeling. some of the greens will bring about a cleanfeeling as well; check out the colors we chose

for you today.this inspiration comes from the food choices you see on the post here, asparagus, and let’sjust say that either you love asparagus or you absolutely hate it. i in fact love asparagusso that was my inspiration for the green colors for this week. even if you hate it you haveto admit it is a pretty funky looking vegetable with the bright green color. so here let’stalk about the three green colors that i suggest for you;benjamin moore 492 dune grass. dune grass brings about a clean fresh feeling toany room. benjamin moore 508 tree moss. and treemoss evokes a calming quality and naturally relaxes you when you arrive into that areaof your home.

finally benjamin moore 529 sweet daphne;sweet daphne evokes an inspired vibrant feeling. so which one do you think will go in yourhome? i like these colors for the kitchen, the hallway or even a baby’s room. markand i believe that when you paint or remodel your home it can change the way that you andyour family feel when they arrive. why not make your home that place that you and yourspouse and your children want to come home and relax into. give your comments below andwe'd love to send in your burning questions to us we'd be glad to put them out and remembermark and i always feel that when you upgrade your home, you upgrade your life.check out this blog post and all the photos on it by going to

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