traditional home decor for sale
hi i'm ann myrick and today we are going totalk about balancing your room with different types of furniture and what i mean by thatis a lot of times you will walk into the room and you might have a room that has a lot ofqueen ann pieces which are very leggy pieces or you might have a lot of small tables thathave lets and not a lot of pieces that have bases or upholstery that goes all the waydown and what you really want to do is you want to balance that out. if you walk intoa room and everything has a leg and nothing comes down solid the room looks too airy andit doesn't look anchored so you always want to have a good balance between solid furniturethat you can't see through along with some furniture that does have legs and what i meanwith legging would be if i had a lot of pieces
that just had legs and when you look downyou could only see a lot of legs. so look at your rooms and see if there is a good balancebetween having solid pieces along with having some tables or some pieces that have legs.if you do have a few pieces that you feel like you want it to look a little more groundedthen like an idea i had would be to have two identical chairs but one of them the baseof it i want to kind of cover up and make it look a little bit more solid so what ido is i bring a chest over and sometimes i use, if i have like a vanity that has thehollow area in it where the chair fits i will put a neat plant with a planter and make itsolid looking so this now kind of grounds this chair even more and it makes it moresolid so you have solid, then you have airy
then you have solid then you have leggy andyou have a good assortment of the leggy and the solid pieces of furniture. this is annmyrick and that is how to balance your room.
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