bathroom cabinet design tool
in this video, we're going to take alook at placing moldings on cabinets. this includes placing an edge profilemolding on a base cabinet countertop, maybe a shoe molding around thecountertop, a crown molding, or you also may place moldingsjust below the countertop. let's go in and take a look at theprocess. to place a molding on a cabinet, you can double click and open up thecabinet. you'll find a molding panel. if you don't have a molding already,you can use the add new. if you do have a molding,you can always replace one. let's go ahead and click add new.
browse out to the library and you'regonna find inside of our architectural library: moldings for base, chair,crown, door, and edge moldings. in this case for the top of the cabinet, i'm just choose a simpleprofile that's rectangular. i'm going to set the width at half inch. i'm going to setthe height that two inches and noticethere's a vertical offset. let's use the wheel on the mouse buttonand scroll in. see where the molding is, let's go ahead and use a vertical offset.i'm going to use a negative number,
which will raise it off the box. positivenumber moves it down onto the box. if you have that situation, you may want to add a blank item aboveyour door so you have space for that molding to protrude onto the cabinet. now you can add multiplemoldings on the cabinet. if i want to add a light raildown on the bottom of the cabinet, you can use the add new button. i'm going to select the same profile andin this case let's go ahead and set it to be one and a half inches,
and the vertical offsetwill remove from the top, and in this case we'll use a negativenumber to move it off of the box, the same distance, and then we can close the dialogueand previewer those moldings are. let's take a look at the base cabinet.on the base cabinet, i'm going to go into the molding profile. the first thing i want to do is i wantto add a edge profile for the countertop. i'll come over to the add new button. you'll find edge profiles in our corecatalog underneath the architectural
folder,edge profiles. you'll also find a bonus library in our3d library system that you can download and it gives you a larger selection. i'm going to go ahead and select theogee profile and then that will apply it onto the cabinet box. again,you can control the width. in this case i'm going to make surethat it's the same thickness as the countertop at one and a half inches.and then i want to add a shoe molding. you'll notice there's a shoemolding on the full height cabinet. let's go back in and add new,
and in this case i'm going to comedown and select the simple edge profile molding that's a quarter round. i'll set the height to bethree quarters of an inch, and again from the bottom of thecabinet you see the preview of it. let's go ahead and close the dialogue. you'll notice that the moldings actuallybump and merge here on the bottom as well as here on the can also use the material eyedropper. if i pick up the countertop material, i can spray that on the edge profileand it will apply it to that molding.
to learn more about moldings, makesure you open up the cabinet dialogue, go to the help function. this will open up the help filedirectly into the cabinet dialogue, and you can scroll down and you can learnmore about moldings and information on how they can be applied to your cabinets.
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