basement bathroom design ideas

hi! i’m karin, i own the design firm karin bennettdesigns here in burlington, ontario, and we are in my house to show you my basement bathroom andlaundry room renovation. when you’re designing a laundry room you want it to look pretty,of course, but it needs to be functional. it was really great because we were able to addthis really long counter, which is also deep, so i can fold my clothes and the kids’ clothes,and it makes it really easy and accessible. as well, we really wanted to have a deep kids are dirty, they play sports, so i wanted to make sure we had a really nice deep sink sowe can get in and wash those clothes really well. my family’s from finland and i really wanted toadd the warm woods, but i really like clean and crisp colors. as you can see, the ceiling is white, the walls are white, and the floor is black.
even the cabinets are white. so it’s pretty stark, but adding those wood elements and the texture really warms it up. since we used so much black and white, we didn’t want the space to feel sterile. as well, in this laundry room there’s no window,so what we did is we added some live plants. this is a zz plant and it actually can growwithout light, so that’s perfect. then we added a little bit of color in with the rug, it kind ofwarmed up the space and made it feel a little bit more livable. all the fixtures we chose for thisbasement renovation are matte black. i really like the feel of the matte black, as well for thecabinets, we chose pulls. they’re just easy to use, and they look a little bit more contemporary. in a laundry room, storage is really important, and of course, when i’m designing myown space, we’re a family of five, so i really
needed to hold all my everyday accessories and,you know, products and stuff like that. so we did one set of cabinets on the opposite sidewith a butcher block countertop, and then on this side we did quartz countertops, so they’re reallydurable which is great. i used this really great store in burlington called eden's tile-it, sowe picked up very simple hex black tiles. they were pretty inexpensive, they have a mattefinish to them, which i really like. and then, juxtaposed to that, we used a white gloss subwaytile for our backsplash, which is easy to clean, and then we popped that with grey grout. i reallywanted to be able to get a sauna in this bathroom. my family is from finland, as i said, so it wasreally important to me to be able to get that in here. but we tried something different withour sauna. i wanted to keep it feeling open
and airy, so actually on the door, as well asthe one side where the shower is, we did glass. it keeps the heat in perfectly, and it makes itfeel a little bit more open and airy, and feels bigger than it actually is. one of my favoritepieces in the bathroom is the vanity we purchased from watermarks. it’s stunning, it’s from acompany called fairmont and i love that the counter and the sink are integrated together. it’s great for storage and it kind of has a scandinavian feel which i really like. i reallywanted to get as large of a walk-in shower as i could in this space. we were able to have a 4x4shower built, which is a good size. we added a rain showerhead at the top. again, we used theblack matte fixtures with the white subway tile, and the hex on the floor, and then we surroundedit in all glass so it feels nice and bright.
i couldn’t be happier with how this bathroomturned out, i love the space planning of it. love the fact that we have storage in this vanity,and i’m so happy with our sauna. we really use this probably three times and week and even morein the winter, so it’s just so great to be able to come down here and relax and have a good sweatat the end of a day.
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